Weekly Meal Plan for March 3 – 9

Click on image for a “clickable” menu with links to recipes.

So HERE is the meal plan for this upcoming week. I’m still trying to figure out what is the best method to share this, but for now this will do. If you click on the image above, it should bring up a printable page, linked to the recipes that I plan to use throughout the week. Now, there is always some wiggle-room here, but this is the outline I intend to work with for the week. Last week, I stuck with everything on the plan until Friday, when we were supposed to have baked tilapia, and then we found out that friends were coming for dinner. I had to change the plans because there wouldn’t have been enough for everyone. Instead, I made the whole wheat pizza recipe, also on my site here. It’s a family friendly, crowd-pleasing recipe that takes a little effort, but makes for a fun dinner to share because everyone can get involved in the process.

To prepare for this weeks meals, I’ll be doing  a little prepping and pre-cooking. I’ll grill up a couple of chicken breasts for salads/wraps. I plan to make up some homemade Larabars, a cheaper and healthier alternative to store-bought, pre-wrapped snack bars. I probably cook up some quinoa, too, to use in various salads and sides. Just a little work now makes the week go so much more smoothly!

It’s going to be a delicious week! 🙂

Pizza Night Done Right!

I LOVE pizza! It’s my absolute, hands down, favorite food! Some might consider that a weakness…but I love it so much, I’m willing to do a little extra work to make it healthy AND delicious! You can make the dough recipe below as stated OR you can throw it all in a bread machine, following your manufacturer’s guidelines for ingredient order, and use the dough cycle. *That’s how I did it until my bread machine died! 🙁 The best thing about this recipe is that it makes 3, 12″ thin crust pizzas, so everyone can make their own, share with a friend/family member and put on own their favorite toppings. It makes me so unbelievably happy to load mine up with all my favorite toppings (that don’t happen to be my family’s favorites), like: pesto, artichokes, olives, peppers, carmelized onions, zucchini, feta cheese, skim mozzarella, tomatoes, and spinach (the more veggies the better!). It makes for a fun family night, or dinner with friends. And everyone’s happy to eat the pizza that THEY designed! 🙂 Enjoy!

1 t. honey pizza_night

1 ½ C. warm water (100°F)

1 T. active dry yeast

1 T. olive oil

1 t. salt

3 ¼ C. whole wheat flour

1 t. Italian seasoning (or substitute garlic powder, oregano, basil, whatever you like!)



  1. In a large bowl, dissolve honey in warm water. Sprinkle yeast over the top, and let stand for about 10 minutes, until foamy.
  2. Stir the olive oil and salt into the yeast mixture, then slowly work in the whole wheat flour and seasonings. When the dough starts to come together, tip dough out onto a surface, adding in the remaining flour as you go. Knead until all of the flour has been absorbed, and the ball of dough becomes smooth, about 10 minutes. Place dough in an oiled bowl, and turn to coat the surface. Cover loosely with a towel, and let stand in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.
  3. When the dough is doubled, tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, and divide into 3 pieces for 3 thin crusts, approximately 12” pizzas, or leave whole to make 1 or 2 thicker crusts.
  4. Preheat the oven to 500°F. Spray, or oil a pizza pan, stone, or cookie sheet and lightly dust with cornmeal. Roll a ball of dough with a rolling-pin until it will not stretch any further. Transfer to prepared pan and continue to stretch and work the dough to desired size/thickness. Pre-bake for 5 minutes in the preheated oven. Do this with remaining crusts.
  5. Turn oven down to 425°F. Now you can spread the sauce and top your pizza however you like. Return to oven and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes until the crust is crisp and golden at the edges and the cheese is melted on the top.

*If 3, 12″ thin crust pizzas are made, and cut into eighths, each slice of crust is 60 calories. Then figure in your toppings to determine additional calories. For reference, the above pizza,as I described, was around 150 calories per slice. I had 3 slices and LOVED every bite; totally guilt-free!

This is BIG News!

I bought a bikini!  bikini

Now…I didn’t say that I was going to wear it, but the mere fact that I bought it speaks VOLUMES!

I was trying to recall a time when I wore one of these suckers, and I think I can remember wearing one maybe twice! Even back in the day when I SHOULD have been able to wear one with confidence, I just didn’t. I’ve always been a pretty self-conscious person, so it’s just never been in my comfort zone. BUT, I’m envious of people who are so self-assured, no matter what their body looks like, that they can step out confidently in whatever what they wear!

Adding to my negative body image and lack of self-confidence, I’ve had 4 C-sections 2 of which went TERRIBLY wrong and left me with really gnarly scars! I’m extremely self-conscious and hyper-aware of one in particular, and it bothers me to no end. I dread the thought of anyone seeing it. 🙁 Now…if you look back through some of the before/after pictures, you will see what I’m talking about. It runs down vertically from my belly button. The inside of that scar adhered itself to my abdominal wall, leaving two bulges on the sides. No matter how much belly fat I lose, it’ll always look like this. 🙁 My dear sweet children tell me that it looks like a “butt”. I can’t believe I’m even writing that sentence down to be read by anyone and everyone. We all have our “issues” right? Well, this is mine. But maybe it’s like a Band-Aid? Maybe I just need to rip it off, let the world see what’s underneath, and get over it!

My confidence is building, each and every day. I’m getting close to feeling like I could do it! I’m talking myself into not caring if anyone notices my flaws and/or scars. This health and fitness journey has been very empowering for me, and has boosted my self-esteem more than any time I can remember! More important than losing weight and building muscle is the fact that I’m building my confidence. When you become more confident, you are just more comfortable in your own skin. When you’re comfortable, you’re happy. And when you’re happy…anything is possible. You can do anything! You might even wear a bikini. 🙂

*Want to start you own health and fitness journey. Join my next 30 day challenge! Want more information? Click “30 Day Challenge” at the top of this page.

Baked Buffalo Chicken Tenders

Perfect for the Superbowl or ANY time! This is a family favorite recipe! And since they’re baked, I don’t mind making them! I make lots of extra so that we have leftovers for wraps and salads, too!



Looking for some healthier food options to bring to a Superbowl party, or serve up to your team at home? These are SO good! I’ve made them this way for several years of Superbowls, and they’re ALWAYS a crowd-pleaser! You won’t miss the grease OR the bones! 🙂

BAKED Buffalo Chicken Tenders

8 servings (adjust accordingly)

½ C. all-purpose flour

¼ t. paprika

¼ t. salt (or seasoned salt)

¼ t. cayenne pepper

¼ t. onion powder

¼ t. garlic powder

2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips/tenders

Cooking spray

Hot sauce (Frank’s or your favorite brand)

1 dash ground black pepper

1 dash garlic powder

Blue Cheese Dip
¼ cup nonfat plain yogurt
1 Tbsp. crumbled blue cheese



In a large Ziploc bag mix together the flour, paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, garlic and onion powder. Place chicken strips into the bag, a few at a time and shake until they are evenly coated. Repeat with remaining strips. Place coated chicken into a non-porous, glass dish. Cover and refrigerate for 60 to 90 minutes. *Do NOT skip this step!

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Spray large baking sheet with cooking spray, place chicken on the pan and spray the chicken until evenly coated. Bake the coated chicken for 30-40 minutes, (turning once) or until parts of the tenders begin to turn brown. Meanwhile, warm the hot sauce, pepper and garlic powder in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir together and heat until mixture is warm. Remove from heat and reserve for serving.

*For extra crisping, you can broil the chicken for 3-5 minutes at the end. Remove from oven, place baked tenders in serving bowl, add hot sauce mixture and stir together. Serve with celery and carrot sticks and a the blue cheese dip.

Nutritional info per serving (2-3 tenders)

Container equivalents: 1 RED and 1 tsp.

Calories: 158, Protein: 26 g.


The Portion Fix container system has helped so many people SEE what proper nutrition and portion sizes look like. Planning is easy: if it fits in the container, you can eat it! 🙂 When combined with daily exercise, my customers who follow this plan lose up to 3-5 pounds per week. And you’re eating clean, whole foods, which keeps you full longer!

What’s on SALE this month?

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If you are looking for daily support, and motivation…my customers have access to my private accountability groups as well as 24/7 support and guidance from me. Apply below and I will help you pick a program that will help you reach your goals!


Salad Dressing with your Pancakes?

Alright, these are the two recipes that people are asking me about lately, so I wanted to get them both here for you. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend pairing them together…but that’s up to you. 🙂

protein_pancakesThese protein pancakes are my new love. They are so tasty, and filling and adaptable. You could even make a savory pancake with the right ingredients and toppings. The recipe below is the basic recipe I’ve been using, but play around with it and let me know if you come up with some good combinations!



Protein Pancakes (Sound weird, taste delicious)
Makes 1-2 servings (depends on how hungry you are and IF you like sharing)
1/2 C. Oats (regular or quick)
1/2 C. egg substitute (or 2 eggs)
1/2 C. cottage cheese (stay with me)
1/2 t. baking powder

Instructions: Add all of the ingredients to a  food processor or blender. Blend until completely combined and smooth. Let sit for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a large skillet to medium heat. Add batter to the pan (you should get 4-5 regular-sized pancakes). Cook until bubbles form. Flip and cook and 2-3 minutes until done. Serve with fruit, berries, real maple syrup, low-sugar preserves, etc.

Nutritional facts: 297 calories & 32 grams of protein (if you eat them all yourself).



Ideas: Shred some apple into the mixture before blending and sprinkle in some cinnamon. Yum! Add some berries to the mix, it’ll be pretty and tasty (or pretty tasty)! Chia seeds would be an excellent, nutritious add-in! How about some different extracts: vanilla, almond, lemon, cherry, etc. You could even add in some natural almond/peanut butter, sprinkle a little shaved dark chocolate on top! Oh BOY the possibilities are endless! And I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!


Ok, on to the Salad dressing. I have found that when I make my own salad dressing, there is a very basic formula that seems to work well for every time. You could make multiply this recipe and store extra servings in the fridge for the week, but I have found that it’s so quick and easy to do, that I just make it as needed. 🙂

Basic Salad Dressing Formula  sunny_salad

1 T. acid + 2 t. oil +  1/2 t. thickener + seasonings = Yum!

Acids: vinegar, citrus juices

Oil: I really only use extra virgin olive oil for my dressings, but you could probably play around with that a bit.

Thickeners: Dijon mustard, honey, greek yogurt, etc.

Seasonings: ALWAYS salt & pepper (they make the world go ’round!), often minced garlic, oregano, basil, (whatever you like)…


Balsamic Vinaigrette

1 T. Balsamic vinegar, 2 t. olive oil, 1/2 t. Dijon mustard, 1 clove minced garlic, S & P

Greek Dressing


1 T. lemon juice, 2 t. olive oil, 1/2-1 t. greek yogurt, 1/2 t. juice from beets (pretty), 1/2 Stevia packet (or honey), 1 minced garlic clove, salt, pepper and dash of oregano

Honey Lime Dressing

* Good for a Tex/Mex salad!

1 T. lime juice, 2 t. olive oil, 1/2 t. honey, 1 clove minced garlic, salt, pepper, dash of cayenne (BAM!)

Similar to the pancake recipe above, there is a lot of room for experimentation here. Have fun and know you are saving a TON of cash and a zillion calories by making your own! Plus…it’s FUN! 😀

What’s on SALE this month?

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Groundhog Day – Virtual 5K!


Interested in doing a 5K? Grab a friend, spouse, neighbor, significant other, dog, stranger, etc…and hit the road, the sidewalk, the treadmill…WHATEVER! This is your 5K to run, walk, skip, hop, crawl ANYWAY you like! *You get the idea, right?!

You’ve got about 2 weeks to train, recruit, and plan for the big event. Map out a 3.1 mile course, dust off your treadmill, or find a local track…and lace up your shoes!

On Saturday February 2, at 10:00 a.m., we’ll all do our own personal 5K’s, however, wherever and with whomever we choose! We’ll then report back with our results and celebrate all of our personal victories! Whether it’s your first or fiftieth 5K, it’s your race to win! Put it on your calendar and start training!

Sign up below to receive additional information, training tips and instructions! Pass it on, and make it an event to share!

Oodles of Zoodles!


Ok, I’m going to try really hard to remember how I made this fun dish! I went into it with just my ingredients and a fun new kitchen gadget! And the result was tasty and totally repeatable! Husband and kids raved!

Zoodles with Turkey Sausage & Peppers (makes apx. 6 servings)


I  pkg. sweet Italian turkey sausage, casings removed

3-5 medium zucchinis (Cut into spirals or julienne strips with whatever nifty gadget you like)

1 T. olive oil

3 cloves garlic, minced

½ red onion, quartered

2 bell peppers, cut into chunks

1 can diced tomatoes

1 T. dried basil (fresh would be awesome!)

1 t. oregano

¼ t. red pepper flakes (or to taste)

2 cups (or big hand-fuls) baby spinach

2 T. balsamic vinegar

Grated or shredded parmesan

Directions: Cook up the sausage in a big pan/skillet until browned. Remove from pan, reserve. Put 1 T. olive oil and minced garlic in the pan. After 2-3 minutes, add the onion and peppers and sauté for another 3-4 minutes, or until they begin to soften. Add in the can of tomatoes, basil , oregano, pepper flakes and let simmer for about 5 minutes. Mix in balsamic vinegar and spinach, and then add the sausage back into the mixture. At this point, you can warm up your zoodles in a pan with a little olive oil or broth, OR you can just use them as-is. (*I heated mine for a couple of minutes) Serve the Turkey mixture over a bed of “zoodles”, top with a little parmesan.


slicerOh…this is the food slicer that I am using and LOVING! Check it out!


What_is_itDo you have IT? Do you want IT? What is IT?

IT is what pushes you, what drives you forward. IT is different for you than it is for me. There are no words for IT. IT just is. IT comes and goes throughout your life. IT changes from time to time. You can lose IT, but you can also find IT again. IT might not be where you thought it was and IT might not look the same as it used to, but IT is always there.  IT can feel like a fire in your belly. IT can look like confidence and success.

So what the heck am I talking about? It’s so hard to explain, because it’s an abstract idea. There is just something, that makes people who they are. There is something that creates drive and passion in all of us. If you can harness this ‘something’, it can take you anywhere! I mean that! It is what turns your “I wonder if’s…” into “I can’s…” and “I did’s”!

You have to find it and believe in it, with all of your heart. You need to feel it and give legs to it! What do I mean by ‘legs’? Put it in motion. Apply it to your goals, your desires, your passions, your “I wonder if’s”. Make a plan, and GO!

I know there have been times in my life when I had lost it and life keeps moving. But without IT…you become a passenger, rather than a driver. Be a driver! When you have it, or rediscover it, or find it…you are in control of where you’re going! And you can go anywhere if you believe in IT! Set your mind to IT and JUST do IT!

You can see when someone has IT! They know they can, they can feel IT. IT changes how they approach each new day, and IT takes them exactly where they want to go. You can see their determination and their belief in themselves. They are taking IT to the next level. And they know that there is no limit to where IT can take them. I have participants in my challenge groups that have IT! I am inspired by them every day, and I’m sure that anyone who comes into contact with them is inspired, too. You can’t help but be inspired by someone who has IT. IT is a magical and sometimes contagious thing. You can catch IT!

Here’s the kicker though. I can’t tell you what IT is. Only you know. IT is SO much and SO little. IT is everything, and the ONE thing! Make sense? 😉

Do you have IT? I highly recommend IT! IT can change your life. 🙂

*Offer: If you have IT, and want to take IT to the next level OR, if you want IT and need IT, than consider joining my next 30 day challenge and put IT to the test! Click “30 Day Challenge” at the top of this page for more information.

White Chicken Chili, a Family-Pleaser!


This is SO tasty. The kids liked it as is, but you could spice it up a little more by adding some diced jalapenos, and/or a little more cayenne pepper. This is very satisfying and very healthy. Each serving will be about 285 calories. Makes about 6 servings. Enjoy!


1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 (4 ounce) cans chopped green chile peppers
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (or to taste)
2 (14.5 ounce) cans chicken broth
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (cooked & diced)
3 (15 ounce) cans white beans
1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Slowly cook and stir the onion until tender. Mix in the garlic, green chile peppers, cumin, oregano and cayenne. Continue to cook and stir the mixture until tender, about 3 minutes. Mix in the chicken broth, chicken and 2 cans of the white beans. Puree the 3rd can of beans with a little of the broth from the chili. Add to the rest of the ingredients in the pot. Simmer 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
2. Remove the mixture from heat. Optional: Before serving, top w/diced avocado, light sour cream, reduced fat cheese, cilantro, etc…

For the salad: I made a tossed salad with a Honey Lime Vinaigrette Dressing.

Salad for 3-4

1 T. olive oil

juice of 1 lime

1 t. honey

1 crushed garlic clove

salt and pepper to taste

Wisk, toss and enjoy!

Groundhog Day – Virtual 5K!


Interested in doing a 5K? Grab a friend, spouse, neighbor, significant other, dog, stranger, etc…and hit the road, the sidewalk, the treadmill…WHATEVER! This is your 5K to run, walk, skip, hop, crawl ANYWAY you like! *You get the idea, right?!

You’ve got 4 weeks to train, recruit, and plan for the big event. Map out a 3.1 mile course, dust off your treadmill, or find a local track…and lace up your shoes!

On Saturday February 2, at 10:00 a.m., we’ll all do our own personal 5K’s, however, wherever and with whomever we choose! We’ll then report back with our results and celebrate all of our personal victories! Whether it’s your first or fiftieth 5K, it’s your race to win! Put it on your calendar and start training!

Sign up below to receive additional information, training tips and instructions! Pass it on, and make it an event to share!