Every once in awhile I stop and look around and can’t believe what I see!
I see coaches on my team from across the country having success doing something they are so passionate about! People that have become my great friends and business partners.
I see my kids every morning and every evening, because I work from home and don’t need to drop them at day care in the morning or pick them up from after care at the end of the day.
I see their college savings accounts growing.
I see my laundry, which has not only changed by 2-3 sizes in the last 4 years, but no longer consists of stuffy, uncomfortable work clothes. My work attire is this! Leggings, hoodie and comfy gym shoes.
I see my friends, at Panera, Starbucks or wherever, whenever I want to. Sometimes we talk about growing our business. Other times we just sit and enjoy the scenery.
I see my challengers getting amazing results! Dropping pounds and inches and changing their lives, and their families’ lives too!
I see my friends and family members getting fitter and healthier than ever!
I see my passport and travel arrangements on the kitchen table as my husband and I prepare to leave in 2 weeks for an all expense paid trip to Punta Cana!
Is this really my life?
Coaching has changed my life for the better in every possible way! I never saw myself doing this, but now I can’t see anything else!
What started as something I was doing ‘just for the discount’ on Shakeology has turned into a life I didn’t see coming – not in a million years! I’ve met the most amazing people. I’ve reached goals and done things I only dreamed about. I’m just a busy, over-scheduled mom who was looking for something, and didn’t even realize what it was at the time. It’s safe to say I found exactly what I didn’t know I was looking for! I have this business, this life, and all of the perks that come with it and now I can envision a future for my family and me that would never have been possible without this amazing opportunity!
If you’d like to see if this opportunity would be a good fit for you, let’s chat! Contact me below.