So a very good friend of mine is getting set to begin a 30 day fitness challenge that we set up. She’s nervous. She’s afraid she’s going to sabotage herself, as she says she’s done before when she realizes she just doesn’t think it’s possible to EVER reach her goals. Well here’s why: her goal is to be “thin”.
What’s wrong with that goal you ask? Well…listen…there’s a better goal to have, and if you trust me, you’ll see it’s better than “thin” or “skinny”. Those are simply unrealistic, unhealthy goals to have when you’re starting your journey. Aim for fitness, and aim for health. That’s it! Make it a daily effort, for the rest of your life; not a 30 day challenge…and then back to where you were before. See every day as a new opportunity to make better choices, and before you know it, it’ll be your habit. It’s not going to happen overnight for sure! But once your mind is on board, your body will start to notice.
We all have very busy lives. We all have the same number of hours in a day. We all have the same choices at the grocery store. Make health and fitness a priority in your life, and you’ll start to make choices that will make you stronger and more resolute each day. You might need to wake up a little earlier (I’m still working on this one myself). You might need to plan your meals ahead. Your health is important, right? It’s worth the effort right? Keep in mind that you’re not going to change in leaps and bounds…it’s going to take baby steps. All the little things you do will add up and they’ll change you.
Aim for strength, both mental and physical. They sort of go hand in hand. Once you see yourself becoming stronger, you begin to feel stronger. Once you feel stronger, you realize…it’s not about being thin, or skinny. It’s about being your best you. You’ll be proud, satisfied and confident. ‘Strong’ looks different on everybody, but it looks perfect!