I see a very different life now…

Every once in awhile I stop and look around and can’t believe what I see!

I see coaches on my team from across the country having success doing something they are so passionate about! People that have become my great friends and business partners.

I see my kids every morning and every evening, because I work from home and don’t need to drop them at day care in the morning or pick them up from after care at the end of the day.

I see their college savings accounts growing.

I see my laundry, which has not only changed by 2-3 sizes in the last 4 years, but no longer consists of stuffy, uncomfortable work clothes. My work attire is this! Leggings, hoodie and comfy gym shoes.

I see my friends, at Panera, Starbucks or wherever, whenever I want to. Sometimes we talk about growing our business. Other times we just sit and enjoy the scenery.

I see my challengers getting amazing results! Dropping pounds and inches and changing their lives, and their families’ lives too!

I see my friends and family members getting fitter and healthier than ever!

I see my passport and travel arrangements on the kitchen table as my husband and I prepare to leave in 2 weeks for an all expense paid trip to Punta Cana!

Is this really my life?

Coaching has changed my life for the better in every possible way! I never saw myself doing this, but now I can’t see anything else!

What started as something I was doing ‘just for the discount’ on Shakeology has turned into a life I didn’t see coming – not in a million years! I’ve met the most amazing people. I’ve reached goals and done things I only dreamed about. I’m just a busy, over-scheduled mom who was looking for something, and didn’t even realize what it was at the time. It’s safe to say I found exactly what I didn’t know I was looking for! 😉 I have this business, this life, and all of the perks that come with it and now I can envision a future for my family and me that would never have been possible without this amazing opportunity!

If you’d like to see if this opportunity would be a good fit for you, let’s chat! Contact me below.

And because I mentioned the life-changing income potential of this business…
*Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Cash for Christmas



3 years ago around this time of year, I was a brand new coach, just working on my own fitness goals and enjoying my 25% discounts on Shakeology and workout programs. I started running some challenge groups with my friends and family members, just to stay on track during the holidays.

And in the process, I kinda paid for Christmas!

These were my earnings as a new coach from mid-November to the end of January. You bet your cherry red nose that money came in handy! Four kids with long wish lists! wink emoticon
Oh, and I also lost 24 pounds doing it!

Would you consider doing a job that consists of working on your own health and fitness, sharing your story and helping others with the potential to earn around $500/month in your first 3 months (more or less depending on the work you put into it), and unlimited potential to grow from there! Four years in, I now make more than I did as a full-time teacher, working flexible hours, from home, where when and how I want, and when I need time off…I take it! I am my own boss! I’ve been able to contribute to my family income, and earn enough to take family vacations and save money for college (4 kids!). On top of that, I’ve earned free trips for my husband and me! All things I never thought possible!

Or are you already drinking Shakeology and/or sharing your fitness journey and inspiring your friends and family into health and fitness? Than it’s a NO-brainer for you to be a coach! Help just 3 people with their fitness goals, and your own Shakeology is paid for each month!

With the holidays approaching…you might owe it to yourself to at least learn more about it! My only regret about being a coach is that I didn’t start sooner. I had reservations and concerns. I was worried that I would have to push sales, have home parties and that it was a pyramid scheme (PS – pyramid schemes are illegal – this is not a pyramid scheme).

I would love to show you how to earn some cash for Christmas!


There is never any pressure, but I’m always happy to answer questions and share my story. I had lots of reservations, but I’m so happy I took this leap of faith!

Interested? Provide your information below, and we’ll chat. 🙂

*For anyone who is not a coach or already working with another coach.

What is Coaching? 3 Day Sneak Peek – YOLO

If you had told me 2 1/2 years ago that I would spend the afternoon taking professional fitness pictures with a friend, I would have died laughing…like really…fer real. DEAD from laughter!



Instead, there I was, with a fellow coach-friend, who was also pinching herself and wondering how she came to be standing in front of a camera, dumbbell in hand, promoting her fitness business.

Sometimes our craziest ideas turn into our defining moments!

Had I not decided to sign up as a coach around 2.5 years ago, not only would I not have been planking poolside, but I would be at LEAST 25 pounds overweight, self-conscious, uncomfortable, depressed and not blessed by the many many amazing people that I have met through this business.



I joined for selfish reasons. I wanted the discount. I was a huge fan of Beachbody products and programsShakeology_discount already, and I just wanted to save some $$ on Shakeology. But then I fell in love with helping other people find the same kind of success that I was experiencing! And SOMEBODY PINCH ME – because I get PAID to do this! As much, if not more than I did as a full-time teacher; working part-time hours, from home or wherever I happen to be each day: chillin’ poolside, under a blankie on the couch with my kids…

little_piggiesI get to be home with my kids!…instead of spending my days with other people’s kids. And that is worth MORE than anything to me!

I can go on family vacations for as long as I want and not have to worry about begging some jerky boss for time off – I am my OWN boss! Not only that…but the money I make is making it possible for us to do MORE travelling, take vacations we wouldn’t have been able to afford before, save money for college educations (x4!), and buy a new family vehicle!

If you’ve ever thought about doing this, or just want to know more…stop wondering! Join me for my upcoming 3 Day Sneak Peek! Hear my story, learn the basics and ask ANY questions you have!

No commitments.

NO pressure!Sneak_peek

The group will start on Monday, May 18. I’ll just share my story, explain the ‘basics’ of the business and answer ANY questions you might have!



  • How much time does it take?
  • Do you have to be a fitness professional?
  • Do you have to be a nutritionist?
  • Do you have to be in top physical condition?
  • How much money do you make?
  • How will I learn WHAT to do and HOW to do it?

Are you curious? Just a little? My biggest regret is that I didn’t start coaching sooner. I didn’t understand it, because I didn’t take the time to learn about it. That’s why I want to let you take a little peek, and decide if this is something that you might enjoy, too! Learn at your pace, be a fly on the wall…whatever floats your boat! 🙂 ‪


Ready to take a peek?

Story Time!

STORY TIME!!!story_time

I have a story to tell, and I just need to get it out!

Once upon a time, about 2 and a half years ago, there was this mom who was desperate for a change.


I was slowly gaining weight and losing every last shred of self-confidence I had – which wasn’t much to begin with. I was seriously considering just giving up and resigning myself to what I thought was inevitable: stretchy waistbands and spending the rest of my life on the couch trying to convince myself that it didn’t matter. Who cares!?

I cared.

I decided to do something about it – one last BIG effort to see what could happen if I really gave it my all! I knew about Beachbody and Shakeology through my good friend Jenelle Summers (who had also introduced this whole coaching business to me – which I did not understand at the time). I wanted to try Shakeology and some new fitness programs, but I was reluctant to spend that kind of money and I was VERY skeptical of Shakeology, but intrigued enough to try it and see – expecting to chalk it up as a big, dumb mistake!

Then, I did something really CRAZY! Despite warnings from my friends and family that it was a big scam and a pyramid scheme (SCARY!), I signed up as a coach simply so I could save 25% on my big dumb mistake!

What happened next blew my mind! In my first 3-6 months, I lost 24 pounds, about 20 inches and felt better than I had ever felt in my life!


And something else. I was running these support groups for my friends and family members to keep pyramid_schememyself on track, and they were losing weight and getting fit and healthy, too! I was HOOKED! I had found my passion! And I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up! A Beachbody Coach! *Oh, and nothing bad happened. It wasn’t a scam or a big scary scheme after all!

I have hosted at least one support group every month since I started and the transformations I’ve witnessed are UN-f’n-believable!! It’s the most amazing feeling to be part of that! I have a basic need to help people, and coaching fulfills that need for me! This is why I get up in the morning, excited to get to work!

I wholeheartedly believe in these products and programs because I’ve seen first hand how they’ve changed people’s lives – including mine!

I’m just a regular ol’ mom of four amazing kids, wife of my high school sweetheart, and former first grade teacher who took a giant leap of faith and boy did it pay off – BIG time! I work part time hours, at home, with my kids, when I want, where I want and how I want. Just 2 years after starting, I now make as much moo-la as I did working full time as a teacher, spending my days with other people’s kids. I am proof that anyone can do this!

And what’s SUPER awesome is that I have this whole amazing team of coaches, with the same passion and drive, and we are having 10 tons of fun growing our businesses together! Some of them I’ve never even met in person! But I will SOON and I absolutely canNOT wait!


*If you’ve ever thought about doing something like this, don’t be like me and wait 5 more years to find out how incredible this opportunity is! Message me, let’s chat. You can ask me anything! And if you decide this is something you’d like to try. I’ll be with you every step of the way!

THE END (or just the beginning! It’s up to you!)

Life Changing!

I just felt like I needed to share this today. I really don’t share this to brag, but to show you what is possible when you take a leap of faith and do something that has the power to change your life!

This business changed my life. <PERIOD!> In more ways than I ever imagined possible!

*Keep reading for an invitation to a short presentation about what coaching is all about, and if it would be a good fit for you, too!


Would it be life changing for you to earn about $2000 in one month?! I know it’s a pretty big deal for me and my family! I am by NO means a TOP earner in this company, but being able to contribute to my family at this level, from home, doing something I’m SO passionate about; meeting new people, sharing my journey, getting in the best shape of my life, etc…well it’s more than I can comprehend some days!

I was having lunch with my husband yesterday – something I can do since I work from home – and we were reflecting back on the last 2 and a half years. We were both struck with how positively this business has affected our lives! We were discussing the money that we’ve been able to save, the vacations we’ve been able to take, and our FUTURE! This extra income is making a lot of things possible that we never imagined! I am SO grateful, I can’t even find the words.

I LOVE what I do. I know there are a lot of doubters about this kind of business…I know, because I was one (and so was my husband)! But we have been able to see first-hand that this business changes lives! This isn’t a scam or a pyramid scheme (ps – a traditional corporate structure is WAY more of a pyramid scheme than this!). In this type of business structure, you have the opportunity to be at the top of your own pyramid, and even out earn the people above you! Where else is that possible?


I am just a 43 year old mom of 4 who had a crazy idea one day to sign up as a coach. And it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. <PERIOD>!

  • I have lost 24 pounds. (and kept it off!)
  • Friends and family members have had amazing transformations too!
  • My family is more focused on health & nutrition.
  • I’ve met SO MANY amazing people!
  • I have replaced my full-time teaching salary doing something I love!
  • I work from home.
  • I set my own hours.
  • I am my OWN boss!
  • I get to help people every day!
  • I love my job! (How many people can say that!?)

If you would like to learn more about what coaching is all about, and if it’s a good fit for you, sign up below for my 30 minute webinar. No commitments, no pressure, just information and an opportunity for you to have all of your questions answered!

‘Tis the Season to Pay the Bills!

I’m going to show you something, not to brag, but to share with you what I was able to accomplish last year, this same time of year, in 2 months of helping others with health & fitness – something I LOVE to do! AND, I had only been coaching for 3 months at this point!



This year…I’m hoping to double this amount! No, it’s not $20,000 or anything, and maybe it doesn’t seem like a lot, but for a stay at home mom of 4, this extra income has made a BIG difference! I was just hoping to earn a little extra ‘fun’ money for the family, but now I see the potential is MUCH bigger than I even imagined!

When I decided to become a fitness coach, I had a lot of questions, fears and hesitations. However, it has been one of the most positive things I have ever done! I have lost 24 pounds, and lots of inches! I’ve gotten in the best shape of my life – as a 42-year-old mom! :O The best part is that I’ve helped others lose weight and get fit, and made a nice income doing it! I have become a better person by helping and serving others.

I have been able to pay bills, and earn some extra income for my family – we were able to go on a nice family vacation this year because of the money I’ve been able to earn as a coach! AND an extra $1500 after Christmas last year came in VERY handy!!

I can teach you how to do what I do! You do not need to be a nutritionist, or a personal trainer or a fitness professional. You do not need to be at your goal weight. You just need to be interested in helping others, while you help yourself!

I have a 30 day New Coach Training starting Monday January 6. I have a couple of spots open for anyone interested in:
1) helping others
2) health & fitness
3) getting in the best shape of your life
4) being your own boss
5) working when, where and how you want
6) earning extra income – All while having FUN!

*If you want to start 2014 as a more physically and financially fit version of yourself, message me ASAP for details.

Have You Ever Considered…?

join_the_team-youThis year has been an amazing adventure! Becoming a coach has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done! I have now worked with hundreds of people who have made health & fitness a priority in their lives and have lost more pounds and inches than I can even count! You can read some testimonials HERE.

I’ve also lost my OWN pounds and inches since becoming a coach. I am on my own fitness journey, and get to invite others along to before_after_Collage_8-13join me!


Have you ever considered becoming a coach? I have a few spots left in my New Coach Training! We’ll start Monday October 28 – for 30 days, in a private Facebook group where you’ll get daily training posts, videos, etc…that you can do anytime and anywhere as long as you have a smart phone or computer. As a matter of fact, this whole job can be done with your smart phone and/or computer! You can work when you have the time, and where and how you like! This is YOUR business. You are your OWN boss. I will be your mentor and teach you how to build your own successful coaching business and start earning money, while having FUN – right away!

You would be starting the business at the GREATEST possible time as we approach the holidays and New Year. People will be looking for fitness help and motivation! If you are in the US or Canada, you’re passionate about health & fitness as well as helping others, you might be a good fit! My team of coaches and I have a lot of fun working together, to find the best ways to help people start or continue their health and fitness journeys.

Maybe you just LOVE Shakeology, or any other Beachbody products/programs and would like to get a 25% discount each time you order? Anyone can sign up as a discount member coach, just for the great benefits! 🙂


What is the earning potential? I will tell you my experience, being what I call and “average” coach. My first 6 months, I averaged $100-$500 per month. From 6 months to a year, that has doubled. With consistency and persistence, you can expect your income to continue to double every 6-12 months. 🙂

How much time will it take? I will share with you how I have been able to build my business with 1-2 hours per day of “work”. It is hard to call it “work”, because it amounts to checking Facebook, Instagram and talking to people. ALL things I LOVE to do already!  I still can’t believe I get paid to do this! I’m having way too much fun. 🙂

Do I have to be at my goal weight? Heck NO! I sure wasn’t! You are simply asking people to join you as you navigate your own health & fitness journey.

Do I have to be a health or fitness professional? Nope! You just have to be a real person, interested in helping real people, get real results with REAL solutions! I am not a personal trainer, or nutritionist. I am a former elementary school teacher, who has a passion for health, fitness and helping people.

Want to learn more? Interested? Provide your information below, and we can talk more about it. TeamBeachbodygif

6 Week Internship

angie_amandaI love to share what I do with other people who are interested in getting in shape, both physically and financially, paying it forward, helping others and having fun! So I’ve decided to team up with my friend and fellow coach Amanda to run a 6 week coaching internship. It’s so exciting!


Angie (that’s me!) and Amanda (my friend who I met through social media and turns out we live very close to each other). We’ve both been coaches for about a year and are extremely passionate about what we do.


Six weeks of daily emails, including: tips/videos/lessons from both of us. Plus a private Facebook group to report to, ask questions, share information, etc…


Wherever you are! In your house, on vacation, at the ball game. If you can check your email, you can participate in this internship.


Starting Monday, July 8 and it will run for 6 weeks.


Because we are having the time of our lives and are passionate about helping others through health and fitness and we love to show others how to build their own successful businesses. We are building teams of like-minded, goal-oriented, fitness-loving friends!

If you’ve ever wondered about what I do as a Beachbody coach, or thought about doing it yourself but aren’t sure how you’d make it work? Amanda and I are ready to show you and teach your through our daily tips and videos and we’ll be working with you very closely through it all.  And wait until you see how much FUN we’re having!  Two coaches are even better than one! You’ll learn all about coaching and how to make this business work for you. Whether you’re a stay at mom, employed full or part-time, you CAN do this and we’ll show you how! If you’re looking for more details, please fill out the form below. If you’ve been thinking about it, why wait? Fitness is a growing field and now is a great time to get started!

**Disclaimer – you do NOT need to be a fitness professional to coach!


  • Love people, helping others, and you must love a good calorie burn!
  • Ability to recognize a good deal when you see one! $39.95 one-time joining fee – that can be WAIVED if you get started with a challenge pack (a new fitness program PLUS Shakeology, to get you started on BIG results to share with your friends & family) PLUS a 25% coach discount on all products and programs! $15.95/month after that gets you 3 websites, maintained and operated for you. No web-designing experience necessary.
  • Love to have FUN! Helping others and sharing in their success will put a permanent smile on your face! Guaranteed!
  • Be your own boss!
  • Work when, where and how you want!
  • Desire to earn up to $500/month to start, with the potential to double or even triple that within a year, and keep growing your income from there.

I can’t wait to invite you to the team and work with you! 🙂