Week of Hard Labor


Body Beast’s Sagi Kalev is back with five grueling days of intense weightlifting routines that will work your entire body to exhaustion. A WEEK OF HARD LABOR is Beachbody’s toughest weightlifting workout series to date, so you can get the results you want — as long as you’ve got a “whatever it takes” attitude.

When you’ve crushed your first round of A WEEK OF HARD LABOR you’ll be glad it’s over, but Sagi knows you’ll be back for more. These five routines can be used for a lifetime — do them over and over again, or add them à la carte to your workout regimen to target whichever goal you’re focusing on that day. You’ll need a few sets of dumbbells, a bench or stability ball, a pull-up bar or door attachment kit, and a resistance band. Get ready to work starting Tuesday, September 5, right after Labor Day weekend, exclusively on Beachbody On Demand.


• Those who want to start getting ripped, toned, and add muscle.
• Those who want to start losing weight.
• Women who are looking to add some curves.
• Body Beast fans.
• Sagi fans.
• Fitness fans who want a hard-hitting, classic weightlifting workout.

Will I really get a good workout in only 1 week?

A WEEK OF HARD LABOR is a challenge — possibly the hardest weightlifting routines you’ve experienced, and they’re designed to create results.

Is there an eating plan?

Yes! There will be a five-day eating plan that keeps your nutrition clean and optimized for performance. It includes sample menus, so you can see how easy it is to eat right, as well as variety-packed food lists. It also explains the best ways to use Beachbody Performance and, of course, Shakeology to get results!

Sounds really hard. Can I actually do this?

One week is a manageable commitment. Sagi’s right there with you every step of the way — but be sure to listen to your body and only push to your own limits.

Does this require equipment?

Weights. How much weight depends on you. Someone who has never weight-trained likely won’t need a lot, but Sagi would use a ton (maybe literally). For the most flexibility in your weight selection, we recommend a 50-lb. adjustable set to start. If you want a low-cost place to start, we recommend getting a set of each range of dumbbells: light (3 lb.–5 lb.), medium (10 lb.–20 lb.), and heavy (25 lb.+). Then adjust your weight assortment based on your ability and progression in the program. You will also need a bench or stability ball and a pull-up bar or resistance bands with a door attachment.

How long are the workouts?

Four 45-minute workouts and one 25-minute ab workout designed to work your entire body focusing on different muscle groups each day:
• Chest & Back
• Legs
• Shoulders & Arms
• Total Body
• Core

Who is Sagi Kalev?

Sagi Kalev is a respected trainer who has proven that he can deliver jaw-dropping, transformative results with Body Beast and The Master’s Hammer and Chisel.

The two-time Mr. Israel is more than a big, muscular guy. He’s an expert on how the human body operates. He’s appeared on the cover of dozens of bodybuilding magazines, including Muscle & Fitness an amazing 11 times. He’s a Master Professional Personal Trainer and an IFBB Propta Hall of Famer.

What Is Beachbody On Demand?

If you found your way to this exciting A WEEK OF HARD LABOR announcement but aren’t really sure what Beachbody On Demand is, here’s a brief explanation.

Beachbody On Demand is a platform that allows you to stream Body Best, P90X, INSANITY, 21 Day Fix EXTREME, INSANITY MAX:30, FOCUS T25, 3 Week Yoga Retreat, or any of over 600 world-famous Beachbody workouts that have helped millions transform their lives.

Beachbody On Demand also lets you sample Beachbody’s newest workouts, including the SHIFT SHOP, CORE DE FORCE, and YOUv2. Inside, you’ll find the program nutrition guides, workout calendars, and exclusives like SHAUN WEEK: INSANE FOCUS and FIXATE, Autumn Calabrese’s healthy cooking show.

No matter where you are in the world — whether you’re in your house, at the gym, or on vacation — you can access your program guides, your workouts, and more on your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. As long as you can connect to the Internet, you can work out with Beachbody, no DVDs required. What are you waiting for? Sign up now!

ON SALE NOW! Get EVERYTHING you need for amazing results during the week of Hard Labor workouts and beyond with Beachbody on Demand, a complete nutrition plan and 30 day supply of Shakeology.



JOIN ME and we’ll get ripped together!

Fit for February! *Take a Leap this year and save $70-$95!



There are 3 programs that are on sale for one more week that WILL help you get Fit for February!

Maybe you didn’t get the best start on your New Year’s resolutions. Or maybe you missed the whole resolution boat. It’s not too late to set some big goals for this year, and get some serious results before summer…but you’re going to need to take a leap, and commit! These are programs I have done myself, and I KNOW they work! Take advantage now and save $70-$95 and get in the BEST shape of your life!

21 Day Fix

Once in a while a program or plan comes around that changes EVERYTHING! This is the one. By now, you must have heard of it, or at the very least, you’ve seen these cute, colorful containers. This program works because it’s simple. It relies on the one and only formula that produces results. Fitness + Nutrition = SUCCESS.  I’ve seen it work time and time again. Women who follow this program lose up to 3-5 pounds per week. Men typically lose even faster (not fair btw!).

The daily 30 minute workouts will have you doing a little of everything: weights, cardio, pilates, yoga, etc. Anyone at any fitness level can do these workouts. There is a modifier that will show you how to do everything at a more modified level.


What kind of results are possible with this program? Check out Michelle’s results after 2 full rounds. She participated in challenge groups (see below), committed 100% to the program, fell in LOVE with Shakeology and just look at her now!



21 Day Fix Extreme

Have you complete the 21 Day Fix? Or just looking to kick it up a notch?

I have done BOTH the 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme and they are BOTH fantastic programs that I strongly believe ANYONE can do! Extreme just adds a little more intensity, using weights and resistance in more of the workouts. You’ll do a different 30 minutes workout each day of the week. I LOVE the variety! The meal plan is just a bit more strict and focused, too…to help you get to the next level!

fix_extreme_results1 fix_extreme_results2


Hammer & Chisel

I am 3 weeks in to this program and LOVING it! Strength training is what finally helped me achieve results I never thought were possible for me. So this program is what I LOVE! The workouts are only 20-40 minutes. They are challenging, but DO-able! After my first week I lost 4 pounds and 2 inches! But better than that, I can SEE my body changing and getting more toned and defined. I feel stronger and my clothes just fit better!

Check out these results!


Learn MORE/Order January Specials!

*With these packages you’ll get the complete workout program, Shakeology (or the Performance line), a FREE bonus workout, 30 days FREE access to Beachbody on Demand (stream your workouts right away, anytime, anywhere!) and discounted shipping!

But there’s a secret sauce!

I have heard from people who started these programs and never finished them. It’s because they were lacking the KEY ingredient…ACCOUNTABILITY & SUPPORT! Ok fine, I guess that’s 2 ingredients

You don’t need to go it alone. I can help you, and so can a group of others who are all working together to stay on track.

I have groups starting Monday, February 1 that will help you start, re-start or continue your 21 Day Fix, Fix Extreme or Hammer & Chisel journeys. We’ll commit to our daily workouts, clean eating following the container system and report daily for accountability in a private Facebook group. I’ll share daily tips, recipes, meal plan ideas and motivation to keep you going for the full 21 Days!

Sign up below!

Plans for the New Year?


I don’t mean New Year’s Eve…I’m talking about after the ball drops. What next?

If you’re like just about everyone else on the planet, you’re thinking about what you can do this year to make your life better. And if you’re like 99% of those people, “health and/or fitness” is probably near the very top of your list! Am I right?

Now you need a plan. Because the problem with New Year’s resolutions is that it’s one thing to think about what you want to do, it’s another thing to write it down and start to plan HOW you’ll get there…. and then begin to execute that plan! Most of us get stuck in the thought process, and never turn our goals into action!

Not you…not this year! 2016 is your year to make it happen! And I’ve got options…but you’ll have to hurry!

The new year is RIGHT around the corner. 2015 is in the books. We’re putting this year behind us, for better or worse, and focusing on a year full of opportunities! Imagine what you can accomplish in the next 366 days! (LEAP YEAR BABY!)

I’ve made it my job to help people find success in programs that can be done at home, on your time – no need for a pricey gym membership or fancy equipment.

So here’s what I have going in January:


Starting January 4th: The Master’s Hammer & Chisel VIP Test Group

This group is for anyone who wants to join me for 60 days, following this new strength training program that is already getting some AMAZING results!


Act fast to take advantage of the sale prices when you purchase the Challenge Pack (with Shakeology) or the Performance Pack (with pre-workout “Energize” and post-workout “Recovery” supplement formulas). You’ll save about $80 with these bundles AND you’ll also get 30 days FREE access to Beachbody on Demand, a free bonus workout plus discount shipping.

Check out this quick video for more information:


See the links below to order or learn more!





Starting January 4th: Fit & Lean in 2016

This 21 day group is for ANYONE doing any program! Most participants will be using the 21 Day Fix, because…IT IS PROVEN to work time and time again! Women who follow this program generally lose up to 3-5 pounds per week. You’ll get a simple meal plan, which includes handy, color-coded portion control containers (no counting points or calories! If it fits, you can eat it!). *There’s even a container for wine and chocolate! 🙂 Combine that with daily 30 minute workouts and you get results like this!

Michelle_C_resultsCheck out the links below!



And finally…OPTION #3

Starting January 1st! Step into 2016!

This free group is for anyone who has some step goals for the new year! (using FitBit, VivoFit, Apple Watch, etc. to track)


Click HERE to join!


So…what’s it going to be? Pick an option and let’s resolve to reach our goals in 2016!



NOW is the time! Get 21 Day FIX/Body Beast for FREE!

ShOcKtObEr!!! Get amazing results with Beauty and the Beast (for FREE!)


Look….it’s about to get crazy! The holidays are just around the corner! (I’m just as shocked and unprepared as you are!). But we are sitting here in the calm before the storm. And the timing couldn’t be better to set some serious goals and make some serious progress before the new year!

Let’s do the math…

2016 is 12 weeks away! If you lost a minimum of one pound per week, you would be down 12 pounds by the end of the year! TWELVE POUNDS!!! That can mean a dress size or TWO, and getting into those skinny jeans that you had to put away! But what if you lost 3 pounds per week? (still totally do-able) You would start the new year down 36 pounds! We’re talking serious life-changing stuff here!

The back to school nightmare is behind us, and new nightmares await. You have time right now to get started on making some healthy new habits that will carry you through the holiday parties and temptations galore! This is the time of year when people usually start gaining weight. Not you! Not this year!

The perfect formula is a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day, clean whole foods and support and accountability to help you stick with it!

containers_pngExercise + Nutrition + Support = RESULTS!

I’ve seen success time and time again in my challenge groups when the right tools are in place. The ‘tools’ that I have seen the most success with BY FAR are the cute little color-coded, portion control containers and the 30 minute workouts that come with the “Beauty”, Autumn Calabrese and the 21 Day Fix .


This program works! Check out the results!


If you haven’t tried it yet…what are you waiting for? It’s simple, straight forward and it works. If you’ve already completed the 21 Day Fix, it’s time to kick it up a notch with the 21 Day Fix Extreme!

OH! And they are both ON SALE!!! How does *FREE* sound?!

This month you can get the 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme for FREE when you order Shakeology. When you get a challenge pack, you’ll receive all of the tools you’ll need to be successful:21df_tote

  • color-coded portion-control container for super simple meal planning
  • 30 minute daily workouts (strength, yoga, cardio, pilates, …something different every day!)
  • 30 day supply of Shakeology (proven to help weight loss)
  • PLUS a 30 day FREE trial of Beachbody on Demand
  • FREE insulated tote for your healthy foods to-go
  • AND a FREE bonus workout from ME! 🙂


Check it out:


Pick your pack and jump into my next support group and let’s do this!

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Maybe you’ve already done both of these – VERY possible if you’re a workout junky like me! 😉

Energize, Hydrate, Recover, Recharge, and Creatine

You can get Body Beast with trainer Sagi Kalev for FREE in a challenge pack with Shakeology this month too!

I LOVE this program! Save $70 versus buying the program and Shakeology separately and get 30 days Beachbody on Demand, a bonus workout and the performance sampler pack for FREE! You gotta try these new all-natural performance supplements! I’m seriously in love!



Join my next support group!


If you like these programs, you’re going to LOVE the new program coming in December!
Masters Hammer and Chisel with Autumn AND Sagi working together to get you in the best shape of your life!



Get on my list to be notified as soon as it’s available to purchase! *It will only be available through coaches (like me) before being available to everyone else.

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