This is REALLY exciting for me! When I started coaching and then blogging almost 2 years ago, I started following a blog called Fat Chick to Fit Chick. I loved the way that Jennifer wrote, she’s HILARIOUS and insightful and full of wonderful pop-culture references! I LOVE funny people and all things funny! Besides that, she is so dang inspiring! Her transformation and her journey had me hooked! I have also used many of her recipes and workout ideas!
In short…LOVE HER!
So…I’ve been following her blog for quite some time. And I also follow her on Instagram and Facebook. I truly admire her. She has a sweet little girl she calls “Tink” and her husband Tim is hilarious, too! It’s funny how you feel like you sort of get to know these people you follow on Social Media, and to me, she had become a bit of a celebrity!
Therefore…when I contacted her about doing a Challenge Group with me, and she said YES! My heart was all a flutter! 🙂 She has been intrigued by The 21 Day FIX, so that is the program that she and her husband Tim will be doing in my next, very special edition, Challenge Group! You know I’ve talked a lot about this program in other posts, but I truly can’t say enough about it! I’ve seen SUCH amazing results with it! It is SO effective because it combines Fitness AND Nutrition! And let’s be honest…NUTRITION is the key! You can work out until you’re blue in the face (though I wouldn’t recommend it), but if you fall apart in the kitchen, you’re just not going to see results! You’ll get handy, color-coded portion control containers. So no need to count calories or points! If it fits in the container, you can eat it! And don’t worry…you won’t be hungry. Most participants are shocked at the amount of food they CAN eat! *There’s even a container for chocolate and wine! BAM! The workouts are quick (30 minutes!) and perfect for ANY level! They are basic; no fancy equipment needed, and no difficult choreography.
*If you’d like to join Jennifer, and ME, we’ll start on Monday, June 30. The deadline to join and order will be next Friday, June 20th.
Just fill in the info below, and I’ll give you the details you’ll need to join, and I’ll save you a spot!
Ok…I have a personal goal this month to help as many people as I can get started with one of my two FAVORITE programs! These are the lowest prices ever offered for these 2 programs, but I want to do MORE!
So here’s the deal, I am extending a personal offer – ON TOP of the sale that’s already ON – until MIDNIGHT tonight (5/28).
P90X3 Challenge Pack (complete program PLUS Shakeology) is on sale for $180 (already a $95 savings vs. buying separately) + $25 BACK (from me!) = $155 (now a $120 savings!!!)
OR think of it this way…it’s like buying Shakeology and getting P90X3 for $25!!!
Turbo Fire Challenge Pack (complete program PLUS Shakeology) is on sale right now for $140 (a $90 savings vs. buying separately) + $25 BACK (from me!) = $115 ($115 savings!!!)
Or think of it this way…(this one is crazy). It’s like saving $15 on Shakeology AND getting Turbo Fire for FREE!
Offer ends TONIGHT (WED. 5/28) at midnight! TOO crazy to pass up! Help me reach my goal, and help yourself reach YOUR goals! Anyone who orders will be invited to join my Challenge Group for daily support and accountability!
Pick a program and click the order links above, or email me to get more information.
You don’t have to be afraid to come out of the locker this summer! There’s still time to get in shape and feel comfortable at the beach or at the pool!
Join me starting June 2 for 30 days! We’ll be working out, eating clean and keeping each other accountable all while having FUN in our daily support group right on Facebook! If you’ve thought about doing a group like this in the past…what are you waiting for? You’ll never know what you’re capable of achieving until you try!
But hurry! Deadline to join is TOMORROW: Friday (May 23) at midnight!
All you need is a workout plan or program that you will be following for the 30 days. Everyone will commit to 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days/week! *If you don’t have a plan, I can help you pick one (p.s. Check out the SALES below!). We’ll be focusing on nutrition for the 30 days; working on incorporating more clean foods and healthier choices! We’ll have a private Facebook group for daily check-ins and support. I’ll provide tips, recipes, ideas, suggestions and your daily dose of motivation to help you reach your goals! Interested? Just fill out this brief application:
And to make it even sweeter, this month 2 of my all-time favorite programs are on SUPER sale! I lost my first 16 pounds with Turbo Fire back in 2012 and I still LOVE doing the workouts because they are FUN! Originally $119, this month you can get the program AND Shakeology for $140!!! That is CRAZY! You will essentially get the entire program for $10!
P90X3 is the last 90 day program that I started this past December and just finished a couple of months ago. If I had to pick a favorite program…well…let’s just say that this one is RIGHT up at the top! Check out my results with BOTH below!
With both challenge packs you will get the complete program PLUS Shakeology at a HUGE savings versus buying them separately AND you’ll get me as your coach to help you through! Win Win WIN! Please let me know if you have any questions! I get excited to talk about programs I LOVE!
Last week, for FIVE days, a group of ladies – mostly busy moms – made time for themselves! Imagine THAT! We focused on preparing healthy foods, and fitting in 30 minute workouts. We had a 5-day meal plan and a private group for support and accountability. We measured before we started and then hid the scale for 5 days! Five days later, we brought the scales back out and the results were AMAZING!
In just FIVE days, with 12 ladies reporting, they lost a combined total of 37.5 pounds! That’s an average of over 3 pounds each…in just five days! And truth be told…many of them admit to not getting in every 30 minute workout, but by just cleaning up their diet for 5 days, they lost the weight anyway!
Read their testimonials!
Kristin: “I lost 2 pounds and stayed on track. Thank you Angie!!! Your kindness shows through in helping others.”
Chris: “I lost 2.4 lbs., no inches. I love having the accountability because it keeps me on track! Thank you!”
Hope: “Happy … dropped 3 lbs! A start to those unwanted extra 7 I packed on during the fall/winter. Heading in the right direction. I’m feeling real good about what could be an awesome outcome with an exercise routine. Thanks for invite!”
Audra: “I too lost 3 pounds. Believe it or not. I didn’t exercise much. I did love the meal plan. I am excited to keep on going. Thanks Angie. I can’t wait to give the next one more commitment. I’m sure the results will be amazing.”
April: “I lost 2 pounds. I haven’t measured but I notice my stomach is a bit tighter and I cranked up my back workouts this week and loving the progress. Thanks so much for the motivation all week!!”
Sharon: “Down a pound and down 1.5 inches. Thank you Angie for coordinating this challenge for us! I loved having the accountability and the easy to follow meal plan. It definitely got me back on track with clean-eating and showed/reminded me that it’s not as hard to do it as sometimes I think AND I feel better and sleep better when I eat good, clean food! Thanks Angie ! You’re the best!”
Molly: “I lost 4 pounds! I didn’t see much change in my measurements. I’m going to keep using the meal plan but mix it up a little! My typical work day always included a stomach ache after lunch – no matter what I was eating – the healthy choice meal or a salad? I did not have one stomach ache this week!! I didn’t think I would be able to cut out the diet pop – it was hard but not as hard as I thought it would be! It was a very good week – I had to adjust some meals for my kids but hopefully they will work into more of the food as we keep going! Thanks for a great week with nice results!”
Debbie: “I lost 1.3 pounds. I just got P90X3 so anxious to start that. I never have an issue working out. I love to work out. I just can’t get the last bit of my diet dialed in. I have a mental hang up somewhere. Thanks for the great week.”
Stefanie: “I actually lost 1lb. I did eat clean But didn’t follow the meal plan 100%. I exercised only 2 this week. It really wasn’t about losing anything for me, but feeling energized and the good feeling you get when you eat clean!! Ty Angie Beech Hunt!!”
Kelley: “Loved this 5 day challenge! Before I got the stomach flu, I’d say I was at an 8 for the challenge. I love the hide the scale idea…I have to do that more often!!!! I lost 10.8, which some of that was due to being sick, but definitely not all! Thanks, Angie”
Michelle: “Really enjoyed this challenge, thank you Angie. I just got back from vacation so this was great for me to get right back on track! I have had so much energy this week and felt great! I lost 3 lbs and am very happy with that! I would give myself a 7 for excercise this week and a 9 for nutrition! I will be making my own meal plan today for next week. Thanks again!”
Nancy: “I was so excited to weigh and measure this morning! I lost 4 lbs and 5 inches! Even though I couldn’t workout much this week, I think being sick helped me not eat much. Angie, thank you SO much for doing the meal plan. I always thought eating clean would be harder…and it did take some extra planning, but I really liked all of the food! This is definitely something I am going to continue (with exercise).”
Now imagine what those results could have been with everyone focusing on BOTH exercise AND nutrition!
And then imagine what we could accomplish in 21 Days of clean eating and daily 30 minute workouts! Well, some of these ladies are going to find out! And you can, too! 🙂
Starting April 7, I’m starting a 21 Day Challenge. We’ll be using the EXTREMELY popular program – The 21 Day FIX. My first group with this program lost an average of 4 pounds/week each! One of the ladies lost 18 pounds in just 21 days – almost a pound a day!!! This program combines nutrition AND fitness. You’ll get an easy to follow nutrition guide that utilizes neat, color-coded containers that you fill with the foods you need to eat each day. You’ll be eating lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, veggies and good fats, in PROPER portion sizes! You won’t need to count calories or points or anything like that. If it fits in the container, you can eat it! And you’ll find that a little goes a long way! The most common comment from my first group was how satisfied everyone was eating this way every day! They were shocked, because they weren’t hungry! And the workouts? Every day you’ll do a different 30 minute workout. They are so effective and easily modified for anyone at ANY level of fitness!
I’m excited to start another group with this program, because it is SO effective! Deadline to join is March 31 and spots will be limited. So if you’re ready to commit for 21 days and see what you can achieve, provide your information below so that I can get you signed up and ready to go!
*Sorry, no coaches or anyone already working with a coach.
If you order in February, you’ll receive your program in March and be ready to CRUSH it in just 21 Days! My current test group participants are LOVING this program and dropping and average of 4 pounds/week! That means 10-15 pounds in just 21 days! And the best part is, nobody is starving, or struggling to figure out what to eat, because it’s all laid out. You just fill up the containers, and eat! And the workouts are perfect for anyone, at any fitness level! You’ll do a little of everything, in just 30 minutes/day! This is truly the COMPLETE package! And for 3 more days, you’ll save $70!
To see a preview video, click HERE. To order, click the button at the bottom of this page.
There was such a HUGE demand for the 21 Day FIX, that the program was initially selling out, and Beachbody wanted to make sure that there were enough sales to go around! I have done Combat, and I can tell you it’s a TON of fun! If you like total body conditioning with a focus on martial arts, using awesome music and FUN trainers…this one is PERFECT! You’ll save $70 on the challenge pack through March.
To see a preview video, click HERE. To order, click the button at the bottom of this page.
What is a challenge group? It’s a private group on Facebook for anyone who wants a little extra accountability and support. We workout and eat healthy foods. I share daily tips, recipes and motivation to keep you going until you reach your goals! And…it’s FUN! Deadline to join is March 3. Spaces are limited. Click HERE to get your name on my list! HURRY! Summer is less than 4 months away!
I’m sure you’ve either heard someone say this, or maybe you’ve even said it yourself: “Life is too short, you might as well enjoy it!”
There is nothing wrong with that statement, right? Well…when you use it to justify why you eat unhealthy foods, and don’t exercise, than yes…there is something VERY wrong with that statement!
So let me get this straight… the way to enjoy life is eating fried, processed, high-fat, low-nutrition, artery-clogging foods and being sedentary? I guess I must have missed the boat on this one!
We all know what happens to people who spend their lives like this right? Poor nutrition and lack of exercise puts you at risk for just about every illness, ailment and disease there is! Let’s name a few, shall we?
Heart Disease
Diabetes (which can lead to blindness and amputation)
Obesity (costs 123 BILLION dollars/year in health care)
Prematurity (70% of cases are caused by poor nutrition, physical inactivity & tobacco use)
So how does one enjoy one’s life when they have to deal with any ONE of these conditions or even SEVERAL?
And, is it fun to: take a bunch of medications? see your doctor all of the time? give yourself shots? struggle to get around? have difficulty completing necessary daily activities? be tired all of the time? have trouble sleeping? deal with aches and pain? watch your kids head down the same path? Did you know that 25% of kids ages 5-10 have high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other early warning signs for heart disease? One in five young people are obese and one in three are overweight.
I’m sorry…that just doesn’t sound like enjoying life to me! That sounds like a lot of heartache and suffering! All so what?! We can eat whatever junk we want to, and sit on the couch, watching other people DO what we CAN’T!? Is the price we’re going to pay really worth it?
Why not try to REALLY enjoy life! You may have to work for it a little, and it might be a struggle – especially at the beginning, but the REWARDS are long-lasting and life-altering! It’s at least worth a try, don’t you think?
Most of those diseases are reversible, if you start changing some of your daily habits NOW! The sooner the better! The formula is so simple: eat healthy foods, and move! That’s it! Start small, don’t expect to undo a life’s worth of bad habits overnight. You can begin by simply changing one small habit at a time. Set small goals first, achieve them, and set some new small goals. Replace processed foods with whole, natural foods. Instead of watching that t.v. show, take a walk.
There are thousands books, articles and movies about how to get started. Ultimately, you just have to find what works for you, but the key is to just start. Little changes, compounded daily, will equal AMAZING results! And I promise you, life will be SO much more ENJOYABLE when you can truly experience it, and not just watch it go by.
I would love to hear your thoughts about this topic. I don’t mean to belittle the real struggles that people have when it comes to health and fitness. I’m simply questioning the rationale, used by some, that this is how to enjoy life.
May I suggest an alternative? Check out my monthly health & fitness accountability groups. Anyone, at any fitness level, is welcome. We’ll workout, eat healthy foods and keep each other accountable every day. You’ll get the support and motivation you need to stick with it and get results! If you don’t have a fitness program you enjoy, I can help you pick one that is perfect for you! Just fill out this application, and I’ll help you get started.
Oh. Em. Gee! This dressing is MONEY! I’m looking all over my house for things to put it on! Celery, carrots, spoons, bowls! I don’t buy dressing of any kind anymore, I just find it so much easier and healthier to make my own. Not to mention the artistic freedom I have, creating works of salad-topping art! Typically, I work in oils and vinegars…until my latest discovery…
Creamy Avocado “Ranch” Dressing!
*This recipe was inspired by a dressing recipe from “The 21 Day Fix”. I just had to tweak a few amounts and ingredients for my taste!
4 T. finely chopped herbs (I used dill, chives and parsley)
2 garlic cloves (minced)
3 T. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 C. low-fat buttermilk (more to adjust consistency if desired)
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste (lots of pepper for me!)
1/3 C. extra-virgin olive oil
Place avocado, yogurt, herbs, lemon juice, buttermilk, garlic, salt and pepper in a blender; cover (duh!). Blend until smooth.
Continue blending avocado mixture, slowly adding oil until well-blended. *Use more buttermilk if you prefer a thinner consistency.
Store in the frig, tightly covered, until ready for use. I filled a pint Ball jar to the top!
*This is tasty on salads, but also a great dip for raw veggies – and spoons! 😉
Best News: There are only 34 calories in 1 Tablespoon of this dressing…so go ahead and have 2!
Bestest News!: All of the ingredients are SUPER clean and healthy. I bet you can pronounce EVERY one of them! Well…”herbs” can be a little tricky. The “H” is silent! 😉
Unlike THIS chemical ____ storm ingredient list! YIKES! What the heck is disodium inosinate? My spell-checker doesn’t even recognize those as words, let alone FOOD! Blech!
If you’ve been following along, you know that I started P90X3 this month, and I’m just winding down my third week with 9 other Test Group participants. Next week is a transition week, so I’m looking forward to trying out some new workouts! The results are rolling in, and the reviews from my group are unanimous: WOW! We are all loving the program for so many reasons:
VARIETY – Every workout is full of a wide variety of exercises. And every day of the week is a different workout!
TIME – Every workout is 30 minutes! This has totally eliminated the “I just don’t have time” excuse! These are moms and dads, full-time job holders, and parents with busy, active kids…and we’re all finding time!
EFFECTIVENESS – Yes, the workouts are short. You’re in and out in a half hour. BUT, they are just as effective (if not more) as a longer workout. And you’ll feel it the next day.
FOR EVERYONE – I strongly feel like anyone can do this workout! My 64-year-old mom just started it this week! There is a modifier in every workout who shows how to do each exercise with modifications like: bands instead of weights (or pull-ups), no jumping, no weights, etc…
RESULTS! – Let the numbers speak for themselves! These are results after only 2 weeks!
Listen to what Amanda had to say after the first week:
“I started the 30 day P90X3 challenge with Shakeology and clean eating and I lost 6 pounds my first week! I am a at home mom who is tired of the leftover baby weight. I had tried to eat “healthier” and lost a few pounds here and there, but it was a real struggle. Shakeology made all the difference. Also knowing that I don’t have to cook or fix one meal a day, is awesome! Try it for a month and see the difference it makes in your weight loss/fitness journey!! What do you have to lose but the weight.”
GOOD NEWS!: I am opening up a few more spots in the test group! Now is the time to jump in and get started on your fitness goals. Get the motivation and support you need to start and finish! In 90 days, just imagine what you can achieve! And just in time for warm weather wear! I am so excited about this program because it fits into anyone’s busy life! If you’d like to join, fill in the information below. Spaces will be limited. First to commit are in!
SALE: One week left! You can take advantage of the sale on the Challenge Pack (includes Shakeology) through the end of January – $180, a savings of $100 vs. buying each separately! That’s $2/day, over a 90 day program! Think of all the ways we waste $2/day, and turn those 2 dollars into a life-long investment! This program is worth SO much more than that! Order soon, and you’ll be ready to get started on February 3!
I’m sorry…I’m going to have to call “b.s.” on a few things. Let me explain…
If you could take a magic pill, right now, that would give you maximum life expectancy and maximum health and happiness…would you take it? I think you would! So, now that we have that cleared up…when someone gives up on their diet, or stops working out, they often walk around with their pants on fire, hoping nobody will notice. You’ll know their pants are on fire when they give one of the following ‘reasons/excuses’ for giving up:
I’m embracing my curves. Really?! But last month you were determined to get fit. You were fed up with not fitting into your clothes and decided it was time to change. But now…you’re embracing it? Nope…it got hard and you gave up. That’s it. And I get that! But let’s not try to fool anyone, and especially ourselves, by doing a complete 180 on the whole “curves” thing!
We’re all going to die anyway…might as well enjoy it while I can. And the only way you can enjoy your life is by eating very unhealthy foods and avoiding physical exercise? I don’t think anyone really believes that is the road to happiness.
I just don’t care anymore. I seriously doubt that. When you look into the faces of the people who love you, you care. You want to be there for them, and you want to be your best self. You care.
I don’t have time. Make time! Wake up a little earlier a few days/week. 30 minutes a day is all you need! Split it up if you have to! Surely you can find two 15 minute chunks in your day.
This is just the body that I have, I can’t do anything about it. Bologna! Genetics contribute…sure, but that’s not the end of the story. We all have the same body parts. When moved, these parts get stronger and leaner and your body WILL change shape. It’s hard…I agree. But can you change? Yes, of course you can.
I’m not fat, I don’t need to exercise. Not true either. Exercise isn’t just about your physical appearance, it’s about your internal health and fitness, too. This is a no-brainer right? Who lives a longer happier life? Mr. and Mrs. Skinny who never work out and eat like crap? Or Mr. and Mrs. Healthy who work out 3-5 days per week, and eat clean? Hmmm….I think the odds are in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Healthy!
I can’t afford a new program or gym membership. Are there any expenses you can cut? Going out to eat? Drinking? Fancy coffees? I bet you can cut out one bad habit in order to make a new workout program or gym membership affordable.
I’m too old. It’s too late for me anyway. Not likely! If you can breathe, you can do yoga, stretch, etc. Almost anyone can walk. And it’s NEVER too late!
So again, back to that ‘magic pill’. Why would you take the pill if it didn’t matter to you?! Of course it matters! If you’re going to quit, because it’s hard…call it like it is. Put on a new pair of pants and do a solid gut-check. It IS hard, because it’s worth it! It’s easy to quit. TOO easy! Your life is valuable and important. Anything that precious SHOULD be hard. Every choice you make, every decision to be healthy and do something positive for yourself is SO critical because it shapes who you are! And it affects everyone around you.
The good news is that it isn’t ALWAYS so hard. Starting is hard. Sticking with it is even harder! But here is the good news. Once you start feeling and seeing the benefits of all of this hard work, it gets easier. A little at a time you’ll start to notice that it’s not so hard anymore. In fact, it’s getting simpler and clearer to see that this is what you want and what you need for the rest of your life! It’s making you happy and focused and re-energized! The people around you will start to notice and then they’ll get inspired and want to make some positive changes for themselves. And do them a favor…if you see their pants catch on fire, at any point, let them know that we’ve all been there. You’ve been there and you know how to help them get past their excuses and get to work.
I know. I had personally used several of those excuses myself. But I have proven them all wrong. I am happier, and healthier than I’ve ever been, and sharing my experience is my passion. I’m loving life in my new pants!
*Join me in a challenge group, and I’ll help you get started. Click JOIN at the top of this page when you’re ready. 🙂
Tis the season, eh! Already?! Seriously I swear it was JUST summer! But last night we had our first snow of the season! And you know what’s coming right? FOOD! Tis the season for sweets, treats and stuffing ourselves for the holidays!
Most people will gain weight over the holidays, and what’s worse is that MOST of those people will never lose the weight they gained over the next 2 months. The pounds will just keep adding up. You can promise yourself that you’ll lose it after the New Year; that’s what resolutions are for, right? But most people don’t follow through with their resolutions, and those extra pounds will be yours to keep. Bummer right?!
Well it doesn’t have to be that way. The best way to ensure that you don’t put extra weight on over the holidays is to get on track NOW and stay there! That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the holidays and the occasional treats that come with them. But you don’t need to go on a 2 month, over-eating BENDER to enjoy yourself! The holidays can quickly turn into the season of regrets if you don’t make up your mind to do it differently this year.
Make this a season of giving, and include yourself! Give yourself the gift of health and happiness; of satisfaction and pride! Invest in yourself, and make this a holiday season you’ll feel GREAT about! My next challenge group starts the Monday after Thanksgiving. We’ll be working out, focusing on good, clean nutrition and keeping each other accountable during this challenging time of year.
And just in time for the holidays, Beachbody is giving back! When you purchase a Challenge Pack – a new fitness program PLUS Shakeology (at a discounted bundled price) – you will receive a $20 coupon! Additionally, Beachbody will make a $20 donation to Feeding America, a hunger-relief charity, on your behalf! Just $1 donated equals 9 meals for families, individuals and children who go hungry this time of year. So there you have it…win, win, WIN! You get $20, families in need get real help, and you get FIT and healthy for holidays!
So, if you’re ready to start now, instead of waiting until you’ve put on even more unwanted pounds, then fill out this APPLICATION so that I can help you get started!