Weekly Meal Plan for March 3 – 9

Click on image for a “clickable” menu with links to recipes.

So HERE is the meal plan for this upcoming week. I’m still trying to figure out what is the best method to share this, but for now this will do. If you click on the image above, it should bring up a printable page, linked to the recipes that I plan to use throughout the week. Now, there is always some wiggle-room here, but this is the outline I intend to work with for the week. Last week, I stuck with everything on the plan until Friday, when we were supposed to have baked tilapia, and then we found out that friends were coming for dinner. I had to change the plans because there wouldn’t have been enough for everyone. Instead, I made the whole wheat pizza recipe, also on my site here. It’s a family friendly, crowd-pleasing recipe that takes a little effort, but makes for a fun dinner to share because everyone can get involved in the process.

To prepare for this weeks meals, I’ll be doing  a little prepping and pre-cooking. I’ll grill up a couple of chicken breasts for salads/wraps. I plan to make up some homemade Larabars, a cheaper and healthier alternative to store-bought, pre-wrapped snack bars. I probably cook up some quinoa, too, to use in various salads and sides. Just a little work now makes the week go so much more smoothly!

It’s going to be a delicious week! 🙂

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2 Replies to “Weekly Meal Plan for March 3 – 9”

  1. Is there anyway you can share an editable version of this document so that I can use it? Just found your website and LOVE IT!!

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