He has a *BRAND NEW* program coming out in 2 weeks!
P90 ➡ “The ON-SWITCH to Fitness!”
And I am starting a TEST GROUP on Monday October 6!
In an early test group, Jamie (picture) lost 71 pounds! And she’s still going!
Who is this program for?
This program will be for anyone who:
▪thought that the other P90 programs were more than they could handle!
▪is recovering from an injury.
▪hasn’t worked out for a decade!
▪just wants to maintain what you’ve got without killing yourself!
What will you get?
You’ll get 10 workouts + 1 BONUS workout when you order through me! You’ll also get access a full SIX weeks before everyone else!
Click HERE to get FIRST access to this program AND news about the TEST GROUP!
From Tony:
“Here’s something you thought I’d never say . . .
Hardcore workouts aren’t for everybody. I mean, what if you just want to lose 20 pounds? Or get back some of the muscle tone you had in college. Maybe you just want to get out of bed in the morning without a backache. For that all you need is something straightforward. Fundamental. Doable.
That’s why I created the NEW P90 workout.
Whether you used to be in shape and feel fitness has now passed you by, or you’ve never worked out a day in your life, my P90 workout is your easy-to-follow way to lose substantial weight, have the energy to run and play with your kids, and feel better in everything you do—without the agony of high-intensity exercise.
P90 is the result of everything I’ve learned in 20 years.
Here’s the key . . . In as little as 25 minutes a day, P90 will help you completely change your body—not by working you harder—but by keeping it simple. Simple cardio. Simple resistance training. A simple approach to portion control. I won’t say these new workouts are easy . . . but they’re a whole lot easier to get done now. And that’s how P90 will help you finally get the body you want.”
—Tony HortonCreator of P90X®, P90X2®, and P90X3®
now brings you the NEW P90® workout.
Nathan lost 26 pounds!Elle lost 24 pounds & 23 inches!
Get on the list to be notified and join the TEST GROUP!
So I said that I was going to attempt weekly marathon training updates, so update I shall!
Week 1 is in the books! This is my fifth time training for a marathon, but I’m still just as nervous about it as I was the first time! It’s been four years, but I never swore it off forever – like so many do after their first one. I actually knew I’d do it again, I just wasn’t sure when. When is now! I don’t have any nagging injuries (knock on wood) and except for the asthma, I don’t have anything that will prevent me from at least making it to the starting line (knock on wood)!
I’m following my tried and true Hal Higdon Novice Marathon Plan. Why, you ask, am I using the Novice plan for my FIFTH marathon? Well…all I’m really concerned with is getting up to the mileage I’ll need to run the marathon. That means a slow and steady progression, with a few taper weeks, up to the LONG run, which is 20 miles. That happens a couple of weeks before the big day, and then I’ll taper again until the race.
I don’t actually do scheduled “tempo runs” and “intervals”, etc. My method is very unscientific. If I feel good, I run fast. If not, I don’t. If I get an itch, I’ll pick up and sprint for a spell, if not, I don’t. That’s it. I’m not trying to win…just survive.
The other reason is that I don’t want to give up some of my other workouts. I love lifting weights and I love doing other cross-training workouts, especially my favorite DVD workouts. I have been doing The 21 Day FIX workouts, since finishing P90X3. And right now I’m looking forward to PiYo, which is set to be released this week! I excited to pair this program with my running schedule because I ALWAYS need help with flexibility and strengthening. 🙂
Ultimately, I don’t care so much about my finish time, I just want to arrive in Chicago healthy, strong and capable of finishing. If I have a good day…GREAT!
I’m also trying to run this time a little more au natural. I will, however, be wearing clothes. I just mean I’m trying to avoid the fuel of the past. I used to rely on Gatorade and GU shots for hydration and food for long runs, but these days I’m just not that into food coloring and massive amounts of corn syrup. I’m trying out some cleaner, more natural alternatives…so we’ll see how that pans out. So far I’ve discovered that I’m not a BIG fan of the way plain coconut water tastes. I could choke it down, but I might need to doctor it up a bit! I’m looking for ideas on the interwebs!
So this week’s schedule consisted of 3, 3 mile runs (I did 2 of them, and walked on another day). And my long run today was a 6 miler. It’s easy now, the weather is nice and the miles are short…but boy when it gets hotter and the miles get longer…it’s going to be rough!
Today’s LONG Run Report
Weather Conditions: sunny, warm, almost perfect ☀
Injury Report: NONE (knock on wood!) ✔
Nature Sightings: loads of wildflowers ❀ ✿ and 1 chalk drawing of male genitalia (does that count as “nature”?)
Songs that Inspired: “Let it GO” by Elsa ❄
Passers-by: friendly, smiles, though not a lot of “hello’s” 🙂
Chaffing: mild
On a Scale of 10: 8 – Legs felt good, it was a success.
This is REALLY exciting for me! When I started coaching and then blogging almost 2 years ago, I started following a blog called Fat Chick to Fit Chick. I loved the way that Jennifer wrote, she’s HILARIOUS and insightful and full of wonderful pop-culture references! I LOVE funny people and all things funny! Besides that, she is so dang inspiring! Her transformation and her journey had me hooked! I have also used many of her recipes and workout ideas!
In short…LOVE HER!
So…I’ve been following her blog for quite some time. And I also follow her on Instagram and Facebook. I truly admire her. She has a sweet little girl she calls “Tink” and her husband Tim is hilarious, too! It’s funny how you feel like you sort of get to know these people you follow on Social Media, and to me, she had become a bit of a celebrity!
Therefore…when I contacted her about doing a Challenge Group with me, and she said YES! My heart was all a flutter! 🙂 She has been intrigued by The 21 Day FIX, so that is the program that she and her husband Tim will be doing in my next, very special edition, Challenge Group! You know I’ve talked a lot about this program in other posts, but I truly can’t say enough about it! I’ve seen SUCH amazing results with it! It is SO effective because it combines Fitness AND Nutrition! And let’s be honest…NUTRITION is the key! You can work out until you’re blue in the face (though I wouldn’t recommend it), but if you fall apart in the kitchen, you’re just not going to see results! You’ll get handy, color-coded portion control containers. So no need to count calories or points! If it fits in the container, you can eat it! And don’t worry…you won’t be hungry. Most participants are shocked at the amount of food they CAN eat! *There’s even a container for chocolate and wine! BAM! The workouts are quick (30 minutes!) and perfect for ANY level! They are basic; no fancy equipment needed, and no difficult choreography.
*If you’d like to join Jennifer, and ME, we’ll start on Monday, June 30. The deadline to join and order will be next Friday, June 20th.
Just fill in the info below, and I’ll give you the details you’ll need to join, and I’ll save you a spot!
Starting TODAY (Wed 6/4) at 3:00 PM EST/12PM PST!!!
These are some SERIOUSLY deep discounts!! You bet I’ll be grabbing a few of these!
The offer is valid for a LIMITED TIME ONLY starting TODAY – Wednesday June 4th at 3PM EST/12PM PST until Monday June 9th at 12PM PST – OR while quantities last! Which won’t be long for some of these! Some items will be gone today! Guarantee! If you see something you’ve had your eye on…GRAB it! This link will be live as soon as the sale is opened! So keep your finger on your mouse and get ready to click! 🙂 https://www.TeamBeachbody.com/Shop/summer-sale?referringRepId=186682
Ok…I have a personal goal this month to help as many people as I can get started with one of my two FAVORITE programs! These are the lowest prices ever offered for these 2 programs, but I want to do MORE!
So here’s the deal, I am extending a personal offer – ON TOP of the sale that’s already ON – until MIDNIGHT tonight (5/28).
P90X3 Challenge Pack (complete program PLUS Shakeology) is on sale for $180 (already a $95 savings vs. buying separately) + $25 BACK (from me!) = $155 (now a $120 savings!!!)
OR think of it this way…it’s like buying Shakeology and getting P90X3 for $25!!!
Turbo Fire Challenge Pack (complete program PLUS Shakeology) is on sale right now for $140 (a $90 savings vs. buying separately) + $25 BACK (from me!) = $115 ($115 savings!!!)
Or think of it this way…(this one is crazy). It’s like saving $15 on Shakeology AND getting Turbo Fire for FREE!
Offer ends TONIGHT (WED. 5/28) at midnight! TOO crazy to pass up! Help me reach my goal, and help yourself reach YOUR goals! Anyone who orders will be invited to join my Challenge Group for daily support and accountability!
Pick a program and click the order links above, or email me to get more information.
“PiYo gives you hardcore definition, intense calorie burn, and allover strength—without weights, without jumps, and without destroying your body.” -Chalene Johnson (creator of PiYo)
Are you on my list yet to be notified as soon as it’s available? You should be on the list cause guess what…you can get it 2 weeks earlier than everyone else when you order through a COACH (like me)!
PiYo comes with 8 different workouts that you can do right at home. They are 25 to 45 minutes long, and vary in the target areas they hit. PiYo will be available to Beachbody Coaches exclusively at Coach Summit in Las Vegas which is just 23 days away! The base program will sell for $59.85! And IF you purchase from a Beachbody Coach (like ME) you will receive a BONUS workout!
Here is a description of the EIGHT/9 workouts:
First up, Align: The Fundamentals (46 mins)
Define: Upper Body is a focused workout (35 mins) that will strengthen and stretch your entire body, while building on the movement patterns you have learned in Align.
Define: Lower Body (25 mins) will shape and tone everything from your glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves gently, yet effectively to help you get sleek and lean legs.
Sweat (35 mins) is a traditional PiYo Workout that is fast paced with body weight strength training and ab work!
An amazing 30 minute Core workout that will hit every muscle in your POWERHOUSE!
PiYo Sculpt (30 mins) uses body weight to generate muscular endurance to stimulate metabolic changes to totally and utterly transform your figure!
Strength Intervals (25 mins): 25 minutes is all you need of this body carving workout!
Drench (45 mins): This workout not only leaves you drenched, but your metabolism will have been kick-started to ensure you scorch away fat!
BONUS Workout when you order through a coach (Like ME!)
Check out this video preview!
What about results?
Want to be part of my first TEST GROUP!?
The earlier you save your spot, the better! I believe this group will fill up fast!Fill out the application below!
So, I had my first (of MANY, I’m sure) marathon nightmares. This one was relatively tame compared to some that I’ve had in the past.
First of all, I’m training for the 2014 Chicago Marathon! Ah! What was I thinking? Yes, I’ve completed 4 marathons, but it’s been 4 years, so I’m feeling pretty nervous about it. My OFFICIAL training hasn’t quite begun yet. I’m in the PRE-training stage of my training. Does that make sense? I’m just trying to get my legs, heart and lungs used to pounding the pavement again. I’m doing about 3-4 runs per week, with a maximum distance SO FAR of 6 miles. That mileage will begin to jump up very soon! It’s going to be a looonng summer!
So anyway…back to my nightmare.
Previous nightmares have been things like, suddenly I get lost in the middle of the race! Or that they’ve decided to throw in some obstacles, like running through buildings, along tight spaces, climbing things, etc… One of my nightmares actually came true! In 2010 (my last marathon), I showed up late and had to sprint across downtown Chicago BEFORE starting my marathon. I was also attempting to pin my bib on myself at the same time. This is not the way you really want to start your marathon. I had to run 26.2 miles after that nonsense!
So last night I had a similar dream. I showed up on time, but realized I hadn’t gone to the Expo the day before to pick up my bib and microchip. The race organizers directed me to a building where I had to stand in line to get my bag, quickly try to attach my microchip and bib, find a place to put my belongings and make my way back to the start. At that point I of course experienced the dreaded ‘running through quick sand’ feeling, where no matter how hard I tried… I couldn’t seem to run! UGH! Thankfully at that point, I woke up and all was well. Crisis averted…for now!
Now…only 138 more sleeps until the race.
I’ve decided to attempt a weekly blog entry to chronicle my training. I’m hoping for lots of nice weather, no injuries and a mild year of asthma symptoms! Is that too much to wish for?
Also, I started a super cool running group just for moms – or people who have moms – who like to run, or walk, or move briskly from one spot to another! We talk about things like chaffing and running bras and just encourage each other to be awesome! Sounds fun doesn’t it?!
If you’re interested, send a request to join to HERE!
PS – I don’t run that fast. It wouldn’t be that hard to “keep up”! 😉
You don’t have to be afraid to come out of the locker this summer! There’s still time to get in shape and feel comfortable at the beach or at the pool!
Join me starting June 2 for 30 days! We’ll be working out, eating clean and keeping each other accountable all while having FUN in our daily support group right on Facebook! If you’ve thought about doing a group like this in the past…what are you waiting for? You’ll never know what you’re capable of achieving until you try!
But hurry! Deadline to join is TOMORROW: Friday (May 23) at midnight!
All you need is a workout plan or program that you will be following for the 30 days. Everyone will commit to 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days/week! *If you don’t have a plan, I can help you pick one (p.s. Check out the SALES below!). We’ll be focusing on nutrition for the 30 days; working on incorporating more clean foods and healthier choices! We’ll have a private Facebook group for daily check-ins and support. I’ll provide tips, recipes, ideas, suggestions and your daily dose of motivation to help you reach your goals! Interested? Just fill out this brief application:
And to make it even sweeter, this month 2 of my all-time favorite programs are on SUPER sale! I lost my first 16 pounds with Turbo Fire back in 2012 and I still LOVE doing the workouts because they are FUN! Originally $119, this month you can get the program AND Shakeology for $140!!! That is CRAZY! You will essentially get the entire program for $10!
P90X3 is the last 90 day program that I started this past December and just finished a couple of months ago. If I had to pick a favorite program…well…let’s just say that this one is RIGHT up at the top! Check out my results with BOTH below!
With both challenge packs you will get the complete program PLUS Shakeology at a HUGE savings versus buying them separately AND you’ll get me as your coach to help you through! Win Win WIN! Please let me know if you have any questions! I get excited to talk about programs I LOVE!
Last week, for FIVE days, a group of ladies – mostly busy moms – made time for themselves! Imagine THAT! We focused on preparing healthy foods, and fitting in 30 minute workouts. We had a 5-day meal plan and a private group for support and accountability. We measured before we started and then hid the scale for 5 days! Five days later, we brought the scales back out and the results were AMAZING!
In just FIVE days, with 12 ladies reporting, they lost a combined total of 37.5 pounds! That’s an average of over 3 pounds each…in just five days! And truth be told…many of them admit to not getting in every 30 minute workout, but by just cleaning up their diet for 5 days, they lost the weight anyway!
Read their testimonials!
Kristin: “I lost 2 pounds and stayed on track. Thank you Angie!!! Your kindness shows through in helping others.”
Chris: “I lost 2.4 lbs., no inches. I love having the accountability because it keeps me on track! Thank you!”
Hope: “Happy … dropped 3 lbs! A start to those unwanted extra 7 I packed on during the fall/winter. Heading in the right direction. I’m feeling real good about what could be an awesome outcome with an exercise routine. Thanks for invite!”
Audra: “I too lost 3 pounds. Believe it or not. I didn’t exercise much. I did love the meal plan. I am excited to keep on going. Thanks Angie. I can’t wait to give the next one more commitment. I’m sure the results will be amazing.”
April: “I lost 2 pounds. I haven’t measured but I notice my stomach is a bit tighter and I cranked up my back workouts this week and loving the progress. Thanks so much for the motivation all week!!”
Sharon: “Down a pound and down 1.5 inches. Thank you Angie for coordinating this challenge for us! I loved having the accountability and the easy to follow meal plan. It definitely got me back on track with clean-eating and showed/reminded me that it’s not as hard to do it as sometimes I think AND I feel better and sleep better when I eat good, clean food! Thanks Angie ! You’re the best!”
Molly: “I lost 4 pounds! I didn’t see much change in my measurements. I’m going to keep using the meal plan but mix it up a little! My typical work day always included a stomach ache after lunch – no matter what I was eating – the healthy choice meal or a salad? I did not have one stomach ache this week!! I didn’t think I would be able to cut out the diet pop – it was hard but not as hard as I thought it would be! It was a very good week – I had to adjust some meals for my kids but hopefully they will work into more of the food as we keep going! Thanks for a great week with nice results!”
Debbie: “I lost 1.3 pounds. I just got P90X3 so anxious to start that. I never have an issue working out. I love to work out. I just can’t get the last bit of my diet dialed in. I have a mental hang up somewhere. Thanks for the great week.”
Stefanie: “I actually lost 1lb. I did eat clean But didn’t follow the meal plan 100%. I exercised only 2 this week. It really wasn’t about losing anything for me, but feeling energized and the good feeling you get when you eat clean!! Ty Angie Beech Hunt!!”
Kelley: “Loved this 5 day challenge! Before I got the stomach flu, I’d say I was at an 8 for the challenge. I love the hide the scale idea…I have to do that more often!!!! I lost 10.8, which some of that was due to being sick, but definitely not all! Thanks, Angie”
Michelle: “Really enjoyed this challenge, thank you Angie. I just got back from vacation so this was great for me to get right back on track! I have had so much energy this week and felt great! I lost 3 lbs and am very happy with that! I would give myself a 7 for excercise this week and a 9 for nutrition! I will be making my own meal plan today for next week. Thanks again!”
Nancy: “I was so excited to weigh and measure this morning! I lost 4 lbs and 5 inches! Even though I couldn’t workout much this week, I think being sick helped me not eat much. Angie, thank you SO much for doing the meal plan. I always thought eating clean would be harder…and it did take some extra planning, but I really liked all of the food! This is definitely something I am going to continue (with exercise).”
Now imagine what those results could have been with everyone focusing on BOTH exercise AND nutrition!
And then imagine what we could accomplish in 21 Days of clean eating and daily 30 minute workouts! Well, some of these ladies are going to find out! And you can, too! 🙂
Starting April 7, I’m starting a 21 Day Challenge. We’ll be using the EXTREMELY popular program – The 21 Day FIX. My first group with this program lost an average of 4 pounds/week each! One of the ladies lost 18 pounds in just 21 days – almost a pound a day!!! This program combines nutrition AND fitness. You’ll get an easy to follow nutrition guide that utilizes neat, color-coded containers that you fill with the foods you need to eat each day. You’ll be eating lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, veggies and good fats, in PROPER portion sizes! You won’t need to count calories or points or anything like that. If it fits in the container, you can eat it! And you’ll find that a little goes a long way! The most common comment from my first group was how satisfied everyone was eating this way every day! They were shocked, because they weren’t hungry! And the workouts? Every day you’ll do a different 30 minute workout. They are so effective and easily modified for anyone at ANY level of fitness!
I’m excited to start another group with this program, because it is SO effective! Deadline to join is March 31 and spots will be limited. So if you’re ready to commit for 21 days and see what you can achieve, provide your information below so that I can get you signed up and ready to go!
*Sorry, no coaches or anyone already working with a coach.
#1 Question I get asked as a Beachbody Coach: “When is Chalene Johnson going to come out with a NEW program, and what will it be!? I LOVE Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme SO much…I just can’t take it anymore!”
I’m happy to provide BOTH answers for you!
Chalene Johnson’s NEW Workout!
Coming June 2014!
Improve Your Overall Strength and Flexibility
Get an ultra lean and intensely defined physique without bulking up or straining your joints.
Introducing PiYo, a high-intensity, low-impact workout for a new kind of STRONG.
Chalene Johnson took the very best Pilates and yoga-inspired moves and cranked up the speed to give you full throttle cardio, strength, and flexibility training—all at once. PiYo packs it ALL into each workout so you can build lean muscle mass—as you’re burning crazy calories.
Want to sculpt every single inch of your body? Watch this video about the new PiYo workout.
Now you can carve every inch of your body.
How? You’ll use your body weight to perform a series of continuous, targeted moves, to burn fat as you redefine every single muscle. No weights. No jumps. Just hardcore results.
The result? Problem areas become no problem. You’ll get sleek, long arms, sexy, flat abs, a tight, lifted butt, and the confidence that comes from knowing you’re at your best!
This is your chance to define exactly how you want to look—and how you want to feel. You’re in control.
You have the power to define yourself. Now use it.
Be First To Get Chalene Johnson’s PiYo!
Want to be the first to get Chalene Johson’s PiYo Workout? Want to get the workout schedules for PiYo, meal plans, and everything else before everyone else? Simply fill in the form below!