This week we celebrated Labor Day. A day – free from work. A day to spend relaxing, doing what we enjoy INSTEAD of work. Well, what if our work was something we actually enjoyed and looked forward to doing everyday?!? What a CRAZY idea right?!
Not really…Exactly 1 year ago, I decided to be a Beachbody coach – at first for the discounts and maybe for a little family ‘fun’ money! It’s turned into SO much more than that for me! I look forward to getting up every day and seeing how my challenge groups are doing, or answering messages from people who want to get started on their own fitness journeys, or become coaches themselves. I get to workout, eat healthy foods and talk about it! If you know me, you know I like to talk! And it’s part of my “job” now! SCORE!
A lot has changed in one year! I signed up as a coach right around Labor Day of last year, ready for a change and a way to get OFF the plateau I’d been stuck on for the last couple of years. I instantly fell in love with the idea of helping people while I helped myself! Since then, I’m down 24 pounds and UP an average of $500-$1000 per month (and I’m not stopping!)! It’s more than a hobby or a pastime for me, it is my passion now. And I enjoy every single minute I GET to spend building my business, and helping other people along the way. To get my own friends and family on-board and adopt a healthier lifestyle, has been icing on the cake! Labor Day…Ha! I don’t need it, every day is my Labor Day!
Because I LOVE what I do, I get excited to share it with anyone else who’s interested in the following:
1) helping others
2) health & fitness
3) getting in the best shape of your life
4) being your own boss
5) working when, where and how you want
6) earning up to $100-$500 extra dollars per month to start, with the potential to double that within a year, and keep growing your income from there – All while having FUN!
New 6 Week Internship starting Monday, Sept. 9!!
Interested? I only have room for a couple more people who are ready to commit to a 6 week internship where you’ll receive daily training, and learn the tips necessary to build a successful business of your own. We start Monday, so let me know a.s.a.p.!