Whatcha Eatin’ Wednesday

FREE Salad (& Dressing ) Recipes!



Oh. Em. Gee! This dressing is MONEY! I’m looking all over my house for things to put it on! Celery, carrots, spoons, bowls! I don’t buy dressing of any kind anymore, I just find it so much easier and healthier to make my own. Not to mention the artistic freedom I have, creating works of salad-topping art! Typically, I work in oils and vinegars…until my latest discovery…

Creamy Avocado “Ranch” Dressing!


*This recipe was inspired by a dressing recipe from “The 21 Day Fix”. I just had to tweak a few amounts and ingredients for my taste!



  • 1 medium avocado (cut into chunks)
  • 1 C. non-fat Greek yogurt
  • 4 T. finely chopped herbs (I used dill, chives and parsley)
  • 2 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 3 T. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/4 C. low-fat buttermilk (more to adjust consistency if desired)
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste (lots of pepper for me!)
  • 1/3 C. extra-virgin olive oil


  1. Place avocado, yogurt, herbs, lemon juice, buttermilk, garlic, salt and pepper in a blender; cover (duh!). Blend until smooth.
  2. Continue blending avocado mixture, slowly adding oil until well-blended. *Use more buttermilk if you prefer a thinner consistency.
  3. Store in the frig, tightly covered, until ready for use. I filled a pint Ball jar to the top!

*This is tasty on salads, but also a great dip for raw veggies – and spoons! 😉

Best News: There are only 34 calories in 1 Tablespoon of this dressing…so go ahead and have 2!

Bestest News!: All of the ingredients are SUPER clean and healthy. I bet you can pronounce EVERY one of them! Well…”herbs” can be a little tricky. The “H” is silent! 😉

Unlike THIS chemical ____ storm ingredient list! YIKES! What the heck is disodium inosinate? My spell-checker doesn’t even recognize those as words, let alone FOOD! Blech!



What’s on SALE this month?!



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12 Replies to “Whatcha Eatin’ Wednesday”

  1. Love the little farmer on the label and all the pretty farm land and veggis to make us feel good about buying/eating it. lol. I remember when I realized how well that works while talking with my kids and having to explain to them that healthy veggis on the label, didn’t make it healthy, or full of veggis.

  2. Just had some avocado ranch dressing at a restaurant last night and it was divine. Not exaggerating! I’d love to make my own so I know what goes into it. Do you know how long it lasts in the refrigerator?

  3. Hi, in you measurements is the T a tablespoon? And do you have another measurement for a cups worth? Sorry am not from the US! Thanks

  4. Hi, is the t a tablespoon? And can you use low fat/skimmed milk instead of low fat buttermilk. Don’t see that anywhere here! Thanks

    1. I’m sure that substitution would work. Maybe add just a splash of vinegar to the milk (which is a sub for buttermilk, too).

  5. Hello. I am new to clean eating…so forgive my ignorance, but is buttermilk considered a “clean eating” ingredient? It has ingredients that are hard to pronounce. Is there a special buttermilk you use or would recommend? This looks really yummy!!

    1. Hi Kelli,
      Yes, I would consider real buttermilk a “clean” ingredient. Anything that is not processed, etc…:) Hope that helps!

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