I’m sorry…I’m going to have to call “b.s.” on a few things. Let me explain…Â 
If you could take a magic pill, right now, that would give you maximum life expectancy and maximum health and happiness…would you take it? I think you would! So, now that we have that cleared up…when someone gives up on their diet, or stops working out, they often walk around with their pants on fire, hoping nobody will notice. You’ll know their pants are on fire when they give one of the following ‘reasons/excuses’ for giving up:
I’m embracing my curves. Really?! But last month you were determined to get fit. You were fed up with not fitting into your clothes and decided it was time to change. But now…you’re embracing it? Nope…it got hard and you gave up. That’s it. And I get that! But let’s not try to fool anyone, and especially ourselves, by doing a complete 180 on the whole “curves” thing!
We’re all going to die anyway…might as well enjoy it while I can. And the only way you can enjoy your life is by eating very unhealthy foods and avoiding physical exercise? I don’t think anyone really believes that is the road to happiness.
I just don’t care anymore. I seriously doubt that. When you look into the faces of the people who love you, you care. You want to be there for them, and you want to be your best self. You care.
I don’t have time. Make time! Wake up a little earlier a few days/week. Â 30 minutes a day is all you need! Split it up if you have to! Surely you can find two 15 minute chunks in your day.
This is just the body that I have, I can’t do anything about it. Bologna! Genetics contribute…sure, but that’s not the end of the story. We all have the same body parts. When moved, these parts get stronger and leaner and your body WILL change shape. It’s hard…I agree. But can you change? Yes, of course you can.
I’m not fat, I don’t need to exercise. Not true either. Exercise isn’t just about your physical appearance, it’s about your internal health and fitness, too. This is a no-brainer right? Who lives a longer happier life? Mr. and Mrs. Skinny who never work out and eat like crap? Or Mr. and Mrs. Healthy who work out 3-5 days per week, and eat clean? Hmmm….I think the odds are in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Healthy!
I can’t afford a new program or gym membership. Are there any expenses you can cut? Going out to eat? Drinking? Fancy coffees? I bet you can cut out one bad habit in order to make a new workout program or gym membership affordable.
I’m too old. It’s too late for me anyway. Not likely! If you can breathe, you can do yoga, stretch, etc. Almost anyone can walk. And it’s NEVER too late!
So again, back to that ‘magic pill’. Why would you take the pill if it didn’t matter to you?! Of course it matters! If you’re going to quit, because it’s hard…call it like it is. Put on a new pair of pants and do a solid gut-check. It IS hard, because it’s worth it! It’s easy to quit. TOO easy! Your life is valuable and important. Anything that precious SHOULD be hard. Every choice you make, every decision to be healthy and do something positive for yourself is SO critical because it shapes who you are! And it affects everyone around you.
The good news is that it isn’t ALWAYS so hard. Starting is hard. Sticking with it is even harder! But here is the good news. Once you start feeling and seeing the benefits of all of this hard work, it gets easier. A little at a time you’ll start to notice that it’s not so hard anymore. In fact, it’s getting simpler and clearer to see that this is what you want and what you need for the rest of your life! It’s making you happy and focused and re-energized! The people around you will start to notice and then they’ll get inspired and want to make some positive changes for themselves. And do them a favor…if you see their pants catch on fire, at any point, let them know that we’ve all been there. You’ve been there and you know how to help them get past their excuses and get to work.
I know. I had personally used several of those excuses myself. But I have proven them all wrong. I am happier, and healthier than I’ve ever been, and sharing my experience is my passion. I’m loving life in my new pants!
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