This idea is really going to blow your mind! I mean…it’s just so BIG and ingenious, I can’t wait to share it with you…
If there is one thing that I’ve learned in my 15 years as a parent and another 7 years as an educator…kids are opportunists! And we as parents can use that to our advantage!
My kids will generally eat veggies when they are cooked and put on their plates for dinner. It can take some doing, and some kids are more receptive than others, but we have some sorta veggie at most every dinner. And usually something GREEN at that! My mom was a firm believer that every dinner plate needed something green on it! Even if that meant double (or TRIPLE) veggies, because she had already cooked carrots and cauliflower! If she looked down at the plate and didn’t see something green…she’d whip up a salad and sleep better at night!
I guess that stuck. Because I kinda feel the same way. My body needs GREEN veggies!
My kids don’t feel that way…yet! But we’re working on it. Every day.
Raw veggies are something that most of my kids tend shy away from, usually. I do have one child who will eat most any veggie: cooked, raw, red, green, etc. She’s my salad eater. If I make myself a salad, she wants one too. Of course she wants hers slathered in ranch dressing, but that’s an issue for another day.
So in my challenge group the other day, I challenged my participants to set out some healthy snacks, like fruits and veggies, and just make them available to their kids without even suggesting they eat it. I decided to catch my project on hidden camera, and my kids played RIGHT into it! When they saw this video later, they all laughed and applauded my sneakiness! Take a look:
The bottom line is that if we make healthy foods available, easy to access, kids WILL go for it! Maybe not every time, but I believe over time you’ll see them grabbing foods you thought they might never eat on their own. No need to force or persuade. Just put them on your counter and see what happens. A good time for this is after school. Kids come home starving and start looking for quick snacks to stuff in their face. If there’s food RIGHT there, that they don’t have to search for, or prepare…chances are good that they’ll take the easy opportunity!
TRY it!
Monthly Challenge Groups are forming now! Join me for a month of focus on your health, fitness and nutrition, in a FUN and supportive accountability group (all done on Facebook!)
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