win, win, WIN!

holidayTis the season, eh! Already?! Seriously I swear it was JUST summer! But last night we had our first snow of the season! And you know what’s coming right? FOOD! Tis the season for sweets, treats and stuffing ourselves for the holidays!

Most people will gain weight over the holidays, and what’s worse is that MOST of those people will never lose the weight they gained over the next 2 months. The pounds will just keep adding up. You can promise yourself that you’ll lose it after the New Year; that’s what resolutions are for, right? But most people don’t follow through with their resolutions, and those extra pounds will be yours to keep. Bummer right?!

Well it doesn’t have to be that way. The best way to ensure that you don’t put extra weight on over the holidays is to get on track NOW and stay there! That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the holidays and the occasional treats that come with them. But you don’t need to go on a 2 month, over-eating BENDER to enjoy yourself! The holidays can quickly turn into the season of regrets if you don’t make up your mind to do it differently this year.

Make this a season of giving, and include yourself! Give yourself the gift of health and happiness; of satisfaction and pride! Invest in yourself, and make this a holiday season you’ll feel GREAT about! My next challenge group starts the Monday after Thanksgiving. We’ll be working out, focusing on good, clean nutrition and keeping each other accountable during this challenging time of year.

And just in time for the holidays, Beachbody is giving back! When you purchase a Challenge Pack – a new fitness program PLUS Shakeology (at a discounted bundled price) – you will receive a $20 coupon! Additionally, Beachbody will make a $20 donation to Feeding America, a hunger-relief charity, on your behalf! Just $1 donated equals 9 meals for families, individuals and children who go hungry this time of year. So there you have it…win, win, WIN! You get $20, families in need get real help, and you get FIT and healthy for holidays!

So, if you’re ready to start now, instead of waiting until you’ve put on even more unwanted pounds, then fill out this APPLICATION so that I can help you get started!

Challenge = Change

ChallengeChangeAs I’m getting ready to open my eighth monthly health/fitness challenge, I’m struck by some of the results that I’ve seen come out of them! I’ve heard from a few previous challenge participants over the last couple of days and their results are more than encouraging! These kind of results prove that true change happens when you challenge yourself to replace old habits with newer, healthier habits. It’s the lifestyle change that sets these amazing transformations into motion! The purpose of these challenges is not to get you in the best shape of your life in only 30 days. Rather, it’s to learn how to take care of yourself, and find motivation that you never knew you had, so that you can continue on your journey beyond the challenge.

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I’ve seen it happen time and again. Once you get used to the idea of eating cleaner, healthier foods, and making your daily workouts non-negotiable, you start to tackle every day with a new determination and purpose.

These challenge groups work because they combine all of the crucial elements. You get to pick a workout that suits you. Not everyone is expected to do the same workouts, what fun would that be? You have to find something that you enjoy, so that you can stick with it! The good news is that there are MANY to pick from. I personally have done Turbo Jam (seems like a million years ago!), P90X (all 90 days!), Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme, Les Mills Pump and now Insanity! Some people think that DVD programs would never work, or that they might get boring. That might have been true 10 years ago, but they have changed! You don’t just get one or two DVD’s, you get an entire folder full of DVD’s, each with different workouts, meant to be done on different days. Furthermore, there is a always program calendar to follow (usually 60-90 days) developed by fitness professionals that understand the importance of muscle confusion and well-timed rest days, etc. AND, there are usually some REALLY good tunes to work out to, which always helps me stay motivated!

The second part is nutrition. This was the game-changer for me. I always thought I ate pretty ‘healthy’, but I was definitely eating a lot of processed foods with labels like “low-fat”, and “sugar-free”, thinking that these things were healthy! Now, I’m not saying I don’t eat anything with those labels anymore, but I have switched a lot of it out for clean, healthy, unprocessed, whole foods. When I did, I started to see results like I had never seen before. I was so skeptical about Shakeology before I started, but honestly… now I can’t imagine a day without it! It is so satisfying, and full of nutrition! It curbs my cravings (especially the sweet-tooth cravings!), keeps me regular (if you know what I mean) and gives me enough energy to get through my very busy days! I drink it as one of my 5-6 small meals each day. Eating more often throughout the day, instead of 3 BIG meals, keeps me satisfied all day without the need to STUFF myself because I’m starving! You’ve heard the saying: “Abs are made in the kitchen”, and it’s true! You can work out everyday at high intensity, do crunches and planks galore, but if you’re not eating the right kinds of foods, you’ll never see what’s going on under that belly fat. I always share my meal plan, as well as some of the recipes that I’ve discovered along the way. It is NOT a diet, it’s a lifestyle change!  diet_over

The third and most important element is ACCOUNTABILITY! You can exercise and eat healthy all on your own, right? Well, when you have a group of people, who all have similar goals and expectations, and you report to them every day about your workouts, nutrition, victories and struggles…it just takes it to a whole new level! There’s just something about knowing that you’re going to tell people either “I crushed my workout today”, or “I skipped my workout today”, that motivates you to get it done! You’ll get to look forward to weekly progress checks and celebrate with the group when you’re making progress! Having that kind of support makes the process so positive and fun!

So without further ado, I’d like to share some of the results that have been reported.

  • Since I started, I’ve lost 22 pounds and about 16 inches. (Chalean Extreme, TurboFire, Les Mills Pump & Insanity + Shakeology)
  • Jen has lost 24 pounds and 21 inches! (Chalean Extreme & cardio + Shakeology)
  • Michele has lost 21 pounds and 23 inches! (Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire, Hip Hop Abs + Shakeology)
  • Gretchen is down 27.5 pounds since she started a few months ago! (Turbo Fire & Yoga)
  • Barb is 62 years old and so far has lost 17 pounds and 19 1/2 inches! (Walking, body-weight exercises & Tai Cheng + Shakeology)
  • My mom, age 63, is down 7 pounds and 6 inches, and looks & feels better than ever! (Slim in 6, Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme and running)
  • Lisa went from a size 14 to a size 8 and is down a total of 24 inches! (Chalean Extreme + Shakeology)
  • Jessica has lost 12 pounds and over 11 inches and is close to being as fit as she was when she was a college athlete! (Les Mills Pump & cardio + Shakeology)

And these are just a handful of the results I’ve seen! There are lots of reports of losing 10 – 15 pounds in the 30 days of the challenge, but it’s the results that go beyond that, that are SO incredibly inspiring. It makes me feel so good to know that the challenge causes a change in the way we think, eat, exercise and live! It works, if you do! Interested? Ready to start your own transformation? Check out the “30 Day Challenge” link at the top of this page.


Are You Going to START or Make it Last?!


It’s mid-December, hard to believe right? But you know what that means…January is just around the corner. And you know what that means, right? A new year is approaching! And you know what that means, right? Time to make your resolutions a reality! As we prepare for Christmas and do all of the cooking and baking and eating and running around like crazy chickens without our heads…we should take a minute and think about what we want for 2013. What do you want? Is it going to be the year of YOU?!

January is always such a big time for STARTING! It’s a new beginning, a new chance to get it right. The trick is to MAKE IT LAST! A good start begins with a solid plan. Do you have a plan? Consider this: I have a new challenge group starting up on January 7. This gives you about a week to recover from the holidays, formulate a plan, get organized and then CRUSH IT for 30 days! We’ll focus on health, fitness, eating clean and accountability: this is the key ingredient! We report in daily, and let the group know what we’re doing and how we’re doing. Are we sticking to our workout schedule? Are we eating the food that will help us achieve our goals? We’ll talk about our struggles and our achievements! You’ll take your before measurements, set realistic goals, and check your progress weekly. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish in 30 days if you stick with it! After that, you’ll have the momentum and motivation you’ll need to carry on and MAKE IT LAST!

If you know you’re ready, than let’s get you set for the 7th NOW! You can contact me through the “30 Day Challenge” link at the top of this page. We’ll talk about your individual goals and formulate a plan that will work best for you. Get ready, get excited, and then let’s get started! 😀