Bringing It!

Ok…holidays are finally past us, and I might be able to find a spare minute or two to blogging again! Especially now that I started P90X3! With workouts that are only 30 minutes, I should start to have a little more spare time.

Yesterday was my official Day 1! I’m working with a test group with 9 other X-ers hoping to get some killer results in HALF the time it took with the original P90X! So far so good!

So here’s me BEFORE the workout! This is how I look the first thing in the morning, looking a little disheveled! But hey, it’s one of the many reasons I love my home workouts! No need to get pretty to go anywhere (although I guess it defeats the purpose when I record myself and then post the video for everyone to see…Oh well!)


So Day 1 was TOTAL SYNERGISTICS: a total body, core-focused workout. I love how efficient this workout is! You will move from one exercise to the next, no jumping or high-intensity moves, but my heart rate was really UP there! I also love the variety! For 30 straight minutes there wasn’t a single REPEAT exercise! Since this happened yesterday, I can tell you that today I am definitely feeling it in my core, as well as my legs, back, shoulders and arms. TOTAL body goodness!

Here is me AFTER:

Today is Day 2 and the workout is Agility X! I’m ready to get to it and then I’ll tell you what I think. 🙂

The P90X3 Challenge Pack is on sale through the month of January. Click HERE!

And if you’d like to join my next challenge group, click HERE!


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