“Angie, you were doing it anyway!”
My husband is so stinking smart, for many reasons, but recently he pointed something out that made lightbulbs turn on over my head!
Last week he agreed to sit down with me for a live interview, sharing his thoughts about this whole coaching gig, from his point of view. How it’s affected me, our family, our income, our physical and mental well-being, our future goals, etc. We both know that spouses can be one of the main reasons people either jump in to something like this, or don’t.
Now this is a guy who won’t sugar coat anything! He’s the most honest person I’ve ever known in my life – incapable of speaking anything but the truth and exactly what’s on his mind! He even warned me that he might say something that wasn’t necessarily what I’d want to hear…but I took my chances.
He pointed out that it was a big adjustment at the beginning. I was spending time on my laptop and phone learning how to build a successful at home business. I was changing the way we ate as a family, and of course I was making sure I got my workout in every day – no matter what.
As a result, I was developing a new-found self esteem and confidence in myself. I was sharing my story on Facebook. And these things were new and different! He has always been very supportive of me, but he does not like ‘different’.
I started dating my husband when I was 15 years old! GASP! And he knows me better than anyone! To see such rapid changes happening was no doubt a little disconcerting. But he hung in there. We adapted. And we continue to make adjustments to be sure that we are doing what’s right for ourselves and for our family.
But he pointed out a couple of things that really stuck out to me.
He said, “When I considered the alternative – you going back to work, away from home 8-10 hours a day, buying a new work wardrobe, correcting homework all night, commuting to and from work, paying for before and after-school care, missing ball games and kids’ activities, etc…Beachbody coaching was the clear winner!”
And in a recent follow up discussion with him he said, “Well…you were doing it anyway – using the programs, working out, trying to eat healthy – you might as well get paid to do it! The extra money you were making was just a bonus!”
See how smart he is?! And he’s right. I WAS doing those things anyway, but without all of the support, accountability and money in my bank account!
Want to learn more?
Have questions? I did too! My only regret is that I didn’t start sooner. So you owe it to yourself to get the info you need to decide if coaching might be a good fit for you too!
Let’s chat!