Fit for February! *Take a Leap this year and save $70-$95!



There are 3 programs that are on sale for one more week that WILL help you get Fit for February!

Maybe you didn’t get the best start on your New Year’s resolutions. Or maybe you missed the whole resolution boat. It’s not too late to set some big goals for this year, and get some serious results before summer…but you’re going to need to take a leap, and commit! These are programs I have done myself, and I KNOW they work! Take advantage now and save $70-$95 and get in the BEST shape of your life!

21 Day Fix

Once in a while a program or plan comes around that changes EVERYTHING! This is the one. By now, you must have heard of it, or at the very least, you’ve seen these cute, colorful containers. This program works because it’s simple. It relies on the one and only formula that produces results. Fitness + Nutrition = SUCCESS.  I’ve seen it work time and time again. Women who follow this program lose up to 3-5 pounds per week. Men typically lose even faster (not fair btw!).

The daily 30 minute workouts will have you doing a little of everything: weights, cardio, pilates, yoga, etc. Anyone at any fitness level can do these workouts. There is a modifier that will show you how to do everything at a more modified level.


What kind of results are possible with this program? Check out Michelle’s results after 2 full rounds. She participated in challenge groups (see below), committed 100% to the program, fell in LOVE with Shakeology and just look at her now!



21 Day Fix Extreme

Have you complete the 21 Day Fix? Or just looking to kick it up a notch?

I have done BOTH the 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme and they are BOTH fantastic programs that I strongly believe ANYONE can do! Extreme just adds a little more intensity, using weights and resistance in more of the workouts. You’ll do a different 30 minutes workout each day of the week. I LOVE the variety! The meal plan is just a bit more strict and focused, too…to help you get to the next level!

fix_extreme_results1 fix_extreme_results2


Hammer & Chisel

I am 3 weeks in to this program and LOVING it! Strength training is what finally helped me achieve results I never thought were possible for me. So this program is what I LOVE! The workouts are only 20-40 minutes. They are challenging, but DO-able! After my first week I lost 4 pounds and 2 inches! But better than that, I can SEE my body changing and getting more toned and defined. I feel stronger and my clothes just fit better!

Check out these results!


Learn MORE/Order January Specials!

*With these packages you’ll get the complete workout program, Shakeology (or the Performance line), a FREE bonus workout, 30 days FREE access to Beachbody on Demand (stream your workouts right away, anytime, anywhere!) and discounted shipping!

But there’s a secret sauce!

I have heard from people who started these programs and never finished them. It’s because they were lacking the KEY ingredient…ACCOUNTABILITY & SUPPORT! Ok fine, I guess that’s 2 ingredients

You don’t need to go it alone. I can help you, and so can a group of others who are all working together to stay on track.

I have groups starting Monday, February 1 that will help you start, re-start or continue your 21 Day Fix, Fix Extreme or Hammer & Chisel journeys. We’ll commit to our daily workouts, clean eating following the container system and report daily for accountability in a private Facebook group. I’ll share daily tips, recipes, meal plan ideas and motivation to keep you going for the full 21 Days!

Sign up below!

Plans for the New Year?


I don’t mean New Year’s Eve…I’m talking about after the ball drops. What next?

If you’re like just about everyone else on the planet, you’re thinking about what you can do this year to make your life better. And if you’re like 99% of those people, “health and/or fitness” is probably near the very top of your list! Am I right?

Now you need a plan. Because the problem with New Year’s resolutions is that it’s one thing to think about what you want to do, it’s another thing to write it down and start to plan HOW you’ll get there…. and then begin to execute that plan! Most of us get stuck in the thought process, and never turn our goals into action!

Not you…not this year! 2016 is your year to make it happen! And I’ve got options…but you’ll have to hurry!

The new year is RIGHT around the corner. 2015 is in the books. We’re putting this year behind us, for better or worse, and focusing on a year full of opportunities! Imagine what you can accomplish in the next 366 days! (LEAP YEAR BABY!)

I’ve made it my job to help people find success in programs that can be done at home, on your time – no need for a pricey gym membership or fancy equipment.

So here’s what I have going in January:


Starting January 4th: The Master’s Hammer & Chisel VIP Test Group

This group is for anyone who wants to join me for 60 days, following this new strength training program that is already getting some AMAZING results!


Act fast to take advantage of the sale prices when you purchase the Challenge Pack (with Shakeology) or the Performance Pack (with pre-workout “Energize” and post-workout “Recovery” supplement formulas). You’ll save about $80 with these bundles AND you’ll also get 30 days FREE access to Beachbody on Demand, a free bonus workout plus discount shipping.

Check out this quick video for more information:


See the links below to order or learn more!





Starting January 4th: Fit & Lean in 2016

This 21 day group is for ANYONE doing any program! Most participants will be using the 21 Day Fix, because…IT IS PROVEN to work time and time again! Women who follow this program generally lose up to 3-5 pounds per week. You’ll get a simple meal plan, which includes handy, color-coded portion control containers (no counting points or calories! If it fits, you can eat it!). *There’s even a container for wine and chocolate! 🙂 Combine that with daily 30 minute workouts and you get results like this!

Michelle_C_resultsCheck out the links below!



And finally…OPTION #3

Starting January 1st! Step into 2016!

This free group is for anyone who has some step goals for the new year! (using FitBit, VivoFit, Apple Watch, etc. to track)


Click HERE to join!


So…what’s it going to be? Pick an option and let’s resolve to reach our goals in 2016!



NOW is the time! Get 21 Day FIX/Body Beast for FREE!

ShOcKtObEr!!! Get amazing results with Beauty and the Beast (for FREE!)


Look….it’s about to get crazy! The holidays are just around the corner! (I’m just as shocked and unprepared as you are!). But we are sitting here in the calm before the storm. And the timing couldn’t be better to set some serious goals and make some serious progress before the new year!

Let’s do the math…

2016 is 12 weeks away! If you lost a minimum of one pound per week, you would be down 12 pounds by the end of the year! TWELVE POUNDS!!! That can mean a dress size or TWO, and getting into those skinny jeans that you had to put away! But what if you lost 3 pounds per week? (still totally do-able) You would start the new year down 36 pounds! We’re talking serious life-changing stuff here!

The back to school nightmare is behind us, and new nightmares await. You have time right now to get started on making some healthy new habits that will carry you through the holiday parties and temptations galore! This is the time of year when people usually start gaining weight. Not you! Not this year!

The perfect formula is a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day, clean whole foods and support and accountability to help you stick with it!

containers_pngExercise + Nutrition + Support = RESULTS!

I’ve seen success time and time again in my challenge groups when the right tools are in place. The ‘tools’ that I have seen the most success with BY FAR are the cute little color-coded, portion control containers and the 30 minute workouts that come with the “Beauty”, Autumn Calabrese and the 21 Day Fix .


This program works! Check out the results!


If you haven’t tried it yet…what are you waiting for? It’s simple, straight forward and it works. If you’ve already completed the 21 Day Fix, it’s time to kick it up a notch with the 21 Day Fix Extreme!

OH! And they are both ON SALE!!! How does *FREE* sound?!

This month you can get the 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme for FREE when you order Shakeology. When you get a challenge pack, you’ll receive all of the tools you’ll need to be successful:21df_tote

  • color-coded portion-control container for super simple meal planning
  • 30 minute daily workouts (strength, yoga, cardio, pilates, …something different every day!)
  • 30 day supply of Shakeology (proven to help weight loss)
  • PLUS a 30 day FREE trial of Beachbody on Demand
  • FREE insulated tote for your healthy foods to-go
  • AND a FREE bonus workout from ME! 🙂


Check it out:


Pick your pack and jump into my next support group and let’s do this!

21df_cp_button 21df_ks_cp_button 21dfx_cp_button 21dfx_ks_cp_button


Maybe you’ve already done both of these – VERY possible if you’re a workout junky like me! 😉

Energize, Hydrate, Recover, Recharge, and Creatine

You can get Body Beast with trainer Sagi Kalev for FREE in a challenge pack with Shakeology this month too!

I LOVE this program! Save $70 versus buying the program and Shakeology separately and get 30 days Beachbody on Demand, a bonus workout and the performance sampler pack for FREE! You gotta try these new all-natural performance supplements! I’m seriously in love!



Join my next support group!


If you like these programs, you’re going to LOVE the new program coming in December!
Masters Hammer and Chisel with Autumn AND Sagi working together to get you in the best shape of your life!



Get on my list to be notified as soon as it’s available to purchase! *It will only be available through coaches (like me) before being available to everyone else.

Sign up:

Get on my list for updates and info!

* indicates required

Email Format

Time for Change


It was this time about 3 years ago that I took a look at myself in the mirror and decided I was finally done being unhappy! I had been stuck in a rut for FAR too long. Looking at pictures of myself from summer vacations really opened my eyes to what was happening. It was slow, but I was steadily gaining weight and finding it harder and harder to fit into my clothes.

August 2012 Not happy with this picture at all!
August 2012
Not happy with this picture at all!

There were a lot of things I didn’t want to admit to myself. I wasn’t REALLY giving it my all with workouts anymore. I was just kinda going through the motions. I wasn’t REALLY eating all that healthy. There was a lot of processed garbage finding its way into my grocery cart. Convenience trumped health. I was complacent, uncommitted and UN-motivated!

I think you go through phases when this starts to happen.

1. DENIAL: It’s my clothes. They shrunk. My scale must be off! (Don’t tell me you haven’t tried to convince yourself with these same lies!)

2. AVOIDANCE: Scale? What scale? I like baggy, stretchy clothes anyway.

3. DEPRESSION: Why is this happening?! I workout! I eat ‘pretty’ healthy food. It’s not fair! Get away from me with that camera! WAHHH!!! I’m going to assume the fetal position in a dark room. Leave me alone!

4. DEFEAT: Well, what the hell. I’m getting older. This is just what happens. There isn’t ANYTHING I can do about it. I’m not going to live the rest of my life worrying about it. I want to ENJOY life and eat whatever the hell I want. Working out is stupid. I don’t care anymore.

5. REALIZATION: I feel like shit. I don’t fit into any of my clothes. I’m tired all of the time. I’m not enjoying life at all right now! I’m sick of feeling like this. I gotta do something!

What stage are you in? If you’re in 1-4, let me save you the trouble and spoil the ending. You’ll eventually get to #5, because no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves that we can’t, or don’t want to feel look and feel healthy, we do. You’re not kidding anyone (or yourself) when you say otherwise.

There’s a happy ending though! 🙂 I had to dig deeper than ever, and really connect with WHY I wanted/needed to make some changes, and really give it my absolute, 100% ALL!

If you want to know EXACTLY what I did…I’ll tell you! 🙂

  • I invested in myself and added strength training to my life! Not just half-ass, cute little pink dumbbells, but a program that taught me chicks CAN and SHOULD lift HEAVY weights! Nothing has changed my body more than that did!
  • I committed to eating 100% CLEAN for 21 days straight! NO processed food, no alcohol, no soda, no eating out, etc. Just whole foods, prepared at home, where I could control every bite. And one Shakeology (all natural, dense nutrition, super food meal replacement that I FIRMLY believe boosted my results!) Now this might seem extreme, but I was so focused on what I wanted, I just laid it all out there to my husband and my family. They were supportive, and only made fun of me a little! 😉
  • I joined a group of other people who were working on their own health and fitness goals, and the support and accountability was the extra OOMPH that had been missing, and I really needed it!

In 25 days, I lost 8 pounds and 9.5 inches! That was the fuel I needed to fuel my fire and keep going!

Clean Eating Results

After 90 days…


But forget the pounds and the pictures…what you can’t see here is the transformation that took place in how I felt! I couldn’t believe what I was doing! I wasn’t quite done yet! I went on to lose 8 more pounds and about 6 more inches. resultsbefore_after_Collage_results









So…are you ready to start your journey?! Fall is the PERFECT time to make some changes and turn over a new leaf!

I think Peter Brady said it BEST!

Join me starting Monday October 5 and see what you can achieve when you put your mind to it! We’ll work together to find what’s going to work for you, and get you the results that you’ve been wanting! I’m going to offer exactly what worked for me. A private daily support and accountability group (right on Facebook) where I share tips, recipes, and motivation. We post daily to the group to keep each other on track.

Don’t wait for this. Next thing you know, ready or not, the holidays will be here! Don’t wait until after to get serious. Start now! There are 98 days until 2016! Think of what you could achieve by then!

Deadline to join is September 28!

Your time is now! Fill out the form below…let’s get started.


Ultimate Chopped Salad with Creamy Avocado Pesto Ranch Dressing

What do you do on Saturday afternoon when you have a thousand things to do and yet another vacation to start packing for…COME UP WITH A NEW RECIPE OF COURSE!

I was craving a salad…go figure…and I had all the fixins for this amazing chopped salad! The dressing is totally amazing! It is seriously bowl-licking good!!!


You could really interchange the veggies, based on personal preferences and what you have on-hand!

The amounts I used here served 2-3 people.

I used:chop_salad4

  • 1 romaine lettuce head
  • 4-6 Roma tomatoes (from our CSA)
  • red onions to taste (from our CSA)
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 English cucumber
  • 1/2 avocado

Directions: Chop all of the veggies into small, bite-sized pieces. In my opinion, that is what makes a good chopped salad! Place all of the veggies into a big bowl

For the dressing (should be MORE than you need):chop_salad2

  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 c. Greek yogurt
  • 1 garlic clove – chopped/minced (I used garlic scapes from our CSA.)
  • 1 T. white balsamic vinegar
  • Juice from 1/2-1 lemon (depending on size and taste)
  • 1/2 cup basil leaves (or just a nice bunch!)
  • 1/4 c. olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste

chop_salad1Directions: Place everything except the oil into a blender or food processor and pulse until it starts to come together. Then blend, while slowly drizzling the olive oil into the mix (may use less or more depending on taste and desired consistency). Add by spoonfuls into the veggie bowl and gently toss together until everything is lightly coated with dressing. Reserve the rest for later!

*Optional Extras: add some chopped grilled chicken, feta cheese, nuts, beans, etc…you can’t make a mistake with this!



For 21 Day Fix:
1 blue, 1 teaspoon, 1.5 greens per serving

21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Packs are on sale through the end of July! You can actually get either program PLUS Shakeology for LESS than a one-time order of Shakeology! Check out the links below! And then go make this salad!!!

check_out_fix_cp 21dfx_cp_button*I’ll coach you through it – for FREE – as I have SO many others! I’ve seen women lose up to 10-15 pounds in the first 21 days…and just keep going! I’ve seen men lose even more! (not fair though is it?) Just join my next challenge, and you won’t be alone. I’ll help you every step of the way!



Delicious Strawberry Vinaigrette!

‘Tis the season for fresh strawberries!

I have such fond memories of picking strawberries as a kid. My mom would take us and I remember laying down between the rows, so nobody could see me eating my weight in berries! I would come back with an empty quart container, a drippy red chin and a FULL belly!

strawberry_pick2Taking my own kids is a lot of fun too! They are excellent taste-testers! With 4 extra pickers, I usually come home with 10 million strawberries and then try to figure out what to do with them all!



I like to make my grandmother’s strawberry shortcake recipe. I’ll usually do some freezer jam. Of course, we eat them fresh too!

strawberry_summer_saladA tasty strawberry spinach salad is always a nice summer treat!


I made this one the other day, topped with some grilled chicken. But what made the salad was this AMAZING dressing! OMG! It was SO incredibly delicious. The kids were seriously trying to DRINK it! (Not kidding). When I told them they couldn’t drink the salad dressing, they poured it on their plates and licked it clean! Oy!



You could also make this with thawed frozen berries – but FRESH is best!

Strawberry Vinaigrette 

Total Time: 10 min.

Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 4 servings

2 Tbsp. white balsamic vinegar (or apple cider vinegar)
2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp. raw honey
¼ tsp. sea salt
¼ tsp. ground black pepper
1⅓ cups sliced fresh strawberries

1. Place vinegar, oil, honey, salt, pepper, and strawberries in a blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

*21 Day Fix-Approved! 🙂 1 serving= 1/2 blue/orange


And here is the salad recipe I used for the above salad.

Spinach Salad w/Berriesspinach_salad_berries

Total Time: 10 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 4 servings

8 cups fresh baby spinach
1 medium orange bell pepper, thinly sliced
½ cup fresh blueberries
½ cup sliced fresh strawberries
¼ cup slivered almonds
8 Tbsp. Strawberry Vinaigrette

1. Combine spinach, bell pepper, blueberries, strawberries, and almonds in a large serving bowl; toss gently to blend.
2. Drizzle salad evenly with Strawberry Vinaigrette; toss gently to blend.
3. Serve immediately.

*21 Day Fix-Approved! 🙂 1 serving= 1 green, 1/2 purple


And, if you’re ready to get to work and want support and accountability to help you reach your goals…

Busy Moms Bootcamp


Attention Moms!


Next month is OUR month! What if this year for Mother’s Day, you gave yourself the gift of BALANCE!?

I NEED this! With 4 kids, running my own business and a life full of time commitments, appointments, activities, etc…it is even more important for me to be at my BEST! And for me that means carving out some time every day to take care of myself! Fitness and clean eating is what saved me about 2 years ago. I finally put myself at the top of my list of priorities, and then everything else just fell into place. I feel so much stronger, confident and ready to take on all of my responsibilities now. And I’m excited to share what has worked for me with YOU!

We have SO many plates spinning, all of the time! Kids, career, friends, family, day to day commitments… How are we supposed to find time to do it all AND still have time left in the day for ourselves?! Our own health and fitness often take a backseat to everything else.

This group is for you. What if we could work together and learn how to balance all of the busy-ness AND make time for you, too?! Cause you know what? When YOU make time for YOU, your health, your fitness and your overall well-being, you’ll be better at EVERYthing else!

Starting Monday May 11, for 21 days we’ll focus on: 

  •  30 minute or less workouts that you can do at home – NO EXCUSES!
  •  every day, family-friendly nutrition tips & ideas
  •  weekly meal planning & prepping strategies
  •  simple, healthy recipes the whole family will love
  •  ways to lead by example for our kids by being healthy AND happy!
  •  AND time saving tips & organization strategies to help you balance it all, while keeping your head screwed on straight!

If this sounds like something you’d like to do for yourself, if you desperately NEED balance in your life, fill out the form below!

But HURRY! Deadline to join is this Saturday, May 2. Just a few spots left!

*For anyone who is not already a coach, or working with another coach.

21 Day Fix Extreme is HERE!




The 21 Day Fix was an absolute game-changer! I’ve seen amazing results over and over again! People losing 10-15 pounds in just 21 days. AND nobody is starving, OR killing themselves at the gym for 1-2 hours a day!

Well NOW you can kick it up a notch and get seriously shredded in the shortest time possible with 21 Day Fix EXTREME, created by Autumn Calabrese. This breakthrough 21-day fitness and nutrition program combines simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30-minute workouts to deliver a body that is hard, lean, and defined.

What is 21 Day Fix EXTREME?
• A 21-day program that features simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme
30-minute workouts.
• The portion-control containers take all the guesswork out of how much you should eat.
• The Eating Plan will tell you exactly what to eat and when—and how to eat cleaner than ever.
• This is how you get seriously shredded in 21 days.

What makes this program different?
• No other program has you eating this well and working this hard. It’s going to take guts, intensity,
and drive. But it’s only 21 days.
• The 30-minute workouts are extreme. They combine steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and
explosive power moves that target every muscle in the body—to help you get shredded in a short
amount of time.
• Seven workouts; one for every day of the week so your mind never gets bored and your body
never adapts.
• For your nutrition, you’ll not only be practicing portion control—you’ll be eating ONLY clean foods.
No treats. No cheats. No excuses.
• Autumn has included her own competition nutrition plan, which she uses to get stage-ready and
ripped in 21 days.

Who should do the 21 Day Fix EXTREME?
Women and men who:
• Are impatient to get serious results.
• Don’t want to make longtime commitments or have tried and failed at longer, more complicated
diet plans.
• Are serious with a “No BS” attitude toward workouts and nutrition.
• Have a dramatic short-term weight-loss deadline, or need a final push to achieve the hardbody
they’ve always wanted.
• Don’t have much weight to lose, but want to get shredded and have defined abs.
*See info below about my test group!

Check out a quick preview:

This month you can get EXTREME results and $AVE some cash too! And of course…you have options!

1) BASE Kit: comes with all 7 workouts: Plyo Fix Extreme, Upper Fix Extreme, Lower Fix Extreme, Pilates Fix Extreme, Cardio Fix Extreme, Dirty 30 Extreme, & Yoga Extreme + a BONUS workout: The Fix Challenge. You’ll also recive 2 sets of the color-coded portion control containers and a Shakeology shaker cup.*The Base Kit does NOT come with Shakeology. PLUS 3 FREE GIFTS! The 21 Day Fix Extreme Eating Plan, Countdown to Competition and 24/7 support! AND FREE SHIPPING! (this month only)

2) CHALLENGE PACK – Save $70: Challenge Packs are the complete package, offering total support for achieving health and fitness goals. The formula? Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success. With the Challenge Pack, customers will receive:

  • EVERYTHING in the Base Kit
  • Shakeology (Choice of 30-day supply on Home Direct)
  • Team Beachbody Club (30-day FREE trial membership)
  • OPTIONAL: Sign up as a coach and receive your free Business Starter Kit & have your first Business Service Fee waived. And start earning money!



  •  EVERYTHING in the Challenge Pack PLUS the 3 Day Refresh to ‘kickstart’ your results!

Starting on the 16th, I will be running a Test Group for anyone doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme, or The 21 Day Fix. We’ll do the programs together! You’ll get the daily support and accountability you need to dig deep and get results! I’ll provide motivation and recipes and be available to help you reach your goals – 24/7!

Choose your option(s) below!DEADLINE to commit is Friday, Feb. 6

Be patient – the site is bound to be overloaded today!

21 Day Fix Extreme – Base Kit

21 Day Fix Extreme – Challenge Pack

21 Day Fix Extreme – Kickstart Challenge Pack

Shop for other 21 Day Fix AND 21 Day Fix Extreme options

To Join my Test Group, sign up below:

FIT & LEAN in 2015

Are you READY to get FIT & LEAN in 2015?!

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE!before_marathon

And it’s SO much more WONDERFULLER when you feel good!

2 years and 24 pounds ago, I did not feel so wonderful. I was at a time in my life when I figured I had tried everything, done it all, and just wasn’t getting the results I wanted. I was THIS close to giving up – throwing in the towel.

I am a busy mom of 4, and really…who cares right? WRONG!!! I cared! Of course I did! I was just trying to convince myself that I didn’t, because facing the reality that nothing I was doing was working was hard to swallow.

One more try, I told myself. Give it all you’ve got! Commit 100% and see what happens…

Fast forward 2 years I lost 24 pounds, just by eating healthy foods and working out at HOME – doing programs I LOVE! I feel better than ever, have more energy, more confidence and just a better outlook on life in general! I ran a marathon for crying out loud!!!

And now I get to pay it forward and help others find what works for them! Are you ready to find out? Give it your all? Make 2015 the best year ever! Where do you want to be NEXT December?

START with me on January 5th – set some BIG goals for the NEW year and REACH them!

You can do it and I can help!

Let’s get FIT & LEAN in 2015!

New Challenge Group - Let's Do ThisNew Challenge Group will start Monday, January 5.

  • 21 Days
  • Daily Workouts
  • Clean Eating 
  • Motivation 
  • Accountability
  • And Daily 24/7 support from me!

Will you get all of that from a gym club membership?! I don’t think so.

There are several options for this group. Dust off an old Beachbody program, or try something NEW for the new year!
Purchase a challenge pack and be eligible to win $100! Challenge Packs consist of a NEW program + Shakeology at a discounted ‘bundle’ price PLUS $2 shipping! *BEST VALUE 


Save $95 on the Insanity Max:30 Challenge Pack! 
Save $70 on Les Mills Pump
Save $45 on Les Mills Combat
And of course, an EXCELLENT option for this group is the VERY popular 21 DAY FIX!

ANYONE WHO PURCHASES A CHALLENGE PACK WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN $100 for results and participation! (I’ll help you pick a program that you will LOVE and will get you the results you want.) 


Message me for more information and/or to save your spot!


Qurazy for Quinoa & Quale?

Kale (not quale!) –  I took that joke TOO far! 😉

I was in the mood for a Mediterranean salad the other night, and didn’t really feel like looking for recipes on-line, so I just made this one up! And oh MAN was it delicious! My husband and I gobbled this up and fought for the left-overs. (Slight exaggerations occur on this blog from time to time). Oh! And this is super easy, too! And I’m all about easy!



Here’s what you’ll need:


Greek Quinoa Kale Salad

Makes 8 servings

  • 1 c. Quinoa (I used red and brown – for fun!)
  • 2 c. water
  • 3 c. chopped kale (I used curly leaf for this recipe)
  • *1/4 t. kosher salt (optional)
  • 1 long cucumber (or 2 regular)
  • 6-7 roma tomatoes (or whatever tomatoes you like!)
  • 1/4 C. chopped red onion
  • 2-3 T. chopped fresh parsley (or 1 T. dry)
  • *Optional add-ins: kalamata (or black olives), light feta cheese


  • 2 T. extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 T. red wine vinegar
  • juice from 1/2 fresh lemon
  • 1-2 cloves garlic – minced
  • 1 t. Mrs. Dash, Spike or any other all-purpose seasoning
  • salt & pepper (to taste)


Prepare quinoa according to package instructions. Set aside to cool. While the quinoa is cooking, place the chopped kale in a large bowl. *Sprinkle with kosher salt. IMPORTANT STEP: Massage the kale! WHAT?! Yep…I promise, it makes ALL the difference! Simply rub together, smash, toss and smash for a few minutes and the texture becomes much softer and better for salads! Chop the cucumbers, tomatoes, onion and parsley. When the quinoa is cooled, transfer to a big bowl. Add kale and chopped veggies. Whisk the dressing ingredients together and pour over everything. Toss gently. Add optional mix-ins like olives and feta cheese.

Tell me that’s not delicious!

If you’re following the 21 Day FIX…one serving counts as 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 orange (olives), 1 blue (feta), 1 t. (olive oil)

If you’re NOT following the 21 Day FIX, but you’re interested in doing the 21 Day program that’s helping people lose 10 – 15 pounds in just 21 days, than you’re in luck! I’m starting a new 21 Day FIX group on Monday October 6 where you’ll learn how to incorporate foods like this, as well as daily 30 minute workouts, and get GREAT results in just 21 Days! Fill in the info below, and I’ll tell you how to get started.