80 Day Obsession – Week 1 Review

Seven days ago I started this 80 day journey with 51 amazing ladies, all ready to get focused and commit to a new program and our new year goals! And if these first seven days are any indication, the results are going to blow our minds!


The best way I can describe the workouts is tough but doable – even for a 46 year old mom of four, with a shoulder injury, foot injury and a crazy busy life!

Week 1, Phase 1 looked like this:

Day 1: Total Body Core
Day 2: Booty
Day 3: Cardio Core
Day 4: AAA
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: Cardio Flow
Day 7: Roll & Release

Here are just a few clips of what they look like in real life, in my home gym, down in my basement:

These loops and sliders are new and challenging! I love how customizable they are too! I have 6 different options for loop resistance. Whenever necessary, I modified with the sliders too by using a smaller range of motion, or using one leg at a time in some of the exercises. Room for improvement for sure!


My first concern was – OMG! This is too much food to eat every day! I am in ‘Plan C’ (just in case you were wondering), and I have 5 meals I need to fit in each day. And although there is a learning curve – and planning/prepping is key – it’s ALL laid out for me! I know exactly what types of foods I need to eat at each meal, and at what time throughout the day! Once you understand it, there’s no guess work. I have actually never stuck to a plan as well as I have this one!

And doesn’t it all look yummy?

Want to see what I’m eating next week?

Here is my Week 2 meal plan:



Well first off let me tell you that we were told NOT to weigh ourselves during the first 2 weeks. I am a rule follower, so I didn’t. BUT, I can tell you that I feel tighter and toner and my clothes are fitting better already! I can tell I am less ‘mushy’ in the middle and I just feel stronger, walking taller and ready to push on for week 2!

And even though I told those 51 ladies they shouldn’t weigh in until week 2, a few couldn’t resist, and I can’t blame them!

I received this messaged from Jamey:

“Just wanted to share… I’ve lost 6 lbs this week! I’ve never lost that much in week one while also exercising. The containers must be working!”

And this one from Lori:

“I know we werent suppose to weigh yet…but I did lol Ive lost 8lbs…”

And this from Gretchen:

“…we’re not supposed to weigh in, but I WILL celebrate being down 3,5″ in all the right places!!! Waist, hips, abductors, and chest (or back fat lol)!!”

There was a test group before the launch and here are some results from participants who completed all 80 days:


I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be starting a WAVE 2 for anyone ready to jump in and get to work on a transformation of your own! If you are willing to do the work and trust the process, than I will help you stick with it and support you every step of the way!


  • daily tips
  • recipes
  • meal plans
  • motivation
  • accountability through our exclusive app
  • 24/7 support from me
  • free access to this and any of my monthly groups forever!


Check out the different 80 Day Obsession options:


Everything you need to get started!

  • annual BOD membership
  • nutrition plan & containers
  • resistance loops (2 sets)
  • sliders
  • Shakeology & shaker cup




Double Time!

What time is it?


Looking for a fun way to spend more time with the people in your life? Like a healthy activity designed with families in mind?

Who’s ready to join me for an all new concept to get your family involved in wellness?!

Double Time is Tony Horton’s very first fitness program that makes living a healthier lifestyle something you can do with another person. You and your spouse or a friend (or one of your own kids) will take on daily partner workouts and healthy eating for 30 days. Just having that person around is going to give you the motivation to complete the entire program — and help you build stronger bonds along the way!

First ever DOUBLE TIME full family program!

What: 30 days of total-body workouts (all 35 minutes or less) that feel more like play and less like work!

How: You can start the program anytime with access to Beachbody on Demand! Not a member? CLICK HERE!

Who: Anyone at any fitness level (ages 8 and up) can do Double Time – you just need a partner!

Why:  Because we’re better together! Put down the screens, lace up your shoes and have fun getting fit!

My son and I have so much fun doing this together. We giggle through the whole thing and time absolutely FLIES! He gets to check off his workout calendar each day for his exercise and nutrition goals. Once completed, he’ll send it in and receive a free t-shirt! He’s very motivated to reach his goals! And since HE wants to do it, he motivates me to do it too! It’s a WIN WIN!

What Comes With Double Time?
*6 Workouts + 2 Bonus BOD exclusive workouts
*Quick start Guide
*Eating Plan
*30-Day Calendar
*Fun Bonus Program Materials
*43 Fun Family Recipes Booklet
*Double Time Kids’ Rewards Calendar
*Existing BOD members can purchase the Beachbody Buddy Ball on Teambeachbody.com.
*Also available on DVD: 6 workouts on 2 DVDs, Quick Start Guide, Eating Plan, 30-Day Calendar, and Beachbody Buddy Ball

Take a peek here for an inside look! 

Accelerate your results with Shakeology and/or Daily Sunshine!

Get everything you need for you and your partner to be successful with the All Access Beacbody on Demand Challenge Pack! Save over $100 when you bundle it all together!

  • streaming access to this program PLUS hundreds of other programs
  • all of the program materials: workout calendar, nutrition guide, recipes
  • Buddy Ball
  • 30 day supply of Shakeology or Daily Sunshine

BUY Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack


Need accountability and support? 

My coaching is always free for customers and clients! I run monthly challenges where I share daily tips, recipes, meal planning suggestions, etc. And we all check in daily for our workouts and nutrition. The support and accountability was so key in my 25 pound life transformation, and it’s I’ve maintained for the last 5 years! I’m getting people signed up for my next group! Fill out the info below:


I lost ZERO pounds! Yay!

I am VERY excited to announce that I lost ZERO pounds!
And WHY would I be excited about that?
Because I lost 9 freaking inches!!!
3 from my waist alone! Bloated anyone? And I definitely added some muscle, and toned up: legs, booty, slight ab shadows, lol! I’ll take muscle pounds over mushy pounds ANY day of the week!
I hope I don’t need to point out which of these pictures are my before pictures…but YA! Holy bloated! (I swear to you I am NOT pushing my gut out…but I wish I was!) 
Rewind to just after the holidays (nuff said) AND I was also recovering from foot surgery to boot! (no pun intended!) 
Workouts were a minimum, and crap food was a maximum!
Once I got the green light from my doctor, I was fired up and ready to feel a little better about wearing this bikini to Punta Cana…. TOMORROW!
I still had some restrictions and needed to modify quite a bit at the beginning, but lucky for me…I had EVERYTHING in my toolbox that I needed.
My secret weapons:
  •  Workouts on Demand (like Netfilx that makes you sweat!)
  •  Meal plan that even a monkey could follow.
  •  One super healthy, kickass, quick, convenient meal in a cup.
  •  A support group full of the coolest bunch of ladies where we do our best to stay on track, celebrate victories, gently encourage, exchange healthy, family-friendly recipes and just generally get our mojo back little by little, day by day!
These on demand workouts have been SO key in my journey these last few months. They have eliminated EVERY excuse I could have used:
Can’t do lower body? No problem – search “upper body workouts”.
Can’t jump? No problem – search “low impact”
Don’t have enough time? No problem – search “under 30 minutes”
Sick of the same workouts? No problem – try one of 600 others!
*You get the idea!
WARNING: Do not read the next paragraph if you are not interested in hearing about sales and deals! 
And here’s the deal, I hate talking about money here, but I just feel like I need to share in case someone is looking for a way to get started. For 4 more days you can get this WHOLE package for $160 (usually $199) which gives you access to Beachbody on Demand for a FULL YEAR! And get this, when you subtract the prices of Shakeology and the meal plan & container system, you’re left with $1.99 for an entire year of a gym and top trainers in your house! 

SAVE $115! Order now and join my support group! (read below)

Wanna really kick it up a notch? Add the 3 Day Refresh and Kickstart your results!

I have lost about 4 pounds and 2 inches around my waist each time I’ve done it!

SAVE $135! Add the 3 Day Refresh to your bundle!

Back to my story…
I’m leaving for Punta Cana in less than 24 hours – an all expense paid trip I EARNED through this amazing coaching opportunity – and I packed 2 bikinis! 🙂 I’m not 100% where I want to be yet, but I know I’ll get there! I’m Angie…in Progress after all!
And I’m going to hit the ground running with my “Busy Moms & Ladies Bootcamp” group on May 8th where we’ll be focusing on daily 30 minute (or less) workouts and simple, healthy, family-friendly meals. We’ll be sharing daily time-saving tips, recipes and motivation in pursuit of a healthy, sustainable lifestyle!
Why don’t you join me?! I just have a few spots left!
Contact me below and we’ll chat about your goals and HOW to reach them!
*For anyone who is not a coach or already working with one.
One last glimpse in to this amazing deal!

I see a very different life now…

Every once in awhile I stop and look around and can’t believe what I see!

I see coaches on my team from across the country having success doing something they are so passionate about! People that have become my great friends and business partners.

I see my kids every morning and every evening, because I work from home and don’t need to drop them at day care in the morning or pick them up from after care at the end of the day.

I see their college savings accounts growing.

I see my laundry, which has not only changed by 2-3 sizes in the last 4 years, but no longer consists of stuffy, uncomfortable work clothes. My work attire is this! Leggings, hoodie and comfy gym shoes.

I see my friends, at Panera, Starbucks or wherever, whenever I want to. Sometimes we talk about growing our business. Other times we just sit and enjoy the scenery.

I see my challengers getting amazing results! Dropping pounds and inches and changing their lives, and their families’ lives too!

I see my friends and family members getting fitter and healthier than ever!

I see my passport and travel arrangements on the kitchen table as my husband and I prepare to leave in 2 weeks for an all expense paid trip to Punta Cana!

Is this really my life?

Coaching has changed my life for the better in every possible way! I never saw myself doing this, but now I can’t see anything else!

What started as something I was doing ‘just for the discount’ on Shakeology has turned into a life I didn’t see coming – not in a million years! I’ve met the most amazing people. I’ve reached goals and done things I only dreamed about. I’m just a busy, over-scheduled mom who was looking for something, and didn’t even realize what it was at the time. It’s safe to say I found exactly what I didn’t know I was looking for! 😉 I have this business, this life, and all of the perks that come with it and now I can envision a future for my family and me that would never have been possible without this amazing opportunity!

If you’d like to see if this opportunity would be a good fit for you, let’s chat! Contact me below.

And because I mentioned the life-changing income potential of this business…
*Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Last Month to Save on All-Access!

Last Month to SAVE on the Annual All-Access Beachbody On Demand and Shakeology Challenge Pack!

This has been such a game-changer! The value is unbelievable! And the convenience of every single Beachbody workout ever made means there is something for every one and every mood: yoga, strength training, kickboxing, pilates, dance, and so much more. Finish a program, and jump right in to another one. Don’t love a program, cool! Just switch it up and try something else! Workout at the gym? Sweet! Beachbody on Demand is portable, you can take it with you on your smart phone and use the equipment at the gym! And…IF you can’t get to the gym, you’ve got a back-up plan at your fingertips!

Deanna says: “I’ve been really liking my Beachbody On-Demand subscription! Still go to the gym some days but it helps me fit in a workout on days when I can’t get there. I’ve even done some workouts on my phone at the gym!”

Ready for a Challenge Pack with the best value ever? For a limited time you can get the NEW Annual All-Access Beachbody On Demand and Shakeology Challenge Pack—available NOW until February 28th, 2017 at a special price.

You will get access to EVERY program on Beachbody On Demand for an entire year, including all of the premium programs like 21 Day Fix, CORE DE FORCE, and Country Heat. PLUS you’ll get access to ALL new products that launch during your 12-month subscription.

You will also receive a 30-day supply of Shakeology and the Portion Fix system which will set you up for a full year of healthy results.

Check it out!

SAVE BIG with these options:

  1. Annual All Access Beachbody on Demand and Shakeology Challenge Packover $6000 value!

  2. Annual All Access Beachbody on Demand membership only – no Shakeology


Let’s do the math!

Let’s compare!

If saving TIME and MONEY is important to you, than consider your options! Convenience is very important to me, as a busy mom of 4. I don’t have a lot of extra time. So being able to access top notch workout programs in my own house, on my time, and for a fraction of the cost of a gym membership…that means a lot!

Just some of the programs included…

*AND…of course you’ll get free access to my coaching, support and accountability throughout the year in my private challenge groups where I share daily tips, recipes, meal plan suggestions and motivation!

I will be there 24/7 to guide you and encourage you every step of the way!


Order the Annual All-Access Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack before this deal ends!


and get my support all year!

No Excuses in August! Everything is on Sale!



ALL of the TOP programs…just $10!

august promos

Who doesn’t love OPTIONS!? 

I’ve seen such GREAT results with ALL of these programs! These are ALL the top-selling programs and they are all on sale for just $10 when you purchase Shakeology!

Grab one, and hop into my next support group to get the accountability you need to get results!

Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success!

First up is the ALL NEW…COUNTRY HEAT!

This program is perfect for anyone looking for a simple, fun, and effective way to lose weight and get fit. While Country Heat is perfect for beginners, it’s also a great cardio-based workout for people at all fitness levels who like to dance or want to stay in shape.


Watch this quick video for more information…



  1. Country Heat & Shakeology Challenge Pack Save $70!

  2. Country Heat Kickstart & Shakeology Challenge Pack Save over $95!

21 Day Fix

Women who follow the program generally lose up to 15 pounds!

What changes can you make to your body and health in just 21 days? With the right fitness and nutrition you’d be amazed! 

Check out one of my challenger’s results! Michelle completed 2 rounds before boarding a cruise ship for her son’s wedding! Needless to say…she packed that bikini!


Watch this quick video for more information…



  1. 21 DAY FIX CHALLENGE PACK (w/Shakeology) Save $70!

  2. 21 DAY FIX KICKSTART CHALLENGE PACK (includes 3 Day Refresh) Save more than $95!

21 Day Fix Extreme

Already finished 21 Day Fix? Or maybe you just want to challenge yourself a little bit more.

Maybe you’re looking for a way to tighten up your nutrition and bump your workouts up a notch.

This is a great program for 21 Day Fix graduates and anyone looking to really get focused, and do the work to get results!

Like these!


 Watch this quick video for more information…



  1. 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack (w/Shakeology) Save $70!

  2. 21 Day Fix Extreme Kicstart Challenge Pack (includes 3 Day Refresh) Save more than $95!

22 Minute Hard Corps

Great for anyone who wants a straightforward and effective workout in a minimal amount of time. This Challenge Pack is perfect for people looking to pair exercise with nutrition to deliver results….like these!


Watch this quick video for more information…



  1. 22 Minute Hard Corps + Shakeology Challenge Pack Save over $105!

  2. 22 Minute Hard Corps + Performance Challenge Pack Save over $95

*For a limited time, both packages come with a FREE sandbag and portion control containers!

Beachbody on Demand

GREAT for anyone searching for a complete fitness and nutrition package to maximize your results. Perfect for people on-the-go, eager to try different workouts and focused on elevating your fitness and nutrition, no matter how busy your daily life.


Watch this quick video for more information…


  1. Club and Shakeology Challenge Pack *includes Portion Fix!

  2. Club Kickstart and Shakeology Challenge Pack *includes Portion Fix!

  3. Club and Performance Pack *includes Portion Fix!

3 Day Refresh

Perfect for anyone who is looking for quick weight loss in a short amount of time. Or for those who have “fallen off the wagon” with their eating habits. It’s also for people looking to kickstart clean eating habits.


Watch this quick video for more information…

Purchase the 3 Day Refresh & Shakeology Challenge Pack and Save $70!


Great for anyone who wants to learn to dance, lose weight, and get a lean, sexy body!


Watch this quick video for more information…


  1. Cize & Shakeology Challenge Pack  Save $70!

  2. Cize Kickstart & Shakeology Challenge Pack  Save over $95!


PiYO is great for anyone – no matter what their fitness level! Everyone can benefit from PiYo. Beginners can follow the modifications and even super-fit athletes can use it to improve core strength and flexibility through targeted Pilates-and-Yoga-inspired moves.


Watch this quick video for more information…


  1. Piyo & Shakeology Challenge Pack  Save $70!

  2. PiYO Kickstart & Shakeology Challenge Pack  Save over $95!

Pick a program that will work best for you and join my next support group for daily tips, recipes, meal planning ideas and motivation. I will be your free coach and help you get results! I will be there 24/7 to guide you and encourage you every step of the way!


What’s HOT in July!

Get fit in 22-30 minutes/day!


These 3 programs have helped challengers in my groups get amazing results time and time again!

They are the complete package! Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success!

21 Day Fix

Women who follow the program generally lose up to 15 pounds!

What changes can you make to your body and health in just 21 days? With the right fitness and nutrition you’d be amazed! 

Check out one of my challenger’s results! Michelle completed 2 rounds before boarding a cruise ship for her son’s wedding! Needless to say…she packed that bikini!


Watch this quick video for more information…



  1. 21 DAY FIX CHALLENGE PACK (w/Shakeology) Save $70!

  2. 21 DAY FIX KICKSTART CHALLENGE PACK (includes 3 Day Refresh) Save more than $90!

21 Day Fix Extreme

Already finished 21 Day Fix? Or maybe you just want to challenge yourself a little bit more.

Maybe you’re looking for a way to tighten up your nutrition and bump your workouts up a notch.

This is a great program for 21 Day Fix graduates and anyone looking to really get focused, and do the work to get results!

Like these!


 Watch this quick video for more information…



  1. 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack (w/Shakeology) Save $70!

  2. 21 Day Fix Extreme Kicstart Challenge Pack (includes 3 Day Refresh) Save more than $90!

22 Minute Hard Corps

Great for anyone who wants a straightforward and effective workout in a minimal amount of time. This Challenge Pack is perfect for people looking to pair exercise with nutrition to deliver results….like these!


Watch this quick video for more information…



  1. 22 Minute Hard Corps + Shakeology Challenge Pack Save over $105!

  2. 22 Minute Hard Corps + Performance Challenge Pack Save over $95

*For a limited time, both packages come with a FREE sandbag and portion control containers!


*All of the packages above will come with the complete program, plus a bonus workout, a 30 day supply of Shakeology, free access to Beachbody on Demand for 30 days, discount $2 shipping and access to my free support and accountability groups and 24/7 individual support.

Pick a program that will work best for you and join my next support group for daily tips, recipes, meal planning ideas and motivation. I will be your free coach and help you get results! I will be there 24/7 to guide you and encourage you every step of the way!


Free Programs in March



22-Minute-Hard-CorpsMy boyfriends back! Tony Horton’s new program 22 Minute Hardcore is here! And you can try it this month *FREE when you try Shakeology OR the Beachbody performance supplements Energize and Recover! *Price when compared to a one-time order of Shakeology or the Performance Line

If you’ve got 22 minutes a day, and really…c’mon…who doesn’t? Than you’ve got time to get it done! I’ve been able to sample the program and can tell you that those 22 minutes will FLY by!


So WHO is going to love 22 Minute Hardcore?

  • Busy moms/dads who don’t have a lot of time to go to the gym or do a longer workout.
  • Former members of the military, who want to get back to the fitness level they had when they were in the service.
  • Anyone looking for a “no-frills” workout that gets results without requiring them to learn a lot of complex moves.
  • Fellow Tony Horton fans or fans of other time saving workouts like P90X3 and T25.

Check out this quick video:

This month when you purchase one of the Challenge Packs (w/Shakeology or Performance) you’ll get the sandbag used in several of the workouts for FREE. You’ll also get 30 days free access to Beachbody on Demand, a free bonus workout and $2 discount shipping.

*You’ll also get access to my FREE, 22 Day BACK TO THE BEACH BOOTCAMP group that will start on March 22!


We’ll be using the ALL new Challenge Tracker app so ANYONE can participate, even in you’re not on Facebook. 🙂 It’s a really handy way to log your daily activity and be part of a mobile support group! I’ll share daily tips, recipes and motivation and you’ll check in daily for accountability (the secret ingredient to success!)

Order the 22 Minute Hard Corps Shakeology Challenge Pack

Order the 22 Minute Hard Corps Performance Challenge Pack

Join the Back to the Beach Bootcamp!

*See the Challenge Application at the bottom!




You can get PiYO FREE this month when you try Shakeology for 30 days!

*When compared to a one-time order of Shakeology


You’ll also get:

  • free bonus workout
  • 30 days free access to Beachbody on Demand
  • $2 discount shipping
  • access to a complimentary support group for accountability



Check out a quick video:

Order the PiYO Challenge Pack

Order the PiYO and KICKSTART Challenge Pack


Finally…you can also get the 3 Day Refresh FREE with Shakeology this month!


Order the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack



The support system that will help you stick with it and get the results you want!

Delicious, Nutritious & Cheaper than Starbucks!


Coffee drinkers rejoice!


Café Latte Shakeology’s Top 5 Q&A

Q: Does Café Latte contain more caffeine than the other Shakeology flavors?

A: NOT AT ALL! The caffeine levels in Café Latte are exactly the same as they are in ALL of our Shakeology flavors. So even though it tastes like coffee, Café Latte contains 75% less caffeine than an 8 oz. cup o’ Joe.

 Q: How does it taste?

A: Absolutely amazing! It’s incredibly rich, robust, and creamy with hints of Café and notes of Latte. It truly does taste just like a frozen coffee drink you’d get from a coffee shop, but Café Latte Shakeology has dense superfood nutrition as well.

Q: What makes Café Latte so special?

A: It’s formulated with WHOLE Coffee Fruit*—a coveted superfood powerhouse that’s native to regions of Mexico and India. Coffee fruit is the red fleshy fruit that surrounds what we know to be the coffee bean! Not only does Café Latte taste great, but the use of the entire plant also minimizes Shakeology’s carbon footprint.

Q: What if I don’t want to give up some of the other Shakeology flavors that I love?

A: Then get the Barista Triple Combo Box. This pack contains 24 single-serving packets of Café Latte, Vanilla, and Chocolate (8 per flavor), so you can mix and match your shakes like a true barista.

Now let’s do a cost analysis. My daughter talks me into taking her to Starbucks every so often, and I am SHOCKED at how much a drink costs! It’s an expensive habit! So, I come home and blend up my own for a fraction of the cost! One is full of empty calories, and the other is a superfood MEAL that keeps my nutrition on track, curbs cravings, reduces bloating, keeps me ‘regular’ and gives me an afternoon pick-up without the guilt!


This month try any Shakeology flavor, including the new Café Latte, and get started with a new workout program for FREE!
*versus a one-time order of Shakeology

If you want to save even MORE money, I’ll let you in on a little secret…ANYONE can get the coach discount. I originally signed up for the discount, but ended up turning this opportunity into an income that replaced my full-time 9-5 job! But if you just want to pay less for your monthly Shakeology with NO obligation to do anything else, message me and I’ll tell you how.

My monthly support groups are a FREE service I provide for all of my customers and they WORK! I provide daily tips, recipes and motivation and provide 24/7 support to help you reach your goals. Here is what current participants have to say:
“The motivation has just not been there but since joining this group, it certainly has gotten better. Worked out 6/7 times this past week and am hoping for the same this week. Thank goodness for you all and your support!!!!”

“I like to snack once I get home from work, but thanks to this group I haven’t. I work out and have my shakeology instead!”

“my proud moment of the week is starting another challenge group with you and even though it wasn’t pretty, I didn’t always want to do it and I am sore, I have gotten 6/6 days of workout in!!! (And tomorrow will be 7/7!) Thank you Angie for being a great coach!”





Check out the links for more information and/or to place your order.

Hammer & Chisel Shakeology Challenge Pack
Hammer & Chisel Performance Challenge Pack
21 Day Fix Challenge Pack
21 Day Fix KICKSTART Challenge Pack (with 3 Day Refresh)
21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack
21 Day Fix Extreme KICKSTART Challenge Pack (with 3 Day Refresh)
3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack


I just completed Week 1 of the Master’s Hammer & Chisel program and lost 3 pounds and 2 inches. I don’t actually want to lose much more weight, but I had a few holiday pounds to shed.

From here on out I want to build and tone! I have no doubt that this program will help me do that!

The secret sauce is my test group that keeps me accountable. We report in every day to support each other and keep each other on track. 






Cash for Christmas



3 years ago around this time of year, I was a brand new coach, just working on my own fitness goals and enjoying my 25% discounts on Shakeology and workout programs. I started running some challenge groups with my friends and family members, just to stay on track during the holidays.

And in the process, I kinda paid for Christmas!

These were my earnings as a new coach from mid-November to the end of January. You bet your cherry red nose that money came in handy! Four kids with long wish lists! wink emoticon
Oh, and I also lost 24 pounds doing it!

Would you consider doing a job that consists of working on your own health and fitness, sharing your story and helping others with the potential to earn around $500/month in your first 3 months (more or less depending on the work you put into it), and unlimited potential to grow from there! Four years in, I now make more than I did as a full-time teacher, working flexible hours, from home, where when and how I want, and when I need time off…I take it! I am my own boss! I’ve been able to contribute to my family income, and earn enough to take family vacations and save money for college (4 kids!). On top of that, I’ve earned free trips for my husband and me! All things I never thought possible!

Or are you already drinking Shakeology and/or sharing your fitness journey and inspiring your friends and family into health and fitness? Than it’s a NO-brainer for you to be a coach! Help just 3 people with their fitness goals, and your own Shakeology is paid for each month!

With the holidays approaching…you might owe it to yourself to at least learn more about it! My only regret about being a coach is that I didn’t start sooner. I had reservations and concerns. I was worried that I would have to push sales, have home parties and that it was a pyramid scheme (PS – pyramid schemes are illegal – this is not a pyramid scheme).

I would love to show you how to earn some cash for Christmas!


There is never any pressure, but I’m always happy to answer questions and share my story. I had lots of reservations, but I’m so happy I took this leap of faith!

Interested? Provide your information below, and we’ll chat. 🙂

*For anyone who is not a coach or already working with another coach.