
I wanted to congratulate the 2 winners of the Shakeology samples and shaker cups!

Michelle Granzow and Heather Beech – ENJOY!


If you’re interested in trying a sample of Shakeology yourself, or just want more information about it, please send me an email, or go HERE to read more!




Time for a GIVEAWAY!


Who doesn’t love a giveaway? I’m excited to share 3 flavor samples: (chocolate, strawberry and vanilla)

plus a handy shaker cup with 2 lucky winners!

Just enter below to win!

You have until midnight on Sunday to enter. Winners will be announced on Tuesday.

*Offer not available to coaches, or anyone working with another coach.

So, IF you’re not a coach, and don’t currently have a coach, you’re eligible to win! 🙂

Just click the link below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Why not NOW!?

P90X3-Test-Group-ResultsIf you’ve been following along, you know that I started P90X3 this month, and I’m just winding down my third week with 9 other Test Group participants. Next week is a transition week, so I’m looking forward to trying out some new workouts! The results are rolling in, and the reviews from my group are unanimous: WOW! We are all loving the program for so many reasons:



VARIETY – Every workout is full of a wide variety of exercises. And every day of the week is a different workout!

TIME – Every workout is 30 minutes! This has totally eliminated the “I just don’t have time” excuse! These are moms and dads, full-time job holders, and parents with busy, active kids…and we’re all finding time!

EFFECTIVENESS – Yes, the workouts are short. You’re in and out in a half hour. BUT, they are just as effective (if not more) as a longer workout. And you’ll feel it the next day.

FOR EVERYONE – I strongly feel like anyone can do this workout! My 64-year-old mom just started it this week! There is a modifier in every workout who shows how to do each exercise with modifications like: bands instead of weights (or pull-ups), no jumping, no weights, etc…

RESULTS! – Let the numbers speak for themselves! These are results after only 2 weeks!


Amanda: 7 pounds, 4 inches
Michele: 4.2 pounds, 6 inches
Stacie: 3 pounds, 4.5 inches
Jeremy: 6 pounds and 5.5 inches
Jody: 3.2 pounds, 4 3/4 inches


Listen to what Amanda had to say after the first week:

“I started the 30 day P90X3 challenge with Shakeology and clean eating and I lost 6 pounds my first week! I am a at home mom who is tired of the leftover baby weight. I had tried to eat “healthier” and lost a few pounds here and there, but it was a real struggle. Shakeology made all the difference. Also knowing that I don’t have to cook or fix one meal a day, is awesome! Try it for a month and see the difference it makes in your weight loss/fitness journey!! What do you have to lose but the weight.”

GOOD NEWS!: I am opening up a few more spots in the test group! Now is the time to jump in and get started on your fitness goals. Get the motivation and support you need to start and finish! In 90 days, just imagine what you can achieve! And just in time for warm weather wear! I am so excited about this program because it fits into anyone’s busy life! If you’d like to join, fill in the information below. Spaces will be limited. First to commit are in!


SALE: One week left! You can take advantage of the sale on the Challenge Pack (includes Shakeology) through the end of January – $180, a savings of $100 vs. buying each separately! That’s $2/day, over a 90 day program! Think of all the ways we waste $2/day, and turn those 2 dollars into a life-long investment! This program is worth SO much more than that! Order soon, and you’ll be ready to get started on February 3!



Preview Video

P90X3 is HERE!


It’s finally here! P90X3 is on-sale, and I’m pretty excited about it! I wasn’t sure initially how I would feel about it, but the more I hear and read, the more excited I am to go for it!

As you may know, I am one of the freaks of nature who opened P90X and finished all 90 days! It was hard! The workouts were long and tough! One of the workouts was 90 minutes long! Ain’t nobody got time for that! I had a baby and a toddler and 2 other kids at the time, but I was determined to get it done! Sometimes I had to split it up into 2 chunks depending on the day and the mood of the children.

But, I can’t argue with the results that I was able to achieve with it…so was it worth it?! Absolutely! Would I do it again? I think not. I do some of my favorite workouts from time to time, just adding them into my routine here and there (one of the perks of being a workout DVD collector!). I just don’t see myself tackling that 90 day schedule again anytime soon! 🙂


So NOW…with P90X3, we’ll be able to get the same results in HALF the time! Sign me up! I am looking to mix up my routine again, and this seems like JUST what I need! This is a 90 day program and the workouts are a mere 30 minutes!!! EVERYBODY has time for THAT! It will even come with access to an app for tracking and planning!

Check out some results from the test groups.


Here’s why it works!

Muscle acceleration explained
Many P90X fans were hooked on the science of muscle confusion – which introduced variety to the workouts and prevented plateauing. P90X3 takes a hint from that success and from studies showing the most dramatic body transformations happen within the first 30 minutes of exercise. Enter muscle acceleration, a Tony Horton-approved highly-structured schedule with an incredibly high level of intensity and an unprecedented variety of moves. The gurus behind P90X3 combined exercises and added some twists to maximize your time and keep every muscle challenged for a full 30 minutes.

Here’s what I can tell you about P90X3:

  • It is NOT a graduate program. ANYONE can do it, regardless of whether or not you’ve ever done a P90X workout.
  • There will be modifications so ANYONE can keep up!
  • Variety: 16 different workouts
  • Only 30 minutes
  • Eliminates almost ALL excuses!
  • Still full of that Tony Horton humor that we all love/tolerate! lol!
  • You’ll need just some weights and resistance bands.

Special Offer!

From December 10-31, the Challenge Pack will be on-sale for $180 (after that it will go up to $205).  With the challenge pack, you will get the base program, plus 30 day supply of Shakeology (HD) as well as a 30-Day VIP Team Beachbody Club Membership for personalized meal planning and additional support. *The Challenge Pack price saves you about $100 versus purchasing these items separately!

But wait…there’s MORE! 😉 If you order through me, from December 10-31, you’ll receive a super cool P90X3 hat! Bonus! 🙂

Challenge Group starting Monday, January 6!

For anyone who invests in a challenge pack, I will be offering a support and accountability group for as long as you stick with the program! This group is a FREE service I provide to my customers, and it works! You get a FREE coach who will work with you everyday and help you reach your goals! I will stick with you and provide the daily tips and motivation you’ll need to get it done! Maybe you’ve tried other workout programs in the past, and had trouble sticking with it. This group will give you the support you’ll need to get it done this time! If you want to join the P90X3 group in January, and start your year off strong…fill out the form below!



Your Pants Might Be On Fire!

I’m sorry…I’m going to have to call “b.s.” on a few things. Let me explain… pants_fire

If you could take a magic pill, right now, that would give you maximum life expectancy and maximum health and happiness…would you take it? I think you would! So, now that we have that cleared up…when someone gives up on their diet, or stops working out, they often walk around with their pants on fire, hoping nobody will notice. You’ll know their pants are on fire when they give one of the following ‘reasons/excuses’ for giving up:

I’m embracing my curves. Really?! But last month you were determined to get fit. You were fed up with not fitting into your clothes and decided it was time to change. But now…you’re embracing it? Nope…it got hard and you gave up. That’s it. And I get that! But let’s not try to fool anyone, and especially ourselves, by doing a complete 180 on the whole “curves” thing!

We’re all going to die anyway…might as well enjoy it while I can. And the only way you can enjoy your life is by eating very unhealthy foods and avoiding physical exercise? I don’t think anyone really believes that is the road to happiness.

I just don’t care anymore. I seriously doubt that. When you look into the faces of the people who love you, you care. You want to be there for them, and you want to be your best self. You care.

I don’t have time. Make time! Wake up a little earlier a few days/week.  30 minutes a day is all you need! Split it up if you have to! Surely you can find two 15 minute chunks in your day.

This is just the body that I have, I can’t do anything about it. Bologna! Genetics contribute…sure, but that’s not the end of the story. We all have the same body parts. When moved, these parts get stronger and leaner and your body WILL change shape. It’s hard…I agree. But can you change? Yes, of course you can.

I’m not fat, I don’t need to exercise. Not true either. Exercise isn’t just about your physical appearance, it’s about your internal health and fitness, too. This is a no-brainer right? Who lives a longer happier life? Mr. and Mrs. Skinny who never work out and eat like crap? Or Mr. and Mrs. Healthy who work out 3-5 days per week, and eat clean? Hmmm….I think the odds are in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Healthy!

I can’t afford a new program or gym membership. Are there any expenses you can cut? Going out to eat? Drinking? Fancy coffees? I bet you can cut out one bad habit in order to make a new workout program or gym membership affordable.

I’m too old. It’s too late for me anyway. Not likely! If you can breathe, you can do yoga, stretch, etc. Almost anyone can walk. And it’s NEVER too late!

So again, back to that ‘magic pill’. Why would you take the pill if it didn’t matter to you?! Of course it matters! If you’re going to quit, because it’s hard…call it like it is. Put on a new pair of pants and do a solid gut-check. It IS hard, because it’s worth it! It’s easy to quit. TOO easy! Your life is valuable and important. Anything that precious SHOULD be hard. Every choice you make, every decision to be healthy and do something positive for yourself is SO critical because it shapes who you are! And it affects everyone around you.

The good news is that it isn’t ALWAYS so hard. Starting is hard. Sticking with it is even harder! But here is the good news. Once you start feeling and seeing the benefits of all of this hard work, it gets easier. A little at a time you’ll start to notice that it’s not so hard anymore. In fact, it’s getting simpler and clearer to see that this is what you want and what you need for the rest of your life! It’s making you happy and focused and re-energized! The people around you will start to notice and then they’ll get inspired and want to make some positive changes for themselves. And do them a favor…if you see their pants catch on fire, at any point, let them know that we’ve all been there. You’ve been there and you know how to help them get past their excuses and get to work.

I know. I had personally used several of those excuses myself. But I have proven them all wrong. I am happier, and healthier than I’ve ever been, and sharing my experience is my passion. I’m loving life in my new pants!

*Join me in a challenge group, and I’ll help you get started. Click JOIN at the top of this page when you’re ready. 🙂

win, win, WIN!

holidayTis the season, eh! Already?! Seriously I swear it was JUST summer! But last night we had our first snow of the season! And you know what’s coming right? FOOD! Tis the season for sweets, treats and stuffing ourselves for the holidays!

Most people will gain weight over the holidays, and what’s worse is that MOST of those people will never lose the weight they gained over the next 2 months. The pounds will just keep adding up. You can promise yourself that you’ll lose it after the New Year; that’s what resolutions are for, right? But most people don’t follow through with their resolutions, and those extra pounds will be yours to keep. Bummer right?!

Well it doesn’t have to be that way. The best way to ensure that you don’t put extra weight on over the holidays is to get on track NOW and stay there! That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the holidays and the occasional treats that come with them. But you don’t need to go on a 2 month, over-eating BENDER to enjoy yourself! The holidays can quickly turn into the season of regrets if you don’t make up your mind to do it differently this year.

Make this a season of giving, and include yourself! Give yourself the gift of health and happiness; of satisfaction and pride! Invest in yourself, and make this a holiday season you’ll feel GREAT about! My next challenge group starts the Monday after Thanksgiving. We’ll be working out, focusing on good, clean nutrition and keeping each other accountable during this challenging time of year.

And just in time for the holidays, Beachbody is giving back! When you purchase a Challenge Pack – a new fitness program PLUS Shakeology (at a discounted bundled price) – you will receive a $20 coupon! Additionally, Beachbody will make a $20 donation to Feeding America, a hunger-relief charity, on your behalf! Just $1 donated equals 9 meals for families, individuals and children who go hungry this time of year. So there you have it…win, win, WIN! You get $20, families in need get real help, and you get FIT and healthy for holidays!

So, if you’re ready to start now, instead of waiting until you’ve put on even more unwanted pounds, then fill out this APPLICATION so that I can help you get started!

It’s NOT Just for CHICKS, Men can do it TOO!


Here’s a funny story: My husband is a sucker for an infomercial! Late one night, sitting on the couch, Tony Horton’s abs and promises of a rock hard body in JUST 90 days were more than my husband could resist! And what a coincidence…his 20 year reunion was exactly 3 months away! Perfect right!?

This was back in 2009 – of course BEFORE I was a Beachbody coach – so he dialed the number, and help was on the way! Finally the package arrived!!! Joy! Bliss! He tore it open, checked out the schedule, organized the dvd’s and was ready to get his results! He did the first workout. Umm….ok…that was hard! I was invited along for the second and third workouts. Ya…it was becoming clear, that these results weren’t going to come quite as quickly and/or easily as they did in that 20 minute infomercial.

By about the 5th workout, he was done. Granted…this was a different time in his life. I am fairly certain that he could pop in any one of those workouts now and crush it! Easy Peasy!

But…I’m not going to lie…at the time… I was a little ticked off! I mean, he had just spent about $100 on this program that he used for 1 out of the prescribed 12 weeks!? I declared that someone was going to get our money’s worth out of those dvd’s…and I guessed it was going to have to be me!

I got out the schedule, hung it up where I could check it every day and was determined to do ALL 90 days…as written. I did end up needing to make a couple of modifications. For some reason, the Yoga X workout (the one that I thought would be the easiest!) actually made me sick! LOL! I did it one time all of the way through and actually felt like I would throw up; too many downward dogs for my shaky equilibrium to handle! So I just subbed in an alternate workout on those days (Core Synergistics usually). Also, I didn’t have a pull-up bar, nor was I capable of doing an actual pull-up at the time, so I used strong resistance bands, anchored over a door, and did lat-pull downs instead.



Yes it was hard. But I completed ALL 90 days!! And I also got in really good shape for my husband’s class reunion (probably not exactly what he had in mind! LOL!). Money well spent. This was my FIRST full 90 day Beachbody program, and I was hooked! I got amazing results, at home, with 4 kids! It can be done. I’ve completed several 90 day programs since then, because I’m a sucker for a calendar with little boxes to check off as I go! 🙂

This month P90X and P90X2 are BOTH on sale in Challenge Packs. So, if you have a reunion, party, wedding, or LIFE you’re trying to get hot for…this is your chance! You don’t have to do it alone either. If you purchase a challenge pack, you will be invited to join my November challenge/support group. These groups work so well because Fitness + Nutrition + Accountability = SUCCESS! Sometimes it’s just the support and accountability that you need to get it done. I’ll be your coach, and help you every step of the way. Promise! Next group starts Monday November 4th! Ready? Click HERE!

P90X3-Test-Group-ResultsAnd if you didn’t already know…this is all leading up to the big P90X3 coming out SOON! Check it out!








If you’d like to be the first to know when it’s available, sign up here, and you’ll get it while it’s HOT (expected to be in HIGH demand!)



Free Shakeology?

Sept_challengeOne year ago, I took the plunge! The Shakeology plunge! I was SO curious about all of the hype, that I finally decided that I needed to try it for myself. I’m not going to lie though…I was skeptical! I was making my own shakes every day, and doubted that it would be that much better or different from what I was already doing.

Well, I was so pleasantly surprised, that I can’t imagine a day without it now. I feel so much more energy, less bloated, less cravings and haven’t been sick ONE time since I started drinking it just over a year ago! My husband was a doubter, too…and now he loves it! My kids come running every time they hear me fire up my blender. We’re all hooked!

So if you’ve been wanting to try Shakeology, but are worried about the cost, check out the deal this month! You can get 2 popular Shaun T programs. You know Shaun T? Focus T25, Insanity, Asylum? Ring a bell? Well before all of that, he did Hip Hop Abs and Rockin’ Body. People love these programs because they’re fun. This month you can get the challenge pack for $140. You’ll get BOTH of the exercise programs AND Shakeology, which normally costs $129 plus shipping by itself!!! So you’re kinda getting it for free!

Check out this quick video preview of the programs that are included:

Ready to get started?! You can order HERE!

On top of that, any time you opt for a challenge pack, you are automatically invited to join my FREE 30 day, on-line support group. You’ll get the support and accountability you’ll need to get started on your new programs, and start getting results!

Have you been wanting to try Shakeology, but feel like you can’t justify the cost? It will cost you about $4.00/day. When you consider that you are replacing a meal with it – it’s less than a ‘value meal’ would cost you. And SO much more nutritious! For the price of that value meal, you’ll get the healthiest meal of your day! You won’t likely need that fancy Starbucks drink to keep you going throughout the day either. Not to mention that the money you invest in your daily health NOW will prevent you from needing to spend money on health care later! I haven’t needed a single over-the-counter medication or prescription antibiotic this year! That’s REAL savings! For me, and our family, it’s totally worth every penny!

What’s in it?

Shakeology contains over 70 ultra high-quality ingredients conveniently located in one glass, to deliver nearly all the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy diet. It’s good for you—and good for everyone—because everyone’s diet is deficient in some of the key nutrient groups packed into just one Shakeology serving.

  • Protein from whey, which is highly absorbable, gives you 8 essential amino acids that help you build muscle, lose weight, support brain function, and keep your skin and bones healthy.
  • Vitamins and minerals support optimum health.
  • Antioxidants boost the immune system and help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, blood pressure, and stroke.
  • Phytonutrients support immune function and have anti-inflammatory properties. Many phytonutrients have antioxidant properties as well.
  • Prebiotics support digestive and immune health.
  • Digestive enzymes help in the digestion of foods and increase the absorption rate of those foods for optimum health.

Want to save even more money? If you sign up as a coach, you can save 25% on your monthly Shakeology. You don’t need to do anything else! If you’re not interested in coaching, FINE! Enjoy the discounts off ALL Beachbody products and programs. If you’re interested in covering the cost of your Shakeology each month and then some, I can teach you how to build your own successful business. SO MANY OPTIONS!

Want to learn more about being a coach? Provide your information below, and I can answer all of your questions.

What is this “Clean Eating” you Speak of?

veggiesDid you know that you don’t have to diet anymore? Dieting is SO last decade. Seriously though…just eat clean, whole foods and combine it with some phyical activity at least 3-5 times/week, and that’s IT! So easy!

Want to know what I’m always talking about when I say “clean eating” this and “eat clean” that? Watch this quick little video that I made to get an idea of how to eat, without dieting, and still get the results you want.

30 Day Results Are In!

There are some excellent results coming from my October Challenge Group!  With 5 challengers reporting so far…check this out…

In 30 days they have lost:

5.1 pounds and 6.25 inches

9 pounds and 6 inches

3.4 pounds and 6.5 inches

8 pounds and “I lost my before inches number, but it must be less now”

5.6 pounds and 9.5 inches

Five of the participants so far have reported losing a total of 31.1 pounds  and 28.25 + unknown 🙂 inches !!!  And more importantly…they’re still in it, pressing forward and committed! We are all using programs such as ChaLEAN Extreme, Turbo Fire, Yoga Booty Ballet and Tony Horton’s 10 minute Trainer. You don’t need a gym to get results like these! The participants were all able to accomplish this while working out in their own homes, and eating well. Most importantly, we keep ourselves accountable and provide support to each other along the way! I cannot wait to see how we all do over the next 30 days.  I love my job!

Also…want to see how I make my Shakeology every day? It’s quite possibly my favorite meal of the day. I actually start looking forward to it the night before. Is that weird?