Double Time!

What time is it?


Looking for a fun way to spend more time with the people in your life? Like a healthy activity designed with families in mind?

Who’s ready to join me for an all new concept to get your family involved in wellness?!

Double Time is Tony Horton’s very first fitness program that makes living a healthier lifestyle something you can do with another person. You and your spouse or a friend (or one of your own kids) will take on daily partner workouts and healthy eating for 30 days. Just having that person around is going to give you the motivation to complete the entire program — and help you build stronger bonds along the way!

First ever DOUBLE TIME full family program!

What: 30 days of total-body workouts (all 35 minutes or less) that feel more like play and less like work!

How: You can start the program anytime with access to Beachbody on Demand! Not a member? CLICK HERE!

Who: Anyone at any fitness level (ages 8 and up) can do Double Time – you just need a partner!

Why:  Because we’re better together! Put down the screens, lace up your shoes and have fun getting fit!

My son and I have so much fun doing this together. We giggle through the whole thing and time absolutely FLIES! He gets to check off his workout calendar each day for his exercise and nutrition goals. Once completed, he’ll send it in and receive a free t-shirt! He’s very motivated to reach his goals! And since HE wants to do it, he motivates me to do it too! It’s a WIN WIN!

What Comes With Double Time?
*6 Workouts + 2 Bonus BOD exclusive workouts
*Quick start Guide
*Eating Plan
*30-Day Calendar
*Fun Bonus Program Materials
*43 Fun Family Recipes Booklet
*Double Time Kids’ Rewards Calendar
*Existing BOD members can purchase the Beachbody Buddy Ball on
*Also available on DVD: 6 workouts on 2 DVDs, Quick Start Guide, Eating Plan, 30-Day Calendar, and Beachbody Buddy Ball

Take a peek here for an inside look! 

Accelerate your results with Shakeology and/or Daily Sunshine!

Get everything you need for you and your partner to be successful with the All Access Beacbody on Demand Challenge Pack! Save over $100 when you bundle it all together!

  • streaming access to this program PLUS hundreds of other programs
  • all of the program materials: workout calendar, nutrition guide, recipes
  • Buddy Ball
  • 30 day supply of Shakeology or Daily Sunshine

BUY Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack


Need accountability and support? 

My coaching is always free for customers and clients! I run monthly challenges where I share daily tips, recipes, meal planning suggestions, etc. And we all check in daily for our workouts and nutrition. The support and accountability was so key in my 25 pound life transformation, and it’s I’ve maintained for the last 5 years! I’m getting people signed up for my next group! Fill out the info below:


Meal Plan and Happy Thought

First my happy thought: I’m so lucky to have such an awesome family! I got to hang out with some cool aunts, uncles and cousins today, when we all got together to celebrate my Grandma’s 85th birthday! Several of them joined me right after the new year, in a challenge group. They are still going strong, working out, eating healthy foods and reporting daily. And I finally saw them IN PERSON today, for the first time since Christmas! Although now they are down 15-25 pounds and dozens of inches EACH! Better than that were the smiles on their faces when they talked about their progress and how happy they are with what they’ve accomplished! What fun! I’ve been smiling all day! 😀

And now my meal plan for the week. This is helping me be accountable so much! I’m hoping that it helps some of you, too! 🙂

Click here to print and view recipe links.