I ❤ this guy!
TONY IS AT IT AGAIN!!! (He’s a busy guy!)
He has a *BRAND NEW* program coming out in 2 weeks!
P90 ➡ “The ON-SWITCH to Fitness!”
And I am starting a TEST GROUP on Monday October 6!
In an early test group, Jamie (picture) lost 71 pounds! And she’s still going!
Who is this program for?
This program will be for anyone who:
▪thought that the other P90 programs were more than they could handle!
▪is recovering from an injury.
▪hasn’t worked out for a decade!
▪just wants to maintain what you’ve got without killing yourself!
You’ll get 10 workouts + 1 BONUS workout when you order through me! You’ll also get access a full SIX weeks before everyone else!
Click HERE to get FIRST access to this program AND news about the TEST GROUP!
From Tony:
“Here’s something you thought I’d never say . . .
Hardcore workouts aren’t for everybody. I mean, what if you just want to lose 20 pounds? Or get back some of the muscle tone you had in college. Maybe you just want to get out of bed in the morning without a backache. For that all you need is something straightforward. Fundamental. Doable.
That’s why I created the NEW P90 workout.
Whether you used to be in shape and feel fitness has now passed you by, or you’ve never worked out a day in your life, my P90 workout is your easy-to-follow way to lose substantial weight, have the energy to run and play with your kids, and feel better in everything you do—without the agony of high-intensity exercise.
P90 is the result of everything I’ve learned in 20 years.
Here’s the key . . . In as little as 25 minutes a day, P90 will help you completely change your body—not by working you harder—but by keeping it simple. Simple cardio. Simple resistance training. A simple approach to portion control. I won’t say these new workouts are easy . . . but they’re a whole lot easier to get done now. And that’s how P90 will help you finally get the body you want.”
now brings you the NEW P90® workout.

Get on the list to be notified and join the TEST GROUP!