It’s NOT Just for CHICKS, Men can do it TOO!


Here’s a funny story: My husband is a sucker for an infomercial! Late one night, sitting on the couch, Tony Horton’s abs and promises of a rock hard body in JUST 90 days were more than my husband could resist! And what a coincidence…his 20 year reunion was exactly 3 months away! Perfect right!?

This was back in 2009 – of course BEFORE I was a Beachbody coach – so he dialed the number, and help was on the way! Finally the package arrived!!! Joy! Bliss! He tore it open, checked out the schedule, organized the dvd’s and was ready to get his results! He did the first workout. Umm….ok…that was hard! I was invited along for the second and third workouts. Ya…it was becoming clear, that these results weren’t going to come quite as quickly and/or easily as they did in that 20 minute infomercial.

By about the 5th workout, he was done. Granted…this was a different time in his life. I am fairly certain that he could pop in any one of those workouts now and crush it! Easy Peasy!

But…I’m not going to lie…at the time… I was a little ticked off! I mean, he had just spent about $100 on this program that he used for 1 out of the prescribed 12 weeks!? I declared that someone was going to get our money’s worth out of those dvd’s…and I guessed it was going to have to be me!

I got out the schedule, hung it up where I could check it every day and was determined to do ALL 90 days…as written. I did end up needing to make a couple of modifications. For some reason, the Yoga X workout (the one that I thought would be the easiest!) actually made me sick! LOL! I did it one time all of the way through and actually felt like I would throw up; too many downward dogs for my shaky equilibrium to handle! So I just subbed in an alternate workout on those days (Core Synergistics usually). Also, I didn’t have a pull-up bar, nor was I capable of doing an actual pull-up at the time, so I used strong resistance bands, anchored over a door, and did lat-pull downs instead.



Yes it was hard. But I completed ALL 90 days!! And I also got in really good shape for my husband’s class reunion (probably not exactly what he had in mind! LOL!). Money well spent. This was my FIRST full 90 day Beachbody program, and I was hooked! I got amazing results, at home, with 4 kids! It can be done. I’ve completed several 90 day programs since then, because I’m a sucker for a calendar with little boxes to check off as I go! 🙂

This month P90X and P90X2 are BOTH on sale in Challenge Packs. So, if you have a reunion, party, wedding, or LIFE you’re trying to get hot for…this is your chance! You don’t have to do it alone either. If you purchase a challenge pack, you will be invited to join my November challenge/support group. These groups work so well because Fitness + Nutrition + Accountability = SUCCESS! Sometimes it’s just the support and accountability that you need to get it done. I’ll be your coach, and help you every step of the way. Promise! Next group starts Monday November 4th! Ready? Click HERE!

P90X3-Test-Group-ResultsAnd if you didn’t already know…this is all leading up to the big P90X3 coming out SOON! Check it out!








If you’d like to be the first to know when it’s available, sign up here, and you’ll get it while it’s HOT (expected to be in HIGH demand!)



It’s All About TIME!

News from Beachbody today! Two new programs are on the horizon! The theme is time! We have less and less time these days, and the number 1 reason people give for not getting in shape is “no TIME!”. Well that excuse is no longer valid!

First up is my old boyfriend Tony Horton with P90X3!!!

P90X3 is billed as the Accelerated Workout. That means you will get maximum results in the minimum time. The original P90X is incredibly effective and has worked for 1000′s of people, including ME, but there has been a lot of research and studies done in the last ten years which have resulted in new, refined training techniques that are more effective at getting the results you are looking for in the shortest amount of time. The program will consist of TWENTY different workouts, 30 minutes each! Expected to be available December 10!

Check out this video for a preview of what you can expect!


Want to be among the first to find out the minute it is available to order? P90X3 will be only be available through Beachbody Coaches like me for the first phase of the launch. It’s likely going to be in HIGH demand! I’ll alert you the moment the new X is ready for us to order if you provide your name and email address below!


Next up! There is a brand new trainer coming to Beachbody!

Introducing AUTUMN CALABRESE! – Celebrity fitness trainer and national-level bikini competitor.


What is 21 Day Fix?

The 21 Day Fix program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It’s a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow workouts that fit into anyone’s busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results. Test group results were AMAZING!  Expected to be available in February 2014, just in time work on your New Year’s Resolutions!

As I mentioned above, coaches and their customers will be the first to be able to order! So provide email below, and I’ll let you know the SECOND you can order! 🙂


I’m super excited about BOTH of these! 🙂 Add them to Shaun T’s Focus T25, which is already getting people fitter than they’ve ever been in a lot LESS time, and Beachbody is ending the trend of obesity…. quicker than ever! 🙂





Free Shakeology?

Sept_challengeOne year ago, I took the plunge! The Shakeology plunge! I was SO curious about all of the hype, that I finally decided that I needed to try it for myself. I’m not going to lie though…I was skeptical! I was making my own shakes every day, and doubted that it would be that much better or different from what I was already doing.

Well, I was so pleasantly surprised, that I can’t imagine a day without it now. I feel so much more energy, less bloated, less cravings and haven’t been sick ONE time since I started drinking it just over a year ago! My husband was a doubter, too…and now he loves it! My kids come running every time they hear me fire up my blender. We’re all hooked!

So if you’ve been wanting to try Shakeology, but are worried about the cost, check out the deal this month! You can get 2 popular Shaun T programs. You know Shaun T? Focus T25, Insanity, Asylum? Ring a bell? Well before all of that, he did Hip Hop Abs and Rockin’ Body. People love these programs because they’re fun. This month you can get the challenge pack for $140. You’ll get BOTH of the exercise programs AND Shakeology, which normally costs $129 plus shipping by itself!!! So you’re kinda getting it for free!

Check out this quick video preview of the programs that are included:

Ready to get started?! You can order HERE!

On top of that, any time you opt for a challenge pack, you are automatically invited to join my FREE 30 day, on-line support group. You’ll get the support and accountability you’ll need to get started on your new programs, and start getting results!

Have you been wanting to try Shakeology, but feel like you can’t justify the cost? It will cost you about $4.00/day. When you consider that you are replacing a meal with it – it’s less than a ‘value meal’ would cost you. And SO much more nutritious! For the price of that value meal, you’ll get the healthiest meal of your day! You won’t likely need that fancy Starbucks drink to keep you going throughout the day either. Not to mention that the money you invest in your daily health NOW will prevent you from needing to spend money on health care later! I haven’t needed a single over-the-counter medication or prescription antibiotic this year! That’s REAL savings! For me, and our family, it’s totally worth every penny!

What’s in it?

Shakeology contains over 70 ultra high-quality ingredients conveniently located in one glass, to deliver nearly all the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy diet. It’s good for you—and good for everyone—because everyone’s diet is deficient in some of the key nutrient groups packed into just one Shakeology serving.

  • Protein from whey, which is highly absorbable, gives you 8 essential amino acids that help you build muscle, lose weight, support brain function, and keep your skin and bones healthy.
  • Vitamins and minerals support optimum health.
  • Antioxidants boost the immune system and help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, blood pressure, and stroke.
  • Phytonutrients support immune function and have anti-inflammatory properties. Many phytonutrients have antioxidant properties as well.
  • Prebiotics support digestive and immune health.
  • Digestive enzymes help in the digestion of foods and increase the absorption rate of those foods for optimum health.

Want to save even more money? If you sign up as a coach, you can save 25% on your monthly Shakeology. You don’t need to do anything else! If you’re not interested in coaching, FINE! Enjoy the discounts off ALL Beachbody products and programs. If you’re interested in covering the cost of your Shakeology each month and then some, I can teach you how to build your own successful business. SO MANY OPTIONS!

Want to learn more about being a coach? Provide your information below, and I can answer all of your questions.

In One Year!

love_what_you_doThis week we celebrated Labor Day. A day – free from work. A day to spend relaxing, doing what we enjoy INSTEAD of work. Well, what if our work was something we actually enjoyed and looked forward to doing everyday?!? What a CRAZY idea right?!

Not really…Exactly 1 year ago, I decided to be a Beachbody coach – at first for the discounts and maybe for a little family ‘fun’ money! It’s turned into SO much more than that for me! I look forward to getting up every day and seeing how my challenge groups are doing, or answering messages from people who want to get started on their own fitness journeys, or become coaches themselves. I get to workout, eat healthy foods and talk about it! If you know me, you know I like to talk! And it’s part of my “job” now! SCORE!

A lot has changed in one year! I signed up as a coach right around Labor Day of last year, ready for a change and a way to get OFF the plateau I’d been stuck on for the last couple of years. I instantly fell in love with the idea of helping people while I helped myself! Since then, I’m down 24 pounds and UP an average of $500-$1000 per month (and I’m not stopping!)! It’s more than a hobby or a pastime for me, it is my passion now. And I enjoy every single minute I GET to spend building my business, and helping other people along the way. To get my own friends and family on-board and adopt a healthier lifestyle, has been icing on the cake! Labor Day…Ha! I don’t need it, every day is my Labor Day! 🙂

Because I LOVE what I do, I get excited to share it with anyone else who’s interested in the following:
1) helping others
2) health & fitness
3) getting in the best shape of your life
4) being your own boss
5) working when, where and how you want
6) earning up to $100-$500 extra dollars per month to start, with the potential to double that within a year, and keep growing your income from there – All while having FUN!

New 6 Week Internship starting Monday, Sept. 9!!

Interested? I only have room for a couple more people who are ready to commit to a 6 week internship where you’ll receive daily training, and learn the tips necessary to build a successful business of your own. We start Monday, so let me know a.s.a.p.!

Fine print: Sorry, no coaches or those working with other coaches.

Busy Much?!

platesYikes! It’s been a busy couple of weeks for me! I am used to spinning multiple plates at a time, often while riding a unicycle, BLIND-FOLDED! But I have to say, I might have bit off a bit more than I could chew this time! So to my loving husband, who supports me and gives me sound advice out of love and concern for my sanity, etc. etc….You were right! I had a little too much ON those spinning plates, and a couple of things fell off while I was riding my unicycle! True story.

Everything was going along just fine until I realized that I had forgotten to do something important, that I had volunteered to do by the way, and had several people trusting me to do it! The lovely ladies involved all assured me that it was no big deal, but it was. I was embarrassed and horrified and just really upset with myself about it. All bad things. Mostly though, I was just down on myself for realizing that I can’t do EVERYTHING! I try though! Man, do I try! Always have. It’s in my nature to multi-task, and run around willy-nilly as a chicken does when it’s head goes missing…but once in awhile…I take one or two bites that I just can’t chew. My bad. This particular story has a happy ending though, thank goodness! Everything worked out, I was able to get done what needed to get done, though AFTER it should have been done. Forgiveness was granted, and I can once again sleep at night. Thank Goodness!

Also, you may or may not have noticed that I’ve neglected my meal planning routine! ARGH! What a pain that has been, too! “What’s for dinner tonight?” asks my husband. “I have NO f’n clue!” says me. I’ve been too busy to shop, plan, or cook well. I’m pulling ideas right out of my…refrigerator (ya, that’s it), totally last-minute and late half the time! The kids are all starving, hubby is shoving hand-fulls of pistachios in his mouth, waiting for what might be dinner at some point! It’s been ugly. Add that to the fact that summer months always pose a problem for me when it comes to planning and cooking. I never have much of an appetite by dinner time. When it’s hot and muggy, I just want a salad, or something light, and I certainly don’t feel like cooking anything! I gotta snap out of it though…for the sake of the family, poor things.

Now the good news! Sometimes good things come from my manic desires to do new stuff, better stuff and MORE stuff! For example, I graduated some Challengers from my June challenge group! And check out a couple of testimonials from participants in the group:

  • “I have absolutely loved being part of this group! The accountability is what drove me a lot of the time. Can’t tell you how many times I didn’t feel like working out, or felt like I wanted “just a bite” of something, but knew I’d have to mention it here if I did. Happy with my numbers. Now I’m going to continue with my next two circuits of Chalean Extreme.”


  • “I feel like I have learned about a new healthy lifestyle and not about a fad diet. That is what I needed. I am thankful for all of the support that I received and all of the new FB buddies that I met  I am very happy with my results and I can’t wait to continue! I am going to keep eating clean and rockin’ the workouts [hopefully at a much higher intensity when my darn ankle heals] All and all, I am a happy camper!”

*If you’re interested in participating in a 30 day challenge, click the link “30 Day Challenge” above.

In addition, my coaching internship is underway and going really well! I added 6 new coaches to my team who are all ready and excited to learn about what it is that gets me up in the morning, keeps me motivated and fuels my passion to help others…oh and earns my paycheck, too! 🙂 I’m having too much fun not to share it with others!

*If you’re interested in becoming a coach, you can get more information, ask questions, and learn how to participate in the 6 week internship by providing your contact information below.

All in all, I’d like to say that I’ve learned my lesson. *Note the phrase, “LIKE to say”. Time management is not my strong point. I’m working on it. I should  listen to my husband more often when he tells me to take it easy. Honestly though, I feel like I can’t help it. When you love what you do, you WANT to do more of it! Sometimes though…I guess there’s just too many plates!  🙂


6 Week Internship

angie_amandaI love to share what I do with other people who are interested in getting in shape, both physically and financially, paying it forward, helping others and having fun! So I’ve decided to team up with my friend and fellow coach Amanda to run a 6 week coaching internship. It’s so exciting!


Angie (that’s me!) and Amanda (my friend who I met through social media and turns out we live very close to each other). We’ve both been coaches for about a year and are extremely passionate about what we do.


Six weeks of daily emails, including: tips/videos/lessons from both of us. Plus a private Facebook group to report to, ask questions, share information, etc…


Wherever you are! In your house, on vacation, at the ball game. If you can check your email, you can participate in this internship.


Starting Monday, July 8 and it will run for 6 weeks.


Because we are having the time of our lives and are passionate about helping others through health and fitness and we love to show others how to build their own successful businesses. We are building teams of like-minded, goal-oriented, fitness-loving friends!

If you’ve ever wondered about what I do as a Beachbody coach, or thought about doing it yourself but aren’t sure how you’d make it work? Amanda and I are ready to show you and teach your through our daily tips and videos and we’ll be working with you very closely through it all.  And wait until you see how much FUN we’re having!  Two coaches are even better than one! You’ll learn all about coaching and how to make this business work for you. Whether you’re a stay at mom, employed full or part-time, you CAN do this and we’ll show you how! If you’re looking for more details, please fill out the form below. If you’ve been thinking about it, why wait? Fitness is a growing field and now is a great time to get started!

**Disclaimer – you do NOT need to be a fitness professional to coach!


  • Love people, helping others, and you must love a good calorie burn!
  • Ability to recognize a good deal when you see one! $39.95 one-time joining fee – that can be WAIVED if you get started with a challenge pack (a new fitness program PLUS Shakeology, to get you started on BIG results to share with your friends & family) PLUS a 25% coach discount on all products and programs! $15.95/month after that gets you 3 websites, maintained and operated for you. No web-designing experience necessary.
  • Love to have FUN! Helping others and sharing in their success will put a permanent smile on your face! Guaranteed!
  • Be your own boss!
  • Work when, where and how you want!
  • Desire to earn up to $500/month to start, with the potential to double or even triple that within a year, and keep growing your income from there.

I can’t wait to invite you to the team and work with you! 🙂