Fingers crossed that there will be no sell-out of this program, but act fast just in case!
Base Kit Insanity Max 30 Includes:
12 Workouts on 10 DVDs
150 NEW moves
“Nutrition to the Max” Guide
“No Time to Cook” Guide
60-Day “Max Out” Wall Calendar so you know which workouts to do each day
Max Out Guide
Bonus Workout “Sweat Fest” if you order from a Coach
Deluxe Kit Insanity Max 30 Includes:
Everything the Base Kit includes (not sure if the Bonus workout is!)
Plus 3 more workouts:
Max Out Abs
Max Out 15
Max Out 360 Abs
Shaker cup
Calipers to measure Body Fat
And YES….those color-coded portion control (21 Day Fix) containers!
Base Kit – Retail $119, Club Member $107.87, Coach $89
Deluxe Kit – Retail $239.70, Club Member $215.73, Coach $179.78
*Challenge Pack – $180
A STEAL, because you get Shakeology + the NEW Insanity Max 30.
A one-time order of Shakeology by itself, with shipping (because there’s no $2 shipping deal if you’re doing a one-time order) would be somewhere in the ballpark of $150 depending on where you’re located. So it’s like getting Insanity Max 30, a program that gets RESULTS and you’ll have it for life, for $20-30. Or you could think of it as getting the discount on Shakeology. Either way, it’s a great deal!!NEW Coaches can sign up with the challenge pack, save $39.95 on the sign-up fee, AND start saving 25% right away as well as earn a 25% commission when friends and family buy through you!
Psst…I’ll teach you HOW!
*When Shaun T was asked how is it different from Insanity and T25, he said essentially (i.e. not direct quote) it’s his only program that truly pushes you to test and track your limits so you can improve your fitness level. But he went on to say “ANYONE CAN DO THIS PROGRAM” because you can choose to see the modifier the whole time and because you can get more done in less time than Insanity (which is easier time-wise and mentally); yet it’s more intense than T25. He went on to say the modifier moves are still very effective to sculpt your body and admittedly in some instances MORE effective in building muscle and fitness than the jumping!
The NEW Insanity Max 30 which is scheduled to be available in a couple days… sometime on Tuesday December 2HERE or through your coach’s site if I’m not your Coach.
These workouts are 30 minutes of pure intensity.
BUT, if you’re not up to the intensity, there will be a modifier and you can select to ONLY watch the modifier the whole time.
The whole idea of this fitness program is for you to find, and continuously challenge, your max endurance at your max intensity… burning loads of calories and fat in the process. The before and after transformations have been jaw-dropping!
What does it mean to MAX OUT? Well, on day one, you might make it through just three minutes before you need your first break. That means you MAXED out but it doesn’t mean you stop all together. It means you take your first break and get back to it. The next day you push yourself to make it longer until you need your first break… and so on. You’re always pushing past your fitness plateaus. You don’t coast through 30 minutes just so you can say you did it. You find your MAX each time – and that’s where you make significant changes to sculpt your body and hit a new level of fit! OF COURSE nutrition plays a role too and that’s why it comes with the “Nutrition to the Max” guide and the Deluxe Kit comes with 3 extra workouts and the 21-Day Fix containers.
Scheduled to be available *sometime* Tuesday Dec 2.
If you are not a Coach, you don’t have a Coach, and you would like for me to be your Coach, please send an email to to request that I be your coach. My Coach ID is 186682. My customers will get an invite to my next challenge group but space will be limited, so stay tuned!
I hope there’s no sell-out of this program, but everyone should act fast just in case!
Base Kit Insanity Max 30 Includes:
12 Workouts on 10 DVDs
150 NEW moves
“Nutrition to the Max” Guide
“No Time to Cook” Guide
60-Day “Max Out” Wall Calendar so you know which workouts to do each day
Max Out Guide
Bonus Workout “Sweat Fest” if you order from a Coach
Deluxe Kit Insanity Max 30 Includes:
Everything the Base Kit includes (not sure if the Bonus workout is!)
Plus 3 more workouts:
Max Out Abs
Max Out 15
Max Out 360 Abs
Shaker cup
Calipers to measure Body Fat
And YES….those color-coded portion control (21 Day Fix) containers!
Base Kit – Retail $119, Club Member $107.87, Coach $89
Deluxe Kit – Retail $239.70, Club Member $215.73, Coach $179.78
Challenge Pack – I don’t see anywhere OFFICIAL that has this price yet. I’ll keep you posted. A challenge pack includes the Base Kit + Shakeology HD and allows you to become a Coach with no start-up fee.
Here are some slides from a webinar Shaun T hosted with Beachbody detailing Month 1 and 2 workouts. I’m excited ALREADY!
I hope this was helpful and you’re excited for this!
Please reply back to this email if you have any questions.
Have a Fit Day!
*Through December 2 or while supplies last!
SAVE 50%-80% on popular workout programs & equipment!
21 Days, COMPLETE fitness and nutrition plan, AMAZING results!
*UPDATE: Limited Supply! Base kits have sold out until the end of March! Challenge Packs still available…read below!
Now there’s a program that makes losing weight so simple and easy to follow, you’ll never have to diet again! Counting calories and points can be a PAIN! You won’t need to do any counting with this program! And the workouts are just 30 minutes/day! Everyone can find 30 minutes!
A total body reset with ‘normal foods’! The 21 Day Fix was designed to be tough and effective. But it’s also a program that takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It’s a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow workouts that fit into anyone’s busy schedule.
The program’s trainer, Autumn Calabrese, has designed a plan that is the key focal point in this 21 day program. As you may know already, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a power 21-day total body cleanse that will give you insane results! However, the menu and foods can be quite intense and over-whelming. Well…good news. Autumn took the 21-Day Reset philosophy and broke it down using more traditional foods and meal planning. Also, unlike the Ultimate Reset, you are still able to workout with the 21 Day Fix! YAY!
The Meal Plan
When you purchase the 21 Day Fix, you will get portion-controlled containers to measure all of your food. Furthermore, Autumn outlines everything so you don’t have to do any kind of counting. If it fits into the container, you can eat it! Just fix, go and eat! What I like about the program is that she realizes that the ideals behind the program are not short-term. This has to work in real life! So she allows you to have things like chocolate and wine! You will develop behaviors during the 21 days that will become habits that will turn into a healthy lifestyle! Anyone can do this program! And you can do it again and again. As long as you want results, or whenever you need a short re-boot, this is your go-to program!
The Workouts
The program consists of 7 different workouts. Each workout lasts just 30 minutes and they are mixed up over the 3 weeks. The workouts can be done anywhere with very little equipment. Many of the moves are done with just body-weight. You’ll want a couple of hand-weights, and that’s about it. You’ll do a little of everything: yoga, pilates, strength-training, plyometrics, etc! The workouts are basic enough for beginners and challenging enough for more advanced users.
Test Groups
Initial test group participants, with people who stuck with the program, lost up to 10-15 pounds! And the weight loss won’t come from starving or depriving yourself! You’ll eat healthy, balanced meals, with plenty of calories. This is Beachbody’s first program to place equal emphasis on the nutrition AND fitness components…together!
I have a test group slated to start February 17! There’s still time to get your program and join the group for support, accountability and motivation! As of yesterday, base kits have sold out and are expected to begin shipping again at the end of March. BUT, challenge packs (with Shakeology) are ON SALE in February only, and still available for $140, which is like getting the program for $11! And you can order yours HERE!
To sign up for the Test Group, please provide your information below.